RuneBar: Runes that are energized, should they be instantly refreshed as active?

Blazeflack opened this issue ยท 1 comments


When a rune is energized, as indicated with a 2nd "true" argument in the RUNE_POWER_UPDATE event, should the rune with this runeID be instantly refreshed and displayed as available?

An Unholy Death Knight with the "Pestilent Pustules" talent has the ability to instantly gain 1 rune for every 6 Festering Wounds they burst (using Festering Strike and Scourge Strike).

I checked what "GetRuneCooldown" returns for a runeID that was energized, and it says that the rune is not ready even though it is. I'm thinking that we may have to simply overwrite the "runeReady" variable with the "isEnergize" argument.

Something like this:

- local Update = function(self, event, rid)
+ local Update = function(self, event, rid, isEnergize)

- if(runeReady) then
+ if(isEnergize or runeReady) then

- return runes:PostUpdate(rune, rid, start, duration, runeReady)
+ return runes:PostUpdate(rune, rid, start, duration, isEnergize or runeReady)

In its current state you may experience the rune bar showing 0 active runes even though you just gained a rune through the talent.


A fix for this was merged into #269 thanks to @Rainrider.