[7.2.5] Destruction Soul Shards

Gethe opened this issue ยท 11 comments


Per the patch notes:

Soul Shards are now divided into 10 Soul Shard Fragments for Destruction Warlocks ...

So Soul Shards for Destro Warlocks will be back to what they had in WoD, and would obviously have implications for the class icons element.

Now, while I would be willing to test this, I do not have a leveled Warlock and the PTR doesn't do premades anymore. That said, I'll try to level up a lock on the PTR as I have time.



Only layouts will need to change, those already supporting Anticipation (rogue talent) should be fine.


@p3lim, code wise-nothing changed on PTR, however, there's only one issue that is quite significant, default shard bars are StatusBars, whereas ours are Textures.

So I'm w/ @Gethe on this one. I'll test it today on PTR, we actually might need to upgrade classpowers.

P.S. Oops, clicked wrong button T_T Good morning everyone...


Yes, but you are not using the third argument for that function. Without that, UnitPower[Max] will only return full soul shards, in order to get partial soul shards you have to pass in true as the third arg.

Edit: Just tested this on a lvl 10 Detro Lock. UnitPowerMax("player", Enum.PowerType.SoulShards) returns 5, while UnitPowerMax("player", Enum.PowerType.SoulShards, true) returns 50


JIC, @Gethe is talking about this

function WarlockPowerBar_UnitPower(unit)
	local shardPower = UnitPower(unit, Enum.PowerType.SoulShards, true);
	local shardModifier = UnitPowerDisplayMod(Enum.PowerType.SoulShards);
	return (shardModifier ~= 0) and (shardPower / shardModifier) or 0;

I explained entire situation in our gitter :p


@Gethe, yeah, I tested it too... I'd say there's no need to call UnitPowerMax w/ 3rd arg, it's easier to do something like this:

local full, partial = math.modf(UnitPower("player", powerType, true) / UnitPowerDisplayMod(powerType))

For class power like pala's holy power modifier is 1, for soul shards it's 10.

ATM we're discussing if we want to convert all our classpowers to StatusBars, jic Blizz devs make other class powers work this way in the future, or create a separate soulshards/shards/shardbar element.

Here's a list of all relevant mods:

ArcaneCharges mod: 1
Chi mod: 1
ComboPoints mod: 1
HolyPower mod: 1
SoulShards mod: 10


We'd support both of course, checking the type of the frame/object.


Should not need any modifications to the element, it works dynamically based on UnitPowerMax.


Ah ok, thanks. Still though, I'd like to be sure.


Considering layouts need to support all classes and specs, textures are no longer viable for the classpower element.


RIP textures. 2006 - 2017. Never forget.



Closing this one.