Player auras require the new SecureAuraHeader to be used.

haste opened this issue ยท 8 comments


oUF is primarily a unitframe framework, the SecureAuraHeader system is more targeted for buff/debuff addons (basically, this enhancement is out of scope).

This feature could however be added through a plugin, should someone want to make one.


As it stands current, you get this error when trying to cancel the unitbuff by rightclick.
Date: 2010-10-22 19:22:06
ID: 2
Error occured in: AddOn: oUF
Count: 1
Message: Error: AddOn oUF attempted to call a forbidden function (CancelUnitBuff()) from a tainted execution path.



From the description, it looks like you are only going to use the secure header for player auras. If you were going to make all auras use the secure header, I'd like to request that you provide a secure path for player auras, and a non-secure path for target, party, etc auras. The secure path would allow for right-click canceling (but fewer sorting options), and the non-secure path would allow for more advanced sorting where you need it: on target, party, and raid auras.

TLDR: Please only use the secure header for player auras and not for target, party, raid auras.


If I provide a secure path, it will only be for the player auras, nothing more. No reason to limit the rest of the system.


Ah, this is what I need. Sad to see it over 2 years old.


It wasn't possible to implement before 4.3 or so.

Now, one would have to look at how much the aura system has changed in 5.0.


Would be great if this would be optional on both Buffs and Auras, some use them just for buff tracking.


It will be its own element. As mentioned before there's no need to limit the rest of the system.

It currently isn't feasible to implement the secure aura header system into oUF however.