(Death)runes not updating properly

Caeth opened this issue ยท 9 comments


the rune module works fine as long as no deathrunes are created. when deathrunes are created the runes fill up and dont show their cooldown anymore. if they are used they revert to the color they used to have but do not regain their ability to track cooldowns.


If you put print(rune) at line 63 in the runebar.lua file what does it output when you gain and loose a death rune?


When using deathstrike it outputs
When the runes come off cooldown it outputs (using an extra addon to trace cooldowns)

the numbers 3 and 5 are the runes that go on cooldown. I assume that 7 and 8 mean they turned into deathrunes? but they dont output anything when the runes come off cooldown.

so: total output


Theres a specific check after line 63 for the case of rune being 7/8, as I was getting it a lot during testing (no death runes) which I didnt understand why. BIll investigate


Thanks a bunch :) Can't wait to get a working runebar again. if you need any more info just send me a message.


I can't find my last message to you anymore and it containted alot of usefull information so here is it again:

When i do that i get no output on abilites that do not create deathrunes.
when i hit deathstrike i get output:
5 4
3 4
If i then deathstrike again i get:
6 4
4 4

The first number seems to represent the number of the rune if counter from left to right. blood being 1 and 2 unholy being 3 and 4 and frost being 5 and 6. the second number, in this case 4 seems to represent the deathrune.
Now, when i use up these deathrunes by using Icy Touch 4 times for example i get:
5 3
6 3
3 2
4 2
Again the first numbers are the rune counted from left to right. the second number indicates the type of rune it turns into. 3 being frost, 2 being unholy, which leaves me to believe that 1 stands for a deathrune that gets turned into a bloodrune (which i cannot do with my current spec)
These numbers make sense because even though i have deathrunes using a frost ability will trigger runes that are originally frost first.

Creating deathrunes again, this time i will spend then using bloodstrike:
the first 2 bloodstrikes used up bloodrunes and gave no output the remaining 4 used up deathrunes and gave the following output:
3 2
4 2
5 3
6 3
Same as before. these numbers also make sense because none of the deathrunes were originally blood so it just used them up in the order they came in.

Sorry if i just missed it and double posted.


In short.
there are 6 runes. 2 blood, 2 unholy and 2 frost.
there are 4 types or runes. blood, unholy, frost and death.
depending on the spec any of the first three types can be converted into a deathrune


This should be fixed now, cba to look up what revision it was fixed in tho'.


My runes still arent moving. If it works in your and other layouts i guess caellian's is just outdated now.


The comments on WoWInterface indicate that there are several issues with that layout.