


Error with Player Alt Power bar

Ravendwyr opened this issue ยท 2 comments


Hello! Me again!

I was running through some Mists of Pandaria heroics as a druid tank earlier today and got this error a lot:

72x oUF_Adirelle-1.9-beta-2-12-g3c62b23\oUF\colors-Colors.lua:63: bad argument #3 to "min" (number expected, got nil)
<in C code>
oUF_Adirelle-1.9-beta-2-12-g3c62b23\oUF\colors-Colors.lua:63: in function <oUF_Adirelle\oUF\colors.lua:62>
oUF_Adirelle-1.9-beta-2-12-g3c62b23\oUF\colors-Colors.lua:125: in function "ColorGradient"
oUF_Adirelle-1.9-beta-2-12-g3c62b23\modules\single\Style.lua:261: in function <oUF_Adirelle\modules\single\Style.lua:256>
(tail call): ?
(tail call): ?
oUF_Adirelle-1.9-beta-2-12-g3c62b23\oUF\events.lua:48: in function <oUF_Adirelle\oUF\events.lua:46>
(tail call): ?

r = 0
g = 0
b = nil
GetY = <func> @oUF_Adirelle\oUF\colors.lua:58

I get spammed with this error when in an encounter that involves an alternate power (such as Taran Zhu or Ook-Ook). I don't know why this is happening though, UnitAlternatePowerTextureInfo(unit, 2) returns what you'd expect.

Maybe it's a problem in oUF itself? I'd investigate further but I can't make sense of haste's code.

EDIT: Fix code block.


Sorry for the late answer. I haven't noticed this issue before today. Maybe should I disable the issues there.

I think I've got this error too but I fixed it in the meantime. Does it still happen ?


This error has been fixed. Thank you. :)