oUF_Hank Update


Warlock Resources & Totems

ckaotik opened this issue ยท 4 comments


Hey, you might (not) have noticed but I posted a modified version of oUF_Hank to Wowinterface (http://www.wowinterface.com/downloads/info21692-oUF_HankwWarlockResourcesTotemsworking.html) because neither shaman totems nor warlock resources worked ...
I also combined all those "class icon"-ish things together, but I suppose you wouldn't want to take that whole chunk. It's okay but not pretty.

Now that you're apparently back and doing things, it would be awesome if you could incorporate some of those changes - No sense in having several unsupported versions of the same thing ;) I'd love to switch back to your version!


Cool. I don't have a warlock or shaman so I haven't been able to focus on how to set that up so far. If you want to open a pull request, I could pull changes in. If not, I can take a look at it this weekend and try to pull stuff in. I was considering pulling in the class icon stuff, but haven't really worked out how much of a pain the animations would be yet.


I pulled in your updates nearly verbatim. I'd like to take a look at changing demonic fury to a text display rather than a bar and maybe playing with the icons some more, but it works great. I pulled in your warlock and shaman addons as well. If you wanted to post them separately I can link to them. Up to you. Thanks for the hard work!


That sounds awesome! I didn't really put an effort into demonic fury as my own warlock is only a bank char ... but not being able to see its state at all was annoying so I got it working but it's not pretty ;)

However, "my warlock and shaman addon" is not quite true, oUF_WarlockSpecBars is by tukz (http://www.wowinterface.com/downloads/info21226-1.00.html) and oUF_TotemBar is by Soeters (http://www.wowinterface.com/downloads/info13714-oUF_TotemBar.html#info) with one adjustment for recent oUF version.


Ahh, good to know. I'll remove oUF_WarlockSpecBars from the zip on wowi and link to it instead.

I'm going to keep oUF_TotemBar in for now unless you want to take that on and make it separate since it doesn't look like Soeters still plays. I don't really feel comfortable keeping it up to date as I don't have a shaman or really know how to play on.