Outfitter (Equipment Manager - Retail)

Outfitter (Equipment Manager - Retail)


Lua error

Meilinn opened this issue ยท 6 comments


I get this error every time I click something from the Outfitter menu. Thank you

Message: ...tter/Libraries/MC2UIElementsLib/MC2UIElementsLib.lua:1422: Action[SetPoint] failed because[SetPoint would result in anchor family connection]: attempted from: LibDropdownFrame0:SetPoint.

Time: Wed Jul 31 08:54:31 2024

Count: 1

Stack: ...tter/Libraries/MC2UIElementsLib/MC2UIElementsLib.lua:1422: Action[SetPoint] failed because[SetPoint would result in anchor family connection]: attempted from: LibDropdownFrame0:SetPoint.

[string "@Interface/AddOns/Outfitter/Libraries/MC2UIElementsLib/MC2UIElementsLib.lua"]:1422: in function `Show'

[string "@Interface/AddOns/Outfitter/Libraries/MC2UIElementsLib/MC2UIElementsLib.lua"]:1558: in function `ToggleMenu'

[string "@Interface/AddOns/Outfitter/Libraries/MC2UIElementsLib/MC2UIElementsLib.lua"]:1504: in function <...tter/Libraries/MC2UIElementsLib/MC2UIElementsLib.lua:1503>

Locals: self =


menuFrame = LibDropdownFrame0 {



items =


type = "group"

args =




point = "TOPLEFT"

relativeTo = OutfitterItem3OutfitMenu {

point = "TOPLEFT"

xOffset = 0

AutoSelectValue = true

Icon = OutfitterItem3OutfitMenuIcon {


relativeTo = OutfitterItem3OutfitMenu {


dropDownMenu =



yOffset = 3

relativePoint = "TOPRIGHT"

ParentItem = OutfitterItem3 {


AnchorPoint = "TOPLEFT"

items =



AnchorRelativePoint = "TOPRIGHT"

Button = Button {



relativePoint = "TOPRIGHT"

xOffset = 0

yOffset = 3

thank you


@b-morgan BlizzMove


I'm going to put up a new version of outfitter with updated version of libdropdown if you can say if that solves it for you. It at least makes outfitter use the same version as all other addons and I don't really see a side effect.


I've just downloaded the new version and the error is still there. ty

Message: ...tter/Libraries/MC2UIElementsLib/MC2UIElementsLib.lua:1422: Action[SetPoint] failed because[SetPoint would result in anchor family connection]: attempted from: LibDropdownFrame0:SetPoint.
Time: Tue Aug 6 19:43:55 2024
Count: 1
Stack: ...tter/Libraries/MC2UIElementsLib/MC2UIElementsLib.lua:1422: Action[SetPoint] failed because[SetPoint would result in anchor family connection]: attempted from: LibDropdownFrame0:SetPoint.
[string "@Interface/AddOns/Outfitter/Libraries/MC2UIElementsLib/MC2UIElementsLib.lua"]:1422: in function Show' [string "@Interface/AddOns/Outfitter/Libraries/MC2UIElementsLib/MC2UIElementsLib.lua"]:1558: in function ToggleMenu'
[string "@Interface/AddOns/Outfitter/Libraries/MC2UIElementsLib/MC2UIElementsLib.lua"]:1504: in function <...tter/Libraries/MC2UIElementsLib/MC2UIElementsLib.lua:1503>

Locals: self =

menuFrame = LibDropdownFrame0 {
items =
type = "group"
args =
point = "TOPLEFT"
relativeTo = OutfitterItem2OutfitMenu {
point = "TOPLEFT"
xOffset = 0
AutoSelectValue = true
Icon = OutfitterItem2OutfitMenuIcon {
relativeTo = OutfitterItem2OutfitMenu {
dropDownMenu =
yOffset = 3
relativePoint = "TOPRIGHT"
ParentItem = OutfitterItem2 {
AnchorPoint = "TOPLEFT"
items =
AnchorRelativePoint = "TOPRIGHT"
Button = Button {
relativePoint = "TOPRIGHT"
xOffset = 0
yOffset = 3


It's probably caused by another addon. Things that can move interface elements freely addons are high chance of causing this. So testing without other addons would be nice.
Did see some fix weakauras addon used for this in the past but would be nice to know how I can reproduce this myself. With knowing which addon this interaction happens with would be nice.


I'll try to find the culprit, I don't use Weakauras addon.

EDIT: Found it! DeModal addon. I just found another addon that works the same without causing errors. Thank you so much


@Meilinn Which other addon?