WoW Classic SoD - Outfitter since 1.15.4 incomp with DHUD
Teax20 opened this issue ยท 1 comments
World of Warcraft region: EU
World of Warcraft client: Classic SoD
World of Warcraft client language: enUS
Outfitter Version: (older versions also tested with same result)
Greetings, since Phase 5 Update 1.15.4 in SoD, Outfitter wont work in combination with DHUD.
First Error Line after loggin in with only Outfitter, DHUD and Swatter (for error reports) enabled.
Date: 2024-10-24 21:03:50
ID: 1
Error occured in: Global
Count: 1
Message: Interface/AddOns/Outfitter/Outfitter.lua line 5510:
attempt to call global 'GetSpecializationInfo' (a nil value)
[string "@Interface/AddOns/Outfitter/Outfitter.lua"]:5510: InstallDefaultSpecializationIcons()
[string "@Interface/AddOns/Outfitter/Outfitter.lua"]:5028: Function()
[string "@Interface/AddOns/Outfitter/Libraries/MC2SchedulerLib/MC2SchedulerLib.lua"]:242: OnUpdate2()
[string "@Interface/AddOns/Outfitter/Libraries/MC2SchedulerLib/MC2SchedulerLib.lua"]:178: OnUpdate()
[string "@Interface/AddOns/Outfitter/Libraries/MC2SchedulerLib/MC2SchedulerLib.lua"]:20:
self = <table> {
cRidingOutfitDescription = "Equips the outfit when you're mounted"
cFishingOutfit = "Fishing"
cFishingOutfitDescription = "Unequips the outfit if you enter combat, then requips it afterwards."
cCategoryOrder = <table> {
cFrenchLocalization = "French Localization"
cBattlegroundOutfit = "Battleground"
_SidebarWindowFrame = <table> {
cNewOutfit = "New Outfit"
OutfitStack = <table> {
cHerbalismOutfit = "Herbalism"
cFrostResistOutfit = "Resist: Frost"
cArenaOutfit = "Battleground: Arena"
cMissingItemReportIntro = "Missing items (note that a missing item will be listed multiple times if it was used by multiple outfits):"
cHunterWildDescription = "Equips the outfit when you are in Wild aspect"
cHasDebuffOutfit = "Has Debuff"
cUnequipOthers = "On equip, unequip other Accessory outfits"
cContributingDeveloper = "Contributing Developer"
cHalfAlternateStatSlot = <table> {
cFallingOutfit = "Falling"
cWSGOutfit = "Battleground: Warsong Gulch"
cDruidCatForm = "Druid: Cat Form"
cUseEmptyOutfit = "Create Empty Outfit"
cDontChange = "Don't change"
cAccessoryCategoryDescription = "Accessory outfits have some, but not all, slots specified. You can equip as many accessory outfits at a time as you like."
cQuestTurninOutfitDescription = "Use this to automatically equip your bonus XP gear before you turn in quests"
cBoEsCategoryDescription = "Unopened is a list of items which are still in their original 'Binds on Equip' state."
cTwinPeaksOutfit = "Battleground: Twin Peaks"
cIoCOutfit = "Battleground: Isle of Conquest"
cWithdrawOthersFromBank = "Withdraw other outfits from bank"
cItemComparisonsOffDescription = "Turn this on to include items from your outfits in tooltip item comparisons"
cLockpickingDescription = "Equips the outfit when your cursor is over a lock that is orange or red to you"
cBankedItemsLabel = "Banked items: "
cInZonesOutfit = "In Zones"
Initialized = false
cNatureResistOutfit = "Resist: Nature"
_InventoryCache = <table> {
_ExtendedCompareTooltip = <table> {
cRebuildFor = "Rebuild for..."
cFuHideMissingDesc = "Hide outfits with missing items."
cFinger0SlotName = "First Finger"
cHunterMonkeyDescription = "Equips the outfit when you are in Monkey aspect"
cEotSOutfit = "Battleground: Eye of the Storm"
cAccessoryOutfits = "Accessories"
LibDropdown = <table> {
ScriptContexts = <table> {
cOddsNEndsCategoryDescription = "Odds 'n ends is a list of items which are Soulbound but aren't used in any of your outfits."
cFuMaxTextLength = "Max text length"
cArgentTournamentOutfit = "Argent Tournament"
cRenameOutfit = "Rename Outfit"
TankPointsCategory = <table> {
cDeathknightBlood = "Deathknight: Blood Presence"
cNoItemsWithStatError = "Warning: None of your items have that attribute"
cUseTooltipLineFormat = "^Use:.*"
cAboutCopyright = "Copyright 2006 - 2018 John Stephen"
cTitle = "Outfitter"
_PawnScaleStat = <table> {
cSpellcastOutfit = "Spellcast"
cItemLevelName = "Item Level"
cDruidAquaticForm = "Druid: Aquatic Form"
cFuHint = "Left-click to toggle Outfitter window."
cAbilityIcons = "All icons (spells only)"
cAlteracValleyOutfitDescription = "Equips the outfit when you're in in the Alterac Valley battleground"
SpiritRegenOutfitDescription = "Equips the outfit when you are regenerating mana (out of the five-second rule)"
cRestingOutfit = "Resting"
BuiltinEvents = <table> {
Style = <table> {
PawnScalesCategory = <table> {
cBerserkerStance = "Berserker Stance"
Suspended = false
cShowMinimapButton = "Show Minimap Button"
cDragonFlightCompatiblity = "People that REALLY want to see this addon continued"
Object = <table> {
cSlotDisplayNames = <table> {
cDepositToBank = "Deposit all items to bank"
cOutfitBarSmallSizeLabel = "Small"
cVersion = ""
cInvTypeToSlotName = <table> {
cArcaneResistOutfit = "Resist: Arcane"
cFlameLeviathanOutfit = "Flame Leviathan"
cLowHealthOutfit = "Low Health or Mana"
cUniqueGemItemIDs = <table> {
_OutfitMethods = <table> {
cNormalOutfit = "Normal"
Swatter, v4.4.7010 (SwimmingSeadragon)
DHUD, vv2.0.110002.89
Outfitter, v4.4.0.5
BlizRuntimeLib v1.15.4.56857(EU) <enUS>
Second error here comes up as soon as i click the outfitter Button in the char menu. The outfitter icon is also slightly moved into the rune icon
Date: 2024-10-24 21:07:46
ID: 2
Error occured in: Global
Count: 1
Message: Interface/AddOns/Outfitter/OutfitterInventory.lua line 1248:
attempt to call method 'GetItems' (a nil value)
[string "@Interface/AddOns/Outfitter/OutfitterInventory.lua"]:1248: CompiledUnusedItemsList()
[string "@Interface/AddOns/Outfitter/Outfitter.lua"]:3003: Update()
[string "@Interface/AddOns/Outfitter/Outfitter.lua"]:2113: ShowPanel()
[string "@Interface/AddOns/Outfitter/Outfitter.lua"]:1296: OnShow()
[string "*Outfitter.xml:1077_OnShow"]:1:
[string "*Outfitter.xml:1077_OnShow"]:1
[string "=[C]"]: Show()
[string "@Interface/AddOns/Outfitter/Outfitter.lua"]:1270: ToggleOutfitterFrame()
[string "*Outfitter.xml:592_OnClick"]:1:
[string "*Outfitter.xml:592_OnClick"]:1
self = <table> {
ItemsByCode = <table> {
InventoryItems = <table> {
ItemsBySlot = <table> {
FirstBagIndex = 0
NumBags = 4
BagItems = <table> {
NeedsUpdate = false
(for state) = <table> {
Complete = <table> {
Accessory = <table> {
(for control) = "Complete"
vCategoryID = "Complete"
vOutfits = <table> {
1 = <table> {
2 = <table> {
(for state) = <table> {
1 = <table> {
2 = <table> {
(for control) = 1
vOutfitIndex = 1
vOutfit = <table> {
didEquip = true
didUnequip = false
Items = <table> {
CategoryID = "Complete"
ScriptLockupCount = 0
OutfitBar = <table> {
Name = "Enhancement"
ScriptSettings = <table> {
(*temporary) = nil
(*temporary) = <table> {
didEquip = true
didUnequip = false
Items = <table> {
CategoryID = "Complete"
ScriptLockupCount = 0
OutfitBar = <table> {
Name = "Enhancement"
ScriptSettings = <table> {
(*temporary) = "attempt to call method 'GetItems' (a nil value)"
Swatter, v4.4.7010 (SwimmingSeadragon)
DHUD, vv2.0.110002.89
Outfitter, v4.4.0.5
BlizRuntimeLib v1.15.4.56857(EU) <enUS>
The author of DHUD is incorrectly defining a global function (GetNumSpecializations) that is a Blizzard function only available in versions after Classic. I can make special code to work around it, but the author of DHUD will break a lot more than Outfitter. I suggest contacting DHUD to get it fixed.
The second issue is probably due to DHUD breaking Outfitter on load.