Ovale Spell Priority

Ovale Spell Priority


Out-of-combat combo point decay being applied in combat

ShmooDude opened this issue ยท 1 comments


Occasionally, the out of combat decay code for combo points is triggering while in combat. When we're at 5 combo points, this can cause Ovale to keep suggesting generators when at 5 combo points. Since the combo point event won't fire again to update until the combo points change (using a generator at max combo points doesn't fire the event), it'll just keep suggesting a generator until Ovale corrects itself after several seconds.

Since this seems to be so infrequent, I think I'm just going to disable that section of the code until I have time to properly debug why the combat flag is wrong. The worst this will do is over report combo points when they decay out of combat, but that's much less of an issue than under reporting them in combat.

I suspect its the PLAYER_REGEN events but I'm not sure.


Has been fixed for a while