Ovale Spell Priority

Ovale Spell Priority


Retribution paladin bug

eXhausted opened this issue ยท 0 comments


Condition BuffPresent(divine_purpose_buff) never gets true for retribution paladin. I'm not very familiar with your engine, but as I see the reason could be in ovale_paladin_spells.lua:121.

Define(divine_purpose_buff 90174)

If 90174 is spell id then it's wrong. Right now id for divine purpose is 223819. http://www.wowhead.com/spell=223819/divine-purpose

But if I change Define(divine_purpose_buff 90174) to Define(divine_purpose_buff 223819) nothing happens. Hope you know how to fix. Thanks :)

Also SpellInfo(divine_purpose_buff duration=8) is wrong, new duration is 12