Ovale Spell Priority

Ovale Spell Priority


Outlaw rogue, between the eyes legendary support. & Sin Garrot CD bug

inforcer007 opened this issue ยท 3 comments


Would it be possible to add between the eyes to the script for outlaw a checkbox for the legendary?

Forgot to mention assassin spec garrot has a cd issue it takes too long to countdown even when energy is full not as bad as the rupture one that was fixed but still annoying.


I dont have a rogue to try it. Does this script work?

# Based on SimulationCraft profile "Rogue_Outlaw_T19P".
#    class=rogue
#    spec=outlaw
#    talents=1310022


AddFunction stealth_condition
    ComboPointsDeficit() >= 2 + 2 * { Talent(ghostly_strike_talent) and not target.DebuffPresent(ghostly_strike_debuff) } + BuffPresent(broadsides_buff) and Energy() > 60 and not BuffPresent(jolly_roger_buff) and not BuffPresent(hidden_blade_buff) and not BuffPresent(curse_of_the_dreadblades_buff)

AddFunction ss_useable
    Talent(anticipation_talent) and ComboPoints() < 4 or not Talent(anticipation_talent) and { rtb_reroll() and ComboPoints() < 4 + TalentPoints(deeper_stratagem_talent) or not rtb_reroll() and ss_useable_noreroll() }

AddFunction ss_useable_noreroll
    ComboPoints() < 5 + TalentPoints(deeper_stratagem_talent) - { BuffPresent(broadsides_buff) or BuffPresent(jolly_roger_buff) } - { Talent(alacrity_talent) and BuffStacks(alacrity_buff) <= 4 }

AddFunction rtb_reroll
    not Talent(slice_and_dice_talent) and BuffCount(roll_the_bones_buff) <= 1 and not BuffCount(roll_the_bones_buff more 5) and { not BuffPresent(curse_of_the_dreadblades_buff) and not BuffPresent(adrenaline_rush_buff) or not BuffCount(roll_the_bones_buff more 4) }

AddCheckBox(opt_melee_range L(not_in_melee_range) specialization=outlaw)

AddFunction OutlawUseItemActions
    Item(Trinket0Slot usable=1)
    Item(Trinket1Slot usable=1)

AddFunction OutlawGetInMeleeRange
    if CheckBoxOn(opt_melee_range) and not target.InRange(kick)
        Texture(misc_arrowlup help=L(not_in_melee_range))

### actions.default

AddFunction OutlawDefaultMainActions

    unless OutlawBfMainPostConditions()

        unless OutlawCdsMainPostConditions()
            if Stealthed() or not SpellCooldown(vanish) > 0 or not SpellCooldown(shadowmeld) > 0 OutlawStealthMainActions()

            unless { Stealthed() or not SpellCooldown(vanish) > 0 or not SpellCooldown(shadowmeld) > 0 } and OutlawStealthMainPostConditions()
                if TimeToMaxEnergy() > 2 and not ss_useable_noreroll() Spell(death_from_above)
                if not ss_useable() and BuffRemaining(slice_and_dice_buff) < target.TimeToDie() and BuffRemaining(slice_and_dice_buff) < { 1 + ComboPoints() } * 1.8 Spell(slice_and_dice)
                if not ss_useable() and BuffRemaining(roll_the_bones_buff) < target.TimeToDie() and { BuffRemaining(roll_the_bones_buff) <= 3 or rtb_reroll() } Spell(roll_the_bones)

                unless OutlawBuildMainPostConditions()
                    if not ss_useable() OutlawFinishMainActions()

                    unless not ss_useable() and OutlawFinishMainPostConditions()
                        if Talent(dirty_tricks_talent) and ComboPointsDeficit() >= 1 Spell(gouge)

AddFunction OutlawDefaultMainPostConditions
    OutlawBfMainPostConditions() or OutlawCdsMainPostConditions() or { Stealthed() or not SpellCooldown(vanish) > 0 or not SpellCooldown(shadowmeld) > 0 } and OutlawStealthMainPostConditions() or OutlawBuildMainPostConditions() or not ss_useable() and OutlawFinishMainPostConditions()

AddFunction OutlawDefaultShortCdActions

    unless OutlawBfShortCdPostConditions()

        unless OutlawCdsShortCdPostConditions()
            if Stealthed() or not SpellCooldown(vanish) > 0 or not SpellCooldown(shadowmeld) > 0 OutlawStealthShortCdActions()

            unless { Stealthed() or not SpellCooldown(vanish) > 0 or not SpellCooldown(shadowmeld) > 0 } and OutlawStealthShortCdPostConditions() or TimeToMaxEnergy() > 2 and not ss_useable_noreroll() and Spell(death_from_above) or not ss_useable() and BuffRemaining(slice_and_dice_buff) < target.TimeToDie() and BuffRemaining(slice_and_dice_buff) < { 1 + ComboPoints() } * 1.8 and Spell(slice_and_dice) or not ss_useable() and BuffRemaining(roll_the_bones_buff) < target.TimeToDie() and { BuffRemaining(roll_the_bones_buff) <= 3 or rtb_reroll() } and Spell(roll_the_bones)

                unless OutlawBuildShortCdPostConditions()
                    if not ss_useable() OutlawFinishShortCdActions()

AddFunction OutlawDefaultShortCdPostConditions
    OutlawBfShortCdPostConditions() or OutlawCdsShortCdPostConditions() or { Stealthed() or not SpellCooldown(vanish) > 0 or not SpellCooldown(shadowmeld) > 0 } and OutlawStealthShortCdPostConditions() or TimeToMaxEnergy() > 2 and not ss_useable_noreroll() and Spell(death_from_above) or not ss_useable() and BuffRemaining(slice_and_dice_buff) < target.TimeToDie() and BuffRemaining(slice_and_dice_buff) < { 1 + ComboPoints() } * 1.8 and Spell(slice_and_dice) or not ss_useable() and BuffRemaining(roll_the_bones_buff) < target.TimeToDie() and { BuffRemaining(roll_the_bones_buff) <= 3 or rtb_reroll() } and Spell(roll_the_bones) or OutlawBuildShortCdPostConditions() or not ss_useable() and OutlawFinishShortCdPostConditions() or Talent(dirty_tricks_talent) and ComboPointsDeficit() >= 1 and Spell(gouge)

AddFunction OutlawDefaultCdActions

    unless OutlawBfCdPostConditions()

        unless OutlawCdsCdPostConditions()
            if Stealthed() or not SpellCooldown(vanish) > 0 or not SpellCooldown(shadowmeld) > 0 OutlawStealthCdActions()

            unless { Stealthed() or not SpellCooldown(vanish) > 0 or not SpellCooldown(shadowmeld) > 0 } and OutlawStealthCdPostConditions() or TimeToMaxEnergy() > 2 and not ss_useable_noreroll() and Spell(death_from_above) or not ss_useable() and BuffRemaining(slice_and_dice_buff) < target.TimeToDie() and BuffRemaining(slice_and_dice_buff) < { 1 + ComboPoints() } * 1.8 and Spell(slice_and_dice) or not ss_useable() and BuffRemaining(roll_the_bones_buff) < target.TimeToDie() and { BuffRemaining(roll_the_bones_buff) <= 3 or rtb_reroll() } and Spell(roll_the_bones)
                if TimeToMaxEnergy() > 5 or Energy() < 15 Spell(killing_spree)

                unless OutlawBuildCdPostConditions()
                    if not ss_useable() OutlawFinishCdActions()

AddFunction OutlawDefaultCdPostConditions
    OutlawBfCdPostConditions() or OutlawCdsCdPostConditions() or { Stealthed() or not SpellCooldown(vanish) > 0 or not SpellCooldown(shadowmeld) > 0 } and OutlawStealthCdPostConditions() or TimeToMaxEnergy() > 2 and not ss_useable_noreroll() and Spell(death_from_above) or not ss_useable() and BuffRemaining(slice_and_dice_buff) < target.TimeToDie() and BuffRemaining(slice_and_dice_buff) < { 1 + ComboPoints() } * 1.8 and Spell(slice_and_dice) or not ss_useable() and BuffRemaining(roll_the_bones_buff) < target.TimeToDie() and { BuffRemaining(roll_the_bones_buff) <= 3 or rtb_reroll() } and Spell(roll_the_bones) or OutlawBuildCdPostConditions() or not ss_useable() and OutlawFinishCdPostConditions() or Talent(dirty_tricks_talent) and ComboPointsDeficit() >= 1 and Spell(gouge)

### actions.bf

AddFunction OutlawBfMainActions
    if { HasEquippedItem(shivarran_symmetry) and not SpellCooldown(blade_flurry) > 0 and BuffPresent(blade_flurry_buff) and Enemies() >= 2 or Enemies() < 2 and BuffPresent(blade_flurry_buff) } and BuffPresent(blade_flurry_buff) Texture(blade_flurry text=cancel)

AddFunction OutlawBfMainPostConditions

AddFunction OutlawBfShortCdActions
    unless { HasEquippedItem(shivarran_symmetry) and not SpellCooldown(blade_flurry) > 0 and BuffPresent(blade_flurry_buff) and Enemies() >= 2 or Enemies() < 2 and BuffPresent(blade_flurry_buff) } and BuffPresent(blade_flurry_buff) and Texture(blade_flurry text=cancel)
        if Enemies() >= 2 and not BuffPresent(blade_flurry_buff) Spell(blade_flurry)

AddFunction OutlawBfShortCdPostConditions
    { HasEquippedItem(shivarran_symmetry) and not SpellCooldown(blade_flurry) > 0 and BuffPresent(blade_flurry_buff) and Enemies() >= 2 or Enemies() < 2 and BuffPresent(blade_flurry_buff) } and BuffPresent(blade_flurry_buff) and Texture(blade_flurry text=cancel)

AddFunction OutlawBfCdActions

AddFunction OutlawBfCdPostConditions
    { HasEquippedItem(shivarran_symmetry) and not SpellCooldown(blade_flurry) > 0 and BuffPresent(blade_flurry_buff) and Enemies() >= 2 or Enemies() < 2 and BuffPresent(blade_flurry_buff) } and BuffPresent(blade_flurry_buff) and Texture(blade_flurry text=cancel)

### actions.build

AddFunction OutlawBuildMainActions
    if ComboPointsDeficit() >= 1 + BuffPresent(broadsides_buff) and not BuffPresent(curse_of_the_dreadblades_buff) and { target.DebuffRemaining(ghostly_strike_debuff) < BaseDuration(ghostly_strike_debuff) * 0.3 or SpellCooldown(curse_of_the_dreadblades) < 3 and target.DebuffRemaining(ghostly_strike_debuff) < 14 } and { ComboPoints() >= 3 or rtb_reroll() and TimeInCombat() >= 10 } Spell(ghostly_strike)
    if ComboPointsDeficit() >= 1 + BuffPresent(broadsides_buff) and BuffPresent(opportunity_buff) and { TimeToMaxEnergy() > 2 - TalentPoints(quick_draw_talent) or BuffPresent(blunderbuss_buff) and BuffPresent(greenskins_waterlogged_wristcuffs_buff) } Spell(pistol_shot)
    if ss_useable() Spell(saber_slash)

AddFunction OutlawBuildMainPostConditions

AddFunction OutlawBuildShortCdActions

AddFunction OutlawBuildShortCdPostConditions
    ComboPointsDeficit() >= 1 + BuffPresent(broadsides_buff) and not BuffPresent(curse_of_the_dreadblades_buff) and { target.DebuffRemaining(ghostly_strike_debuff) < BaseDuration(ghostly_strike_debuff) * 0.3 or SpellCooldown(curse_of_the_dreadblades) < 3 and target.DebuffRemaining(ghostly_strike_debuff) < 14 } and { ComboPoints() >= 3 or rtb_reroll() and TimeInCombat() >= 10 } and Spell(ghostly_strike) or ComboPointsDeficit() >= 1 + BuffPresent(broadsides_buff) and BuffPresent(opportunity_buff) and { TimeToMaxEnergy() > 2 - TalentPoints(quick_draw_talent) or BuffPresent(blunderbuss_buff) and BuffPresent(greenskins_waterlogged_wristcuffs_buff) } and Spell(pistol_shot) or ss_useable() and Spell(saber_slash)

AddFunction OutlawBuildCdActions

AddFunction OutlawBuildCdPostConditions
    ComboPointsDeficit() >= 1 + BuffPresent(broadsides_buff) and not BuffPresent(curse_of_the_dreadblades_buff) and { target.DebuffRemaining(ghostly_strike_debuff) < BaseDuration(ghostly_strike_debuff) * 0.3 or SpellCooldown(curse_of_the_dreadblades) < 3 and target.DebuffRemaining(ghostly_strike_debuff) < 14 } and { ComboPoints() >= 3 or rtb_reroll() and TimeInCombat() >= 10 } and Spell(ghostly_strike) or ComboPointsDeficit() >= 1 + BuffPresent(broadsides_buff) and BuffPresent(opportunity_buff) and { TimeToMaxEnergy() > 2 - TalentPoints(quick_draw_talent) or BuffPresent(blunderbuss_buff) and BuffPresent(greenskins_waterlogged_wristcuffs_buff) } and Spell(pistol_shot) or ss_useable() and Spell(saber_slash)

### actions.cds

AddFunction OutlawCdsMainActions

AddFunction OutlawCdsMainPostConditions

AddFunction OutlawCdsShortCdActions
    if Enemies() >= 1 Spell(cannonball_barrage)
    if target.TimeToDie() < ComboPointsDeficit() or { 600 > 40 or BuffRemaining(true_bearing_buff) > 15 } and ComboPointsDeficit() >= 4 + TalentPoints(deeper_strategem_talent) + TalentPoints(anticipation_talent) Spell(marked_for_death)
    if HasEquippedItem(thraxis_tricksy_treads) and not ss_useable() Spell(sprint)
    if ComboPointsDeficit() >= 4 and { not Talent(ghostly_strike_talent) or target.DebuffPresent(ghostly_strike_debuff) } Spell(curse_of_the_dreadblades)

AddFunction OutlawCdsShortCdPostConditions

AddFunction OutlawCdsCdActions
    if BuffPresent(burst_haste_buff any=1) or target.TimeToDie() <= 20 or ComboPointsDeficit() <= 2 OutlawUseItemActions()
    if EnergyDeficit() > 40 Spell(arcane_torrent_energy)

    unless Enemies() >= 1 and Spell(cannonball_barrage)
        if not BuffPresent(adrenaline_rush_buff) and EnergyDeficit() > 0 Spell(adrenaline_rush)

AddFunction OutlawCdsCdPostConditions
    Enemies() >= 1 and Spell(cannonball_barrage) or HasEquippedItem(thraxis_tricksy_treads) and not ss_useable() and Spell(sprint) or ComboPointsDeficit() >= 4 and { not Talent(ghostly_strike_talent) or target.DebuffPresent(ghostly_strike_debuff) } and Spell(curse_of_the_dreadblades)

### actions.finish

AddFunction OutlawFinishMainActions
    if not BuffPresent(greenskins_waterlogged_wristcuffs_buff) Spell(between_the_eyes)
    if not Talent(death_from_above_talent) or TimeToMaxEnergy() < SpellCooldown(death_from_above) + 3.5 Spell(run_through)

AddFunction OutlawFinishMainPostConditions

AddFunction OutlawFinishShortCdActions

AddFunction OutlawFinishShortCdPostConditions
    not BuffPresent(greenskins_waterlogged_wristcuffs_buff) and Spell(between_the_eyes) or { not Talent(death_from_above_talent) or TimeToMaxEnergy() < SpellCooldown(death_from_above) + 3.5 } and Spell(run_through)

AddFunction OutlawFinishCdActions

AddFunction OutlawFinishCdPostConditions
    not BuffPresent(greenskins_waterlogged_wristcuffs_buff) and Spell(between_the_eyes) or { not Talent(death_from_above_talent) or TimeToMaxEnergy() < SpellCooldown(death_from_above) + 3.5 } and Spell(run_through)

### actions.precombat

AddFunction OutlawPrecombatMainActions
    if not Talent(slice_and_dice_talent) Spell(roll_the_bones)

AddFunction OutlawPrecombatMainPostConditions

AddFunction OutlawPrecombatShortCdActions
    unless Spell(augmentation) or Spell(stealth)
        if 600 > 40 Spell(marked_for_death)

AddFunction OutlawPrecombatShortCdPostConditions
    Spell(augmentation) or Spell(stealth) or not Talent(slice_and_dice_talent) and Spell(roll_the_bones)

AddFunction OutlawPrecombatCdActions

AddFunction OutlawPrecombatCdPostConditions
    Spell(augmentation) or Spell(stealth) or not Talent(slice_and_dice_talent) and Spell(roll_the_bones)

### actions.stealth

AddFunction OutlawStealthMainActions

AddFunction OutlawStealthMainPostConditions

AddFunction OutlawStealthShortCdActions
    unless Spell(ambush)
        if stealth_condition() Spell(vanish)

AddFunction OutlawStealthShortCdPostConditions

AddFunction OutlawStealthCdActions
    unless Spell(ambush)
        if stealth_condition() Spell(shadowmeld)

AddFunction OutlawStealthCdPostConditions

### Outlaw icons.

AddCheckBox(opt_rogue_outlaw_aoe L(AOE) default specialization=outlaw)

AddIcon checkbox=!opt_rogue_outlaw_aoe enemies=1 help=shortcd specialization=outlaw
    if not InCombat() OutlawPrecombatShortCdActions()
    unless not InCombat() and OutlawPrecombatShortCdPostConditions()

AddIcon checkbox=opt_rogue_outlaw_aoe help=shortcd specialization=outlaw
    if not InCombat() OutlawPrecombatShortCdActions()
    unless not InCombat() and OutlawPrecombatShortCdPostConditions()

AddIcon enemies=1 help=main specialization=outlaw
    if not InCombat() OutlawPrecombatMainActions()
    unless not InCombat() and OutlawPrecombatMainPostConditions()

AddIcon checkbox=opt_rogue_outlaw_aoe help=aoe specialization=outlaw
    if not InCombat() OutlawPrecombatMainActions()
    unless not InCombat() and OutlawPrecombatMainPostConditions()

AddIcon checkbox=!opt_rogue_outlaw_aoe enemies=1 help=cd specialization=outlaw
    if not InCombat() OutlawPrecombatCdActions()
    unless not InCombat() and OutlawPrecombatCdPostConditions()

AddIcon checkbox=opt_rogue_outlaw_aoe help=cd specialization=outlaw
    if not InCombat() OutlawPrecombatCdActions()
    unless not InCombat() and OutlawPrecombatCdPostConditions()


Thanks for the script it works perfectly =)


I have only disabled the legendary check. Function hasitemequiped is bugged atm.