Ovale Spell Priority

Ovale Spell Priority


MM outported script from SIMC doesn't work

toxicherpes opened this issue ยท 6 comments


When I cast stuff the ovale plugin doesnt pick it up
MM Hunter only i think


Why are you closing your old ticket #170?
Is this fixed now? I left any informations for the Author / Owner to check this.



I read them :)
It's just that these last months, I lack time, but I do my best. I don't even play WoW more than one or two hours a week


I thought I should make a ticket because ovale providing a output is fixed, it's just that the output doesn't work. Sorry if I made a mistake. Wonder if the plugin coder even reads these.


Could you explain what does not work? I just tested the script on a my hunter and it seems to work. But I am in no way an expert


shit didn't mean to close it

When I put my simcraft profile into the input I get these errors. (http://imgur.com/a/sjC1Q)
When I try to use the output it doesn't pick up that i've used a spell. Like if aimed shot comes up I would use it but ovale doesn't pick up it and give me the next spell to use.


Oh yes, there is something strange in the simcraft profile, I had to fix them before importing. See https://github.com/Sidoine/Ovale/blob/master/simulationcraft/SimulationCraft_Hunter_MM_T19P.simc
It looks like the "trueshotaoe" action list should have a cooldown, etc. which is not handled by Ovale. I replaced it by the trueshot spell cooldown.