Ovale Spell Priority

Ovale Spell Priority


[] "not BuffPresent()" condition not working

sirTribble opened this issue ยท 2 comments


AddIcon specialization=protectio
if BuffPresent(shield_of_the_righteous_buff) spell(shield_of_the_righteous)

Code above is working correctly, but code below is not. The spell is always suggested. "unless" condition does not work also

AddIcon specialization=protection
if not BuffPresent(shield_of_the_righteous_buff) spell(shield_of_the_righteous)


Use if BuffExpires(shield...) Spell(...)


The second one will display SotR as being usable when the SotR buff expires, so some time in the future, so you're right that it would always display SotR while the former does not. BuffExpires() should exhibit the same behavior as not BuffPresent() Is the second one saying to cast it now, or in the future (ie when SotR is going to fall off).