Ovale Spell Priority

Ovale Spell Priority


L100 Paladin Spellbook Detection Issue...

Nazgul084 opened this issue ยท 2 comments


The Blade of Justice spell is replaced by Blade of Wrath for some talents. The spellbook for Ovale detects both the old and new spell ID (shown below), but only the new spell name. This causes issues where Ovale will display the correct spell icon for rotation, but SpellFlashCore will not highlight or flash the Blade of Wrath spell... possibly because it is being passed the spell ID for Blade of Justice (184575) that is not present on the action bar.

Spellbook detection debug output...
Blade of Wrath: 184575
Blade of Wrath: 202270


This did not fix the issue.

SpellFlash is not functioning for Blade of Wrath, when Blade of Justice is present in the Paladin rotation config, ovale_paladin_spells.lua.

Is there a debug option to show what API values get passed to SpellFlash? (There is a second bug where this could be useful, where the Main Attack is always white, regardless of changes in Ovale's SpellFlash config).


After manually adding in some temporary debugging code, I am able to confirm that, in Frame.lua, OvaleSpellFlash passes the original spell ID, not the replacement spell ID. The function that changes the Ovale Action Bar icon, UpdateActionIcon, calls OvaleBestAction:GetActionInfo, which calls GetActionSpellInfo, that checks for spell replacement. No such check occurs in the OvaleSpellFlash function.