Ovale Spell Priority

Ovale Spell Priority


Lua Error Spam

Ghanrak opened this issue · 4 comments


"Message: Interface\AddOns\Ovale\Frame.lua:172: attempt to call
Time: 08/11/16 19:58:19
Count: 12238
Stack: [C]: in function UnitGUID' Interface\Addons\Ovale\Frame.lua:172: in functionOnUpdate'
Interface\Addons\Ovale\Frame.lua:89: in function


This is the message that continues to spam.


Yup, same thing again. Downloading the latest release and overwriting the files in the Ovale directory worked. Just gives out a few small lib errors:

1x Ovale\libs\AceDBOptions-3.0\AceDBOptions-3.0-15.lua:357: unfinished string near '"'
1x Ovale\libs\AceComm-3.0\AceComm-3.0-9.lua:107: unfinished string near '"^[�-'
1x Ovale\libs\LibTextDump-1.0\LibTextDump-1.0-1.lua:298: unfinished string near '"'

Is there a good source for the current libs? How are those downloaded exactly?


Just use a previous version's libraries (7.0.8 or 7.0.5 should be fine).


My guess is it's the same thing that happened last time, that all the /n got changed to actual carriage returns as it looks very similar.

EDIT: Yeah, if you copy the libs from the old version and use the code on github works fine so its gotta be something happening over on curse's side or the generation of the release version itself..


Errors stopped with via Curse.