Ovale Spell Priority

Ovale Spell Priority


Problems with "unknown ID" while importing from SimCraft

GTmAster opened this issue ยท 2 comments


Hi, I'm trying to import SimCraft 720-01 script to Ovale.
Converting process generates some warnings of two types:

Warning: Unable to find spell 'potion'
Warning: Unable to determine tag for 'UNKNOWN', assuming 'main' (actionType: spell)

And I get this script for Ovale:

When I trying to use it, I got a lot of errors from OvaleCompiler of two types:

Unknown spell with ID beastial_wrath used in SpellCooldown(beastial_wrath)
Unknown spell with ID potion used in Spell(potion)

And script doesn't work at all. Any idea how to solve this?


A workaround is to comment out any lines using potion (there's 2) before importing (put a # in front of it)

bestial_wrath is also misspelled (bestial_wrath, not beastial_wrath) and that's why you're getting the error but since the misspelling is in the potion line commenting it out will work for that too.


created a ticket for this in simc