Ovale Spell Priority

Ovale Spell Priority


WW 7.2 Serenity issues

dherran opened this issue ยท 0 comments


Talents: 3213133
Legos: Drinking Horn Cover | The Emperor's Capacitor

Issue 1: when specced into Serenity the checkbox for "opt_storm_earth_and_fire" doesn't work. In fact, Serenity keeps appearing in the short cd abilities box all the time. Serenity should only be suggested in the long cd abilities box when SoTW and FoF are available or have less than 12 sec cd.

Issue 2: when Serenity starts, FoF is randomly suggested with >6 seconds left on the buff. This happens 90% of the time. FoF should only be suggested at the very end of Serenity for snapshotting. Maybe with 1 or 2 secs left to cater for latency?

In the screenshot, the Serenity buff had 7 seconds left when FoF was suggested.