Ovale Spell Priority

Ovale Spell Priority


Doesn't run at all in 7.2.5

flatluigi opened this issue ยท 13 comments


Something made it busted completely. Might be that SPELL_POWER_X is no longer usable, but it could be a range of things.


Having the same problem. I can see the settings icon next to the mini map. But the addon is not showing.


BugSack flagged line 47 in Stance.lua with a 'table index is nil' error:

[API_GetSpellInfo(171745)] = "druid_claws_of_shirvallah",

Once I commented it out things seemed to work fine.


all i know is that this is completely 100% broken. i dont know anything about debugging. i need help on this.


Open up Stance.lua and put '--' in front of [API_GetSpellInfo(171745)] = "druid_claws_of_shirvallah", then save the file.. Ovale will work after this


Same experience here. Addon was broken and not showing up at all. Commenting out [API_GetSpellInfo(171745)] = "druid_claws_of_shirvallah" in Stance.lua makes it work again.


Can confirm. Commenting out [API_GetSpellInfo(171745)] = "druid_claws_of_shirvallah" solved my problem. Which is something I didn't think it would due to it being a druid spell and I'm a hunter. But I don't know anything about code so. :D


okay so im all new to this where do i go to fix my addon. I see something about Stance.lua but when I go to it, i dont have an option to do what I need to do to fix my addon. Pls help


In your World of Warcraft directory, drill down into the Interface/Addons/Ovale directory. There you'll find Stance.lua. Edit the file in your favorite plain text editor, and put two dashes at the start of line 47 (the line I referenced above)


I have done all that, i dont see a 'Stance.lua' Is it called something else? because im not finding, sorry for being a pain but that was my go to at the get-go but did not find it.


Where next to line 47 do I put the 2 dashes?.


Two dashes are the start comment marker in Lua. put them at the start of the line


So not next to the text but all the way to the left of it?.


It shouldn't matter - the double dash says to treat all characters to the right of the double dash until the end of the line as a comment