keep getting error when i try to input frm simcraft please help
t0ka87 opened this issue ยท 2 comments
Based on SimulationCraft profile "Shortyfusey".
AddCheckBox(opt_melee_range L(not_in_melee_range) specialization=fury)
AddCheckBox(opt_use_consumables L(opt_use_consumables) default specialization=fury)
AddFunction FuryUseItemActions
Item(Trinket0Slot text=13 usable=1)
Item(Trinket1Slot text=14 usable=1)
AddFunction FuryGetInMeleeRange
if CheckBoxOn(opt_melee_range) and not InFlightToTarget(charge) and not InFlightToTarget(heroic_leap)
if target.InRange(charge) Spell(charge)
if SpellCharges(charge) == 0 and target.Distance(atLeast 8) and target.Distance(atMost 40) Spell(heroic_leap)
if not target.InRange(pummel) Texture(misc_arrowlup help=L(not_in_melee_range))
AddFunction FuryDefaultMainActions
if target.Distance() > 5 FuryMovementMainActions()
unless target.Distance() > 5 and FuryMovementMainPostConditions()
if HasEquippedItem(convergence_of_fates) and SpellCooldown(battle_cry) < 2 or not HasEquippedItem(convergence_of_fates) and { not SpellCooldown(battle_cry) <= 10 or SpellCooldown(battle_cry) < 2 } Spell(dragon_roar)
if SpellCooldown(battle_cry) < 4 and target.HealthPercent() > 20 Spell(rampage)
if HasEquippedItem(kazzalax_fujiedas_fury) and BuffExpires(fujiedas_fury_buff) Spell(bloodthirst)
if BuffPresent(dragon_roar_buff) or not Talent(dragon_roar_talent) and BuffPresent(battle_cry_buff) Spell(bloodbath)
if BuffPresent(battle_cry_buff) and Enemies() == 1 FuryCooldownsMainActions()
unless BuffPresent(battle_cry_buff) and Enemies() == 1 and FuryCooldownsMainPostConditions()
if target.HealthPercent() > 20 and { Enemies() == 3 or Enemies() == 4 } FuryThreeTargetsMainActions()
unless target.HealthPercent() > 20 and { Enemies() == 3 or Enemies() == 4 } and FuryThreeTargetsMainPostConditions()
if Enemies() > 4 FuryAoeMainActions()
unless Enemies() > 4 and FuryAoeMainPostConditions()
if target.HealthPercent() < 20 FuryExecuteMainActions()
unless target.HealthPercent() < 20 and FuryExecuteMainPostConditions()
if target.HealthPercent() > 20 FurySingleTargetMainActions()
AddFunction FuryDefaultMainPostConditions
target.Distance() > 5 and FuryMovementMainPostConditions() or BuffPresent(battle_cry_buff) and Enemies() == 1 and FuryCooldownsMainPostConditions() or target.HealthPercent() > 20 and { Enemies() == 3 or Enemies() == 4 } and FuryThreeTargetsMainPostConditions() or Enemies() > 4 and FuryAoeMainPostConditions() or target.HealthPercent() < 20 and FuryExecuteMainPostConditions() or target.HealthPercent() > 20 and FurySingleTargetMainPostConditions()
AddFunction FuryDefaultShortCdActions
if CheckBoxOn(opt_melee_range) and target.InRange(charge) Spell(charge)
if target.Distance() > 5 FuryMovementShortCdActions()
unless target.Distance() > 5 and FuryMovementShortCdPostConditions()
if { target.Distance() > 25 and 600 > 45 or not False(raid_event_movement_exists) } and CheckBoxOn(opt_melee_range) and target.Distance(atLeast 8) and target.Distance(atMost 40) Spell(heroic_leap)
unless { HasEquippedItem(convergence_of_fates) and SpellCooldown(battle_cry) < 2 or not HasEquippedItem(convergence_of_fates) and { not SpellCooldown(battle_cry) <= 10 or SpellCooldown(battle_cry) < 2 } } and Spell(dragon_roar) or SpellCooldown(battle_cry) < 4 and target.HealthPercent() > 20 and Spell(rampage) or HasEquippedItem(kazzalax_fujiedas_fury) and BuffExpires(fujiedas_fury_buff) and Spell(bloodthirst)
if BuffPresent(battle_cry_buff) and Enemies() == 1 FuryCooldownsShortCdActions()
unless BuffPresent(battle_cry_buff) and Enemies() == 1 and FuryCooldownsShortCdPostConditions()
if target.HealthPercent() > 20 and { Enemies() == 3 or Enemies() == 4 } FuryThreeTargetsShortCdActions()
unless target.HealthPercent() > 20 and { Enemies() == 3 or Enemies() == 4 } and FuryThreeTargetsShortCdPostConditions()
if Enemies() > 4 FuryAoeShortCdActions()
unless Enemies() > 4 and FuryAoeShortCdPostConditions()
if target.HealthPercent() < 20 FuryExecuteShortCdActions()
unless target.HealthPercent() < 20 and FuryExecuteShortCdPostConditions()
if target.HealthPercent() > 20 FurySingleTargetShortCdActions()
AddFunction FuryDefaultShortCdPostConditions
target.Distance() > 5 and FuryMovementShortCdPostConditions() or { HasEquippedItem(convergence_of_fates) and SpellCooldown(battle_cry) < 2 or not HasEquippedItem(convergence_of_fates) and { not SpellCooldown(battle_cry) <= 10 or SpellCooldown(battle_cry) < 2 } } and Spell(dragon_roar) or SpellCooldown(battle_cry) < 4 and target.HealthPercent() > 20 and Spell(rampage) or HasEquippedItem(kazzalax_fujiedas_fury) and BuffExpires(fujiedas_fury_buff) and Spell(bloodthirst) or BuffPresent(battle_cry_buff) and Enemies() == 1 and FuryCooldownsShortCdPostConditions() or target.HealthPercent() > 20 and { Enemies() == 3 or Enemies() == 4 } and FuryThreeTargetsShortCdPostConditions() or Enemies() > 4 and FuryAoeShortCdPostConditions() or target.HealthPercent() < 20 and FuryExecuteShortCdPostConditions() or target.HealthPercent() > 20 and FurySingleTargetShortCdPostConditions()
AddFunction FuryDefaultCdActions
if target.Distance() > 5 FuryMovementCdActions()
unless target.Distance() > 5 and FuryMovementCdPostConditions()
if BuffPresent(battle_cry_buff) and { BuffPresent(avatar_buff) or not Talent(avatar_talent) } and CheckBoxOn(opt_use_consumables) and target.Classification(worldboss) Item(old_war_potion usable=1)
unless { HasEquippedItem(convergence_of_fates) and SpellCooldown(battle_cry) < 2 or not HasEquippedItem(convergence_of_fates) and { not SpellCooldown(battle_cry) <= 10 or SpellCooldown(battle_cry) < 2 } } and Spell(dragon_roar) or SpellCooldown(battle_cry) < 4 and target.HealthPercent() > 20 and Spell(rampage) or HasEquippedItem(kazzalax_fujiedas_fury) and BuffExpires(fujiedas_fury_buff) and Spell(bloodthirst)
if BuffRemaining(battle_cry_buff) > 6 or SpellCooldown(battle_cry) < 10 or target.TimeToDie() < SpellCooldown(battle_cry) + 10 Spell(avatar)
if HasEquippedItem(umbral_moonglaives) and { SpellCooldown(battle_cry) > GCD() and SpellCooldown(battle_cry) < 2 or not SpellCooldown(battle_cry) > 0 } FuryUseItemActions()
if not 0 > 0 and Talent(reckless_abandon_talent) and { HasEquippedItem(umbral_moonglaives) and { PreviousOffGCDSpell(umbral_moonglaives) or FIXME_trinket.cooldown.remains > 3 and FIXME_trinket.cooldown.remains < 90 } or not HasEquippedItem(umbral_moonglaives) } Spell(battle_cry)
if not 0 > 0 and Talent(bladestorm_talent) and { 600 > 90 or not False(raid_event_adds_exists) or Enemies() > Enemies(tagged=1) } Spell(battle_cry)
if not 0 > 0 and BuffPresent(dragon_roar_buff) and { not SpellCooldown(bloodthirst) > 0 or EnrageRemaining() > SpellCooldown(bloodthirst) } Spell(battle_cry)
if BuffPresent(battle_cry_buff) Spell(blood_fury_ap)
if BuffPresent(battle_cry_buff) Spell(berserking)
if Rage() < MaxRage() - 40 Spell(arcane_torrent_rage)
if BuffPresent(battle_cry_buff) and Enemies() == 1 FuryCooldownsCdActions()
unless BuffPresent(battle_cry_buff) and Enemies() == 1 and FuryCooldownsCdPostConditions()
if target.HealthPercent() > 20 and { Enemies() == 3 or Enemies() == 4 } FuryThreeTargetsCdActions()
unless target.HealthPercent() > 20 and { Enemies() == 3 or Enemies() == 4 } and FuryThreeTargetsCdPostConditions()
if Enemies() > 4 FuryAoeCdActions()
unless Enemies() > 4 and FuryAoeCdPostConditions()
if target.HealthPercent() < 20 FuryExecuteCdActions()
unless target.HealthPercent() < 20 and FuryExecuteCdPostConditions()
if target.HealthPercent() > 20 FurySingleTargetCdActions()
AddFunction FuryDefaultCdPostConditions
target.Distance() > 5 and FuryMovementCdPostConditions() or { HasEquippedItem(convergence_of_fates) and SpellCooldown(battle_cry) < 2 or not HasEquippedItem(convergence_of_fates) and { not SpellCooldown(battle_cry) <= 10 or SpellCooldown(battle_cry) < 2 } } and Spell(dragon_roar) or SpellCooldown(battle_cry) < 4 and target.HealthPercent() > 20 and Spell(rampage) or HasEquippedItem(kazzalax_fujiedas_fury) and BuffExpires(fujiedas_fury_buff) and Spell(bloodthirst) or BuffPresent(battle_cry_buff) and Enemies() == 1 and FuryCooldownsCdPostConditions() or target.HealthPercent() > 20 and { Enemies() == 3 or Enemies() == 4 } and FuryThreeTargetsCdPostConditions() or Enemies() > 4 and FuryAoeCdPostConditions() or target.HealthPercent() < 20 and FuryExecuteCdPostConditions() or target.HealthPercent() > 20 and FurySingleTargetCdPostConditions()
AddFunction FuryAoeMainActions
if not IsEnraged() or Rage() < 90 Spell(bloodthirst)
if BuffExpires(meat_cleaver_buff) Spell(whirlwind)
if BuffPresent(meat_cleaver_buff) and { not IsEnraged() and not Talent(frothing_berserker_talent) or BuffPresent(massacre_buff) or Rage() >= 100 } Spell(rampage)
AddFunction FuryAoeMainPostConditions
AddFunction FuryAoeShortCdActions
unless { not IsEnraged() or Rage() < 90 } and Spell(bloodthirst)
if EnrageRemaining() > 2 and { 600 > 90 or not False(raid_event_adds_exists) or Enemies() > Enemies(tagged=1) } Spell(bladestorm_fury)
AddFunction FuryAoeShortCdPostConditions
{ not IsEnraged() or Rage() < 90 } and Spell(bloodthirst) or BuffExpires(meat_cleaver_buff) and Spell(whirlwind) or BuffPresent(meat_cleaver_buff) and { not IsEnraged() and not Talent(frothing_berserker_talent) or BuffPresent(massacre_buff) or Rage() >= 100 } and Spell(rampage) or Spell(bloodthirst) or Spell(whirlwind)
AddFunction FuryAoeCdActions
AddFunction FuryAoeCdPostConditions
{ not IsEnraged() or Rage() < 90 } and Spell(bloodthirst) or EnrageRemaining() > 2 and { 600 > 90 or not False(raid_event_adds_exists) or Enemies() > Enemies(tagged=1) } and Spell(bladestorm_fury) or BuffExpires(meat_cleaver_buff) and Spell(whirlwind) or BuffPresent(meat_cleaver_buff) and { not IsEnraged() and not Talent(frothing_berserker_talent) or BuffPresent(massacre_buff) or Rage() >= 100 } and Spell(rampage) or Spell(bloodthirst) or Spell(whirlwind)
AddFunction FuryCooldownsMainActions
if Talent(massacre_talent) and BuffPresent(massacre_buff) and EnrageRemaining() < 1 Spell(rampage)
if target.HealthPercent() < 20 and EnrageRemaining() < 1 Spell(bloodthirst)
if HasEquippedItem(draught_of_souls) and SpellCooldown(draught_of_souls) < 1 and BuffRemaining(juggernaut_buff) < 3 Spell(execute)
if IsEnraged() and SpellCooldown(raging_blow) > 0 and target.HealthPercent() > 20 Spell(odyns_fury)
if Talent(inner_rage_talent) and IsEnraged() Spell(raging_blow)
if Talent(reckless_abandon_talent) and not Talent(frothing_berserker_talent) or Talent(frothing_berserker_talent) and Rage() >= 100 Spell(rampage)
if EnrageRemaining() < 1 and not Talent(outburst_talent) Spell(bloodthirst)
if BuffPresent(wrecking_ball_buff) and IsEnraged() Spell(whirlwind)
AddFunction FuryCooldownsMainPostConditions
AddFunction FuryCooldownsShortCdActions
unless Talent(massacre_talent) and BuffPresent(massacre_buff) and EnrageRemaining() < 1 and Spell(rampage) or target.HealthPercent() < 20 and EnrageRemaining() < 1 and Spell(bloodthirst) or HasEquippedItem(draught_of_souls) and SpellCooldown(draught_of_souls) < 1 and BuffRemaining(juggernaut_buff) < 3 and Spell(execute) or IsEnraged() and SpellCooldown(raging_blow) > 0 and target.HealthPercent() > 20 and Spell(odyns_fury) or Spell(execute) or Talent(inner_rage_talent) and IsEnraged() and Spell(raging_blow) or { Talent(reckless_abandon_talent) and not Talent(frothing_berserker_talent) or Talent(frothing_berserker_talent) and Rage() >= 100 } and Spell(rampage)
if Talent(outburst_talent) and not IsEnraged() and BuffPresent(battle_cry_buff) Spell(berserker_rage)
AddFunction FuryCooldownsShortCdPostConditions
Talent(massacre_talent) and BuffPresent(massacre_buff) and EnrageRemaining() < 1 and Spell(rampage) or target.HealthPercent() < 20 and EnrageRemaining() < 1 and Spell(bloodthirst) or HasEquippedItem(draught_of_souls) and SpellCooldown(draught_of_souls) < 1 and BuffRemaining(juggernaut_buff) < 3 and Spell(execute) or IsEnraged() and SpellCooldown(raging_blow) > 0 and target.HealthPercent() > 20 and Spell(odyns_fury) or Spell(execute) or Talent(inner_rage_talent) and IsEnraged() and Spell(raging_blow) or { Talent(reckless_abandon_talent) and not Talent(frothing_berserker_talent) or Talent(frothing_berserker_talent) and Rage() >= 100 } and Spell(rampage) or EnrageRemaining() < 1 and not Talent(outburst_talent) and Spell(bloodthirst) or Spell(raging_blow) or Spell(bloodthirst) or BuffPresent(wrecking_ball_buff) and IsEnraged() and Spell(whirlwind) or Spell(furious_slash)
AddFunction FuryCooldownsCdActions
AddFunction FuryCooldownsCdPostConditions
Talent(massacre_talent) and BuffPresent(massacre_buff) and EnrageRemaining() < 1 and Spell(rampage) or target.HealthPercent() < 20 and EnrageRemaining() < 1 and Spell(bloodthirst) or HasEquippedItem(draught_of_souls) and SpellCooldown(draught_of_souls) < 1 and BuffRemaining(juggernaut_buff) < 3 and Spell(execute) or IsEnraged() and SpellCooldown(raging_blow) > 0 and target.HealthPercent() > 20 and Spell(odyns_fury) or Spell(execute) or Talent(inner_rage_talent) and IsEnraged() and Spell(raging_blow) or { Talent(reckless_abandon_talent) and not Talent(frothing_berserker_talent) or Talent(frothing_berserker_talent) and Rage() >= 100 } and Spell(rampage) or EnrageRemaining() < 1 and not Talent(outburst_talent) and Spell(bloodthirst) or Spell(raging_blow) or Spell(bloodthirst) or BuffPresent(wrecking_ball_buff) and IsEnraged() and Spell(whirlwind) or Spell(furious_slash)
AddFunction FuryExecuteMainActions
if BuffPresent(fujiedas_fury_buff) and BuffRemaining(fujiedas_fury_buff) < 2 Spell(bloodthirst)
if HasArtifactTrait(juggernaut) and { not BuffPresent(juggernaut_buff) or BuffRemaining(juggernaut_buff) < 2 } or BuffPresent(stone_heart_buff) Spell(execute)
if Talent(frenzy_talent) and BuffRemaining(frenzy_buff) <= 2 Spell(furious_slash)
if SpellCooldown(battle_cry) < 5 Spell(execute)
if BuffPresent(massacre_buff) and EnrageRemaining() < 1 Spell(rampage)
if ArmorSetBonus(T19 2) Spell(furious_slash)
if IsEnraged() and Rage() < 100 Spell(odyns_fury)
AddFunction FuryExecuteMainPostConditions
AddFunction FuryExecuteShortCdActions
AddFunction FuryExecuteShortCdPostConditions
BuffPresent(fujiedas_fury_buff) and BuffRemaining(fujiedas_fury_buff) < 2 and Spell(bloodthirst) or { HasArtifactTrait(juggernaut) and { not BuffPresent(juggernaut_buff) or BuffRemaining(juggernaut_buff) < 2 } or BuffPresent(stone_heart_buff) } and Spell(execute) or Talent(frenzy_talent) and BuffRemaining(frenzy_buff) <= 2 and Spell(furious_slash) or SpellCooldown(battle_cry) < 5 and Spell(execute) or BuffPresent(massacre_buff) and EnrageRemaining() < 1 and Spell(rampage) or Spell(execute) or Spell(bloodthirst) or ArmorSetBonus(T19 2) and Spell(furious_slash) or Spell(raging_blow) or IsEnraged() and Rage() < 100 and Spell(odyns_fury) or Spell(furious_slash)
AddFunction FuryExecuteCdActions
AddFunction FuryExecuteCdPostConditions
BuffPresent(fujiedas_fury_buff) and BuffRemaining(fujiedas_fury_buff) < 2 and Spell(bloodthirst) or { HasArtifactTrait(juggernaut) and { not BuffPresent(juggernaut_buff) or BuffRemaining(juggernaut_buff) < 2 } or BuffPresent(stone_heart_buff) } and Spell(execute) or Talent(frenzy_talent) and BuffRemaining(frenzy_buff) <= 2 and Spell(furious_slash) or SpellCooldown(battle_cry) < 5 and Spell(execute) or BuffPresent(massacre_buff) and EnrageRemaining() < 1 and Spell(rampage) or Spell(execute) or Spell(bloodthirst) or ArmorSetBonus(T19 2) and Spell(furious_slash) or Spell(raging_blow) or IsEnraged() and Rage() < 100 and Spell(odyns_fury) or Spell(furious_slash)
AddFunction FuryMovementMainActions
AddFunction FuryMovementMainPostConditions
AddFunction FuryMovementShortCdActions
if CheckBoxOn(opt_melee_range) and target.Distance(atLeast 8) and target.Distance(atMost 40) Spell(heroic_leap)
AddFunction FuryMovementShortCdPostConditions
AddFunction FuryMovementCdActions
AddFunction FuryMovementCdPostConditions
AddFunction FuryPrecombatMainActions
AddFunction FuryPrecombatMainPostConditions
AddFunction FuryPrecombatShortCdActions
AddFunction FuryPrecombatShortCdPostConditions
AddFunction FuryPrecombatCdActions
if CheckBoxOn(opt_use_consumables) and target.Classification(worldboss) Item(old_war_potion usable=1)
AddFunction FuryPrecombatCdPostConditions
AddFunction FurySingleTargetMainActions
if BuffPresent(fujiedas_fury_buff) and BuffRemaining(fujiedas_fury_buff) < 2 Spell(bloodthirst)
if Talent(frenzy_talent) and { BuffExpires(frenzy_buff) or BuffRemaining(frenzy_buff) <= 2 } Spell(furious_slash)
if IsEnraged() and Talent(inner_rage_talent) Spell(raging_blow)
if target.HealthPercent() > 21 and { not IsEnraged() and not Talent(frothing_berserker_talent) or BuffPresent(massacre_buff) or Rage() >= 100 } Spell(rampage)
if BuffPresent(stone_heart_buff) and { Talent(inner_rage_talent) and SpellCooldown(raging_blow) > 1 or IsEnraged() } Spell(execute)
if ArmorSetBonus(T19 2) and not Talent(inner_rage_talent) Spell(furious_slash)
if BuffPresent(wrecking_ball_buff) and IsEnraged() Spell(whirlwind)
AddFunction FurySingleTargetMainPostConditions
AddFunction FurySingleTargetShortCdActions
AddFunction FurySingleTargetShortCdPostConditions
BuffPresent(fujiedas_fury_buff) and BuffRemaining(fujiedas_fury_buff) < 2 and Spell(bloodthirst) or Talent(frenzy_talent) and { BuffExpires(frenzy_buff) or BuffRemaining(frenzy_buff) <= 2 } and Spell(furious_slash) or IsEnraged() and Talent(inner_rage_talent) and Spell(raging_blow) or target.HealthPercent() > 21 and { not IsEnraged() and not Talent(frothing_berserker_talent) or BuffPresent(massacre_buff) or Rage() >= 100 } and Spell(rampage) or BuffPresent(stone_heart_buff) and { Talent(inner_rage_talent) and SpellCooldown(raging_blow) > 1 or IsEnraged() } and Spell(execute) or Spell(bloodthirst) or ArmorSetBonus(T19 2) and not Talent(inner_rage_talent) and Spell(furious_slash) or Spell(raging_blow) or BuffPresent(wrecking_ball_buff) and IsEnraged() and Spell(whirlwind) or Spell(furious_slash)
AddFunction FurySingleTargetCdActions
AddFunction FurySingleTargetCdPostConditions
BuffPresent(fujiedas_fury_buff) and BuffRemaining(fujiedas_fury_buff) < 2 and Spell(bloodthirst) or Talent(frenzy_talent) and { BuffExpires(frenzy_buff) or BuffRemaining(frenzy_buff) <= 2 } and Spell(furious_slash) or IsEnraged() and Talent(inner_rage_talent) and Spell(raging_blow) or target.HealthPercent() > 21 and { not IsEnraged() and not Talent(frothing_berserker_talent) or BuffPresent(massacre_buff) or Rage() >= 100 } and Spell(rampage) or BuffPresent(stone_heart_buff) and { Talent(inner_rage_talent) and SpellCooldown(raging_blow) > 1 or IsEnraged() } and Spell(execute) or Spell(bloodthirst) or ArmorSetBonus(T19 2) and not Talent(inner_rage_talent) and Spell(furious_slash) or Spell(raging_blow) or BuffPresent(wrecking_ball_buff) and IsEnraged() and Spell(whirlwind) or Spell(furious_slash)
AddFunction FuryThreeTargetsMainActions
if BuffPresent(stone_heart_buff) Spell(execute)
if BuffPresent(meat_cleaver_buff) and { not IsEnraged() and not Talent(frothing_berserker_talent) or Rage() >= 100 and Talent(frothing_berserker_talent) } or BuffPresent(massacre_buff) Spell(rampage)
if Talent(inner_rage_talent) Spell(raging_blow)
AddFunction FuryThreeTargetsMainPostConditions
AddFunction FuryThreeTargetsShortCdActions
AddFunction FuryThreeTargetsShortCdPostConditions
BuffPresent(stone_heart_buff) and Spell(execute) or { BuffPresent(meat_cleaver_buff) and { not IsEnraged() and not Talent(frothing_berserker_talent) or Rage() >= 100 and Talent(frothing_berserker_talent) } or BuffPresent(massacre_buff) } and Spell(rampage) or Talent(inner_rage_talent) and Spell(raging_blow) or Spell(bloodthirst) or Spell(whirlwind)
AddFunction FuryThreeTargetsCdActions
AddFunction FuryThreeTargetsCdPostConditions
BuffPresent(stone_heart_buff) and Spell(execute) or { BuffPresent(meat_cleaver_buff) and { not IsEnraged() and not Talent(frothing_berserker_talent) or Rage() >= 100 and Talent(frothing_berserker_talent) } or BuffPresent(massacre_buff) } and Spell(rampage) or Talent(inner_rage_talent) and Spell(raging_blow) or Spell(bloodthirst) or Spell(whirlwind)
Fury icons.
AddCheckBox(opt_warrior_fury_aoe L(AOE) default specialization=fury)
AddIcon checkbox=!opt_warrior_fury_aoe enemies=1 help=shortcd specialization=fury
if not InCombat() FuryPrecombatShortCdActions()
unless not InCombat() and FuryPrecombatShortCdPostConditions()
AddIcon checkbox=opt_warrior_fury_aoe help=shortcd specialization=fury
if not InCombat() FuryPrecombatShortCdActions()
unless not InCombat() and FuryPrecombatShortCdPostConditions()
AddIcon enemies=1 help=main specialization=fury
if not InCombat() FuryPrecombatMainActions()
unless not InCombat() and FuryPrecombatMainPostConditions()
AddIcon checkbox=opt_warrior_fury_aoe help=aoe specialization=fury
if not InCombat() FuryPrecombatMainActions()
unless not InCombat() and FuryPrecombatMainPostConditions()
AddIcon checkbox=!opt_warrior_fury_aoe enemies=1 help=cd specialization=fury
if not InCombat() FuryPrecombatCdActions()
unless not InCombat() and FuryPrecombatCdPostConditions()
AddIcon checkbox=opt_warrior_fury_aoe help=cd specialization=fury
if not InCombat() FuryPrecombatCdActions()
unless not InCombat() and FuryPrecombatCdPostConditions()
Required symbols
this is where the error occurs