Ovale Spell Priority

Ovale Spell Priority


custom script

Slamzzz1 opened this issue ยท 3 comments


I did a simcraft sim for my sub rogue, pasted the sim gui into ovale input. went to output an copied what was there into custom script. all I get is errors could anyone help me to fix this. here is the output script that was made from the simc input.

Based on SimulationCraft profile "Slitor".





AddFunction shd_fractional
1.725 + 0.725 * TalentPoints(enveloping_shadows_talent)

AddFunction ssw_refund
HasEquippedItem(shadow_satyrs_walk) * { 6 + { target.Distance() % 3 - 1 } }

AddFunction stealth_threshold
65 + TalentPoints(vigor_talent) * 35 + TalentPoints(master_of_shadows_talent) * 10 + ssw_refund()

AddFunction dsh_dfa
Talent(death_from_above_talent) and Talent(dark_shadow_talent) and Enemies() < 4

AddCheckBox(opt_melee_range L(not_in_melee_range) specialization=subtlety)
AddCheckBox(opt_use_consumables L(opt_use_consumables) default specialization=subtlety)

AddFunction SubtletyGetInMeleeRange
if CheckBoxOn(opt_melee_range) and not target.InRange(kick)
Texture(misc_arrowlup help=L(not_in_melee_range))


AddFunction SubtletyDefaultMainActions

unless SubtletyCdsMainPostConditions()
    if Stealthed() SubtletyStealthedMainActions()

    unless Stealthed() and SubtletyStealthedMainPostConditions()
        if target.TimeToDie() > 6 and target.DebuffRemaining(nightblade_debuff) < GCD() and ComboPoints() >= 4 - { TimeInCombat() < 10 } * 2 Spell(nightblade)
        if Talent(dark_shadow_talent) and ComboPointsDeficit() >= 2 + BuffPresent(shadow_blades_buff) and { target.DebuffRemaining(nightblade_debuff) > 4 + TalentPoints(subterfuge_talent) or SpellCharges(shadow_dance count=0) >= 1.9 and { not HasEquippedItem(denial_of_the_halfgiants) or TimeInCombat() > 10 } } SubtletyStealthAlsMainActions()

        unless Talent(dark_shadow_talent) and ComboPointsDeficit() >= 2 + BuffPresent(shadow_blades_buff) and { target.DebuffRemaining(nightblade_debuff) > 4 + TalentPoints(subterfuge_talent) or SpellCharges(shadow_dance count=0) >= 1.9 and { not HasEquippedItem(denial_of_the_halfgiants) or TimeInCombat() > 10 } } and SubtletyStealthAlsMainPostConditions()
            if not Talent(dark_shadow_talent) and { ComboPointsDeficit() >= 2 + BuffPresent(shadow_blades_buff) or SpellCharges(shadow_dance count=0) >= 1.9 + TalentPoints(enveloping_shadows_talent) } SubtletyStealthAlsMainActions()

            unless not Talent(dark_shadow_talent) and { ComboPointsDeficit() >= 2 + BuffPresent(shadow_blades_buff) or SpellCharges(shadow_dance count=0) >= 1.9 + TalentPoints(enveloping_shadows_talent) } and SubtletyStealthAlsMainPostConditions()
                if ComboPoints() >= 5 + 3 * { BuffPresent(the_first_of_the_dead_buff) and Talent(anticipation_talent) } + { Talent(deeper_stratagem_talent) and not BuffPresent(shadow_blades_buff) and { BuffRemaining(master_assassins_initiative) == 0 or ArmorSetBonus(T20 4) } and { not BuffPresent(the_first_of_the_dead_buff) or dsh_dfa() } } or ComboPoints() >= 4 and ComboPointsDeficit() <= 2 and Enemies() >= 3 and Enemies() <= 4 or target.TimeToDie() <= 1 and ComboPoints() >= 3 SubtletyFinishMainActions()

                unless { ComboPoints() >= 5 + 3 * { BuffPresent(the_first_of_the_dead_buff) and Talent(anticipation_talent) } + { Talent(deeper_stratagem_talent) and not BuffPresent(shadow_blades_buff) and { BuffRemaining(master_assassins_initiative) == 0 or ArmorSetBonus(T20 4) } and { not BuffPresent(the_first_of_the_dead_buff) or dsh_dfa() } } or ComboPoints() >= 4 and ComboPointsDeficit() <= 2 and Enemies() >= 3 and Enemies() <= 4 or target.TimeToDie() <= 1 and ComboPoints() >= 3 } and SubtletyFinishMainPostConditions()
                    if dsh_dfa() and SpellCooldown(symbols_of_death) <= 1 and ComboPoints() >= 2 and HasEquippedItem(the_first_of_the_dead) and Enemies() < 2 SubtletyFinishMainActions()

                    unless dsh_dfa() and SpellCooldown(symbols_of_death) <= 1 and ComboPoints() >= 2 and HasEquippedItem(the_first_of_the_dead) and Enemies() < 2 and SubtletyFinishMainPostConditions()
                        unless ComboPoints() == 5 and FIXME_time_to_sht.4 <= 1 and EnergyDeficit() >= 30
                            unless ComboPoints() == 5 and FIXME_time_to_sht.5 <= 1 and EnergyDeficit() >= 30
                                if EnergyDeficit() <= stealth_threshold() SubtletyBuildMainActions()


AddFunction SubtletyDefaultMainPostConditions
SubtletyCdsMainPostConditions() or Stealthed() and SubtletyStealthedMainPostConditions() or Talent(dark_shadow_talent) and ComboPointsDeficit() >= 2 + BuffPresent(shadow_blades_buff) and { target.DebuffRemaining(nightblade_debuff) > 4 + TalentPoints(subterfuge_talent) or SpellCharges(shadow_dance count=0) >= 1.9 and { not HasEquippedItem(denial_of_the_halfgiants) or TimeInCombat() > 10 } } and SubtletyStealthAlsMainPostConditions() or not Talent(dark_shadow_talent) and { ComboPointsDeficit() >= 2 + BuffPresent(shadow_blades_buff) or SpellCharges(shadow_dance count=0) >= 1.9 + TalentPoints(enveloping_shadows_talent) } and SubtletyStealthAlsMainPostConditions() or { ComboPoints() >= 5 + 3 * { BuffPresent(the_first_of_the_dead_buff) and Talent(anticipation_talent) } + { Talent(deeper_stratagem_talent) and not BuffPresent(shadow_blades_buff) and { BuffRemaining(master_assassins_initiative) == 0 or ArmorSetBonus(T20 4) } and { not BuffPresent(the_first_of_the_dead_buff) or dsh_dfa() } } or ComboPoints() >= 4 and ComboPointsDeficit() <= 2 and Enemies() >= 3 and Enemies() <= 4 or target.TimeToDie() <= 1 and ComboPoints() >= 3 } and SubtletyFinishMainPostConditions() or dsh_dfa() and SpellCooldown(symbols_of_death) <= 1 and ComboPoints() >= 2 and HasEquippedItem(the_first_of_the_dead) and Enemies() < 2 and SubtletyFinishMainPostConditions() or not { ComboPoints() == 5 and FIXME_time_to_sht.4 <= 1 and EnergyDeficit() >= 30 } and not { ComboPoints() == 5 and FIXME_time_to_sht.5 <= 1 and EnergyDeficit() >= 30 } and EnergyDeficit() <= stealth_threshold() and SubtletyBuildMainPostConditions()

AddFunction SubtletyDefaultShortCdActions
if Talent(dark_shadow_talent) and { not Stealthed() or BuffPresent(subterfuge_buff) } and BuffPresent(death_from_above_buff) and BuffRemaining(death_from_above_buff) <= 0.15 Spell(shadow_dance)

unless SubtletyCdsShortCdPostConditions()
    if Stealthed() SubtletyStealthedShortCdActions()

    unless Stealthed() and SubtletyStealthedShortCdPostConditions() or target.TimeToDie() > 6 and target.DebuffRemaining(nightblade_debuff) < GCD() and ComboPoints() >= 4 - { TimeInCombat() < 10 } * 2 and Spell(nightblade)
        if Talent(dark_shadow_talent) and ComboPointsDeficit() >= 2 + BuffPresent(shadow_blades_buff) and { target.DebuffRemaining(nightblade_debuff) > 4 + TalentPoints(subterfuge_talent) or SpellCharges(shadow_dance count=0) >= 1.9 and { not HasEquippedItem(denial_of_the_halfgiants) or TimeInCombat() > 10 } } SubtletyStealthAlsShortCdActions()

        unless Talent(dark_shadow_talent) and ComboPointsDeficit() >= 2 + BuffPresent(shadow_blades_buff) and { target.DebuffRemaining(nightblade_debuff) > 4 + TalentPoints(subterfuge_talent) or SpellCharges(shadow_dance count=0) >= 1.9 and { not HasEquippedItem(denial_of_the_halfgiants) or TimeInCombat() > 10 } } and SubtletyStealthAlsShortCdPostConditions()
            if not Talent(dark_shadow_talent) and { ComboPointsDeficit() >= 2 + BuffPresent(shadow_blades_buff) or SpellCharges(shadow_dance count=0) >= 1.9 + TalentPoints(enveloping_shadows_talent) } SubtletyStealthAlsShortCdActions()

            unless not Talent(dark_shadow_talent) and { ComboPointsDeficit() >= 2 + BuffPresent(shadow_blades_buff) or SpellCharges(shadow_dance count=0) >= 1.9 + TalentPoints(enveloping_shadows_talent) } and SubtletyStealthAlsShortCdPostConditions()
                if ComboPoints() >= 5 + 3 * { BuffPresent(the_first_of_the_dead_buff) and Talent(anticipation_talent) } + { Talent(deeper_stratagem_talent) and not BuffPresent(shadow_blades_buff) and { BuffRemaining(master_assassins_initiative) == 0 or ArmorSetBonus(T20 4) } and { not BuffPresent(the_first_of_the_dead_buff) or dsh_dfa() } } or ComboPoints() >= 4 and ComboPointsDeficit() <= 2 and Enemies() >= 3 and Enemies() <= 4 or target.TimeToDie() <= 1 and ComboPoints() >= 3 SubtletyFinishShortCdActions()

                unless { ComboPoints() >= 5 + 3 * { BuffPresent(the_first_of_the_dead_buff) and Talent(anticipation_talent) } + { Talent(deeper_stratagem_talent) and not BuffPresent(shadow_blades_buff) and { BuffRemaining(master_assassins_initiative) == 0 or ArmorSetBonus(T20 4) } and { not BuffPresent(the_first_of_the_dead_buff) or dsh_dfa() } } or ComboPoints() >= 4 and ComboPointsDeficit() <= 2 and Enemies() >= 3 and Enemies() <= 4 or target.TimeToDie() <= 1 and ComboPoints() >= 3 } and SubtletyFinishShortCdPostConditions()
                    if dsh_dfa() and SpellCooldown(symbols_of_death) <= 1 and ComboPoints() >= 2 and HasEquippedItem(the_first_of_the_dead) and Enemies() < 2 SubtletyFinishShortCdActions()

                    unless dsh_dfa() and SpellCooldown(symbols_of_death) <= 1 and ComboPoints() >= 2 and HasEquippedItem(the_first_of_the_dead) and Enemies() < 2 and SubtletyFinishShortCdPostConditions()
                        unless ComboPoints() == 5 and FIXME_time_to_sht.4 <= 1 and EnergyDeficit() >= 30
                            unless ComboPoints() == 5 and FIXME_time_to_sht.5 <= 1 and EnergyDeficit() >= 30
                                if EnergyDeficit() <= stealth_threshold() SubtletyBuildShortCdActions()


AddFunction SubtletyDefaultShortCdPostConditions
SubtletyCdsShortCdPostConditions() or Stealthed() and SubtletyStealthedShortCdPostConditions() or target.TimeToDie() > 6 and target.DebuffRemaining(nightblade_debuff) < GCD() and ComboPoints() >= 4 - { TimeInCombat() < 10 } * 2 and Spell(nightblade) or Talent(dark_shadow_talent) and ComboPointsDeficit() >= 2 + BuffPresent(shadow_blades_buff) and { target.DebuffRemaining(nightblade_debuff) > 4 + TalentPoints(subterfuge_talent) or SpellCharges(shadow_dance count=0) >= 1.9 and { not HasEquippedItem(denial_of_the_halfgiants) or TimeInCombat() > 10 } } and SubtletyStealthAlsShortCdPostConditions() or not Talent(dark_shadow_talent) and { ComboPointsDeficit() >= 2 + BuffPresent(shadow_blades_buff) or SpellCharges(shadow_dance count=0) >= 1.9 + TalentPoints(enveloping_shadows_talent) } and SubtletyStealthAlsShortCdPostConditions() or { ComboPoints() >= 5 + 3 * { BuffPresent(the_first_of_the_dead_buff) and Talent(anticipation_talent) } + { Talent(deeper_stratagem_talent) and not BuffPresent(shadow_blades_buff) and { BuffRemaining(master_assassins_initiative) == 0 or ArmorSetBonus(T20 4) } and { not BuffPresent(the_first_of_the_dead_buff) or dsh_dfa() } } or ComboPoints() >= 4 and ComboPointsDeficit() <= 2 and Enemies() >= 3 and Enemies() <= 4 or target.TimeToDie() <= 1 and ComboPoints() >= 3 } and SubtletyFinishShortCdPostConditions() or dsh_dfa() and SpellCooldown(symbols_of_death) <= 1 and ComboPoints() >= 2 and HasEquippedItem(the_first_of_the_dead) and Enemies() < 2 and SubtletyFinishShortCdPostConditions() or not { ComboPoints() == 5 and FIXME_time_to_sht.4 <= 1 and EnergyDeficit() >= 30 } and not { ComboPoints() == 5 and FIXME_time_to_sht.5 <= 1 and EnergyDeficit() >= 30 } and EnergyDeficit() <= stealth_threshold() and SubtletyBuildShortCdPostConditions()

AddFunction SubtletyDefaultCdActions

unless SubtletyCdsCdPostConditions()
    if Stealthed() SubtletyStealthedCdActions()

    unless Stealthed() and SubtletyStealthedCdPostConditions() or target.TimeToDie() > 6 and target.DebuffRemaining(nightblade_debuff) < GCD() and ComboPoints() >= 4 - { TimeInCombat() < 10 } * 2 and Spell(nightblade)
        if Talent(dark_shadow_talent) and ComboPointsDeficit() >= 2 + BuffPresent(shadow_blades_buff) and { target.DebuffRemaining(nightblade_debuff) > 4 + TalentPoints(subterfuge_talent) or SpellCharges(shadow_dance count=0) >= 1.9 and { not HasEquippedItem(denial_of_the_halfgiants) or TimeInCombat() > 10 } } SubtletyStealthAlsCdActions()

        unless Talent(dark_shadow_talent) and ComboPointsDeficit() >= 2 + BuffPresent(shadow_blades_buff) and { target.DebuffRemaining(nightblade_debuff) > 4 + TalentPoints(subterfuge_talent) or SpellCharges(shadow_dance count=0) >= 1.9 and { not HasEquippedItem(denial_of_the_halfgiants) or TimeInCombat() > 10 } } and SubtletyStealthAlsCdPostConditions()
            if not Talent(dark_shadow_talent) and { ComboPointsDeficit() >= 2 + BuffPresent(shadow_blades_buff) or SpellCharges(shadow_dance count=0) >= 1.9 + TalentPoints(enveloping_shadows_talent) } SubtletyStealthAlsCdActions()

            unless not Talent(dark_shadow_talent) and { ComboPointsDeficit() >= 2 + BuffPresent(shadow_blades_buff) or SpellCharges(shadow_dance count=0) >= 1.9 + TalentPoints(enveloping_shadows_talent) } and SubtletyStealthAlsCdPostConditions()
                if ComboPoints() >= 5 + 3 * { BuffPresent(the_first_of_the_dead_buff) and Talent(anticipation_talent) } + { Talent(deeper_stratagem_talent) and not BuffPresent(shadow_blades_buff) and { BuffRemaining(master_assassins_initiative) == 0 or ArmorSetBonus(T20 4) } and { not BuffPresent(the_first_of_the_dead_buff) or dsh_dfa() } } or ComboPoints() >= 4 and ComboPointsDeficit() <= 2 and Enemies() >= 3 and Enemies() <= 4 or target.TimeToDie() <= 1 and ComboPoints() >= 3 SubtletyFinishCdActions()

                unless { ComboPoints() >= 5 + 3 * { BuffPresent(the_first_of_the_dead_buff) and Talent(anticipation_talent) } + { Talent(deeper_stratagem_talent) and not BuffPresent(shadow_blades_buff) and { BuffRemaining(master_assassins_initiative) == 0 or ArmorSetBonus(T20 4) } and { not BuffPresent(the_first_of_the_dead_buff) or dsh_dfa() } } or ComboPoints() >= 4 and ComboPointsDeficit() <= 2 and Enemies() >= 3 and Enemies() <= 4 or target.TimeToDie() <= 1 and ComboPoints() >= 3 } and SubtletyFinishCdPostConditions()
                    if dsh_dfa() and SpellCooldown(symbols_of_death) <= 1 and ComboPoints() >= 2 and HasEquippedItem(the_first_of_the_dead) and Enemies() < 2 SubtletyFinishCdActions()

                    unless dsh_dfa() and SpellCooldown(symbols_of_death) <= 1 and ComboPoints() >= 2 and HasEquippedItem(the_first_of_the_dead) and Enemies() < 2 and SubtletyFinishCdPostConditions()
                        unless ComboPoints() == 5 and FIXME_time_to_sht.4 <= 1 and EnergyDeficit() >= 30
                            unless ComboPoints() == 5 and FIXME_time_to_sht.5 <= 1 and EnergyDeficit() >= 30
                                if EnergyDeficit() <= stealth_threshold() SubtletyBuildCdActions()


AddFunction SubtletyDefaultCdPostConditions
SubtletyCdsCdPostConditions() or Stealthed() and SubtletyStealthedCdPostConditions() or target.TimeToDie() > 6 and target.DebuffRemaining(nightblade_debuff) < GCD() and ComboPoints() >= 4 - { TimeInCombat() < 10 } * 2 and Spell(nightblade) or Talent(dark_shadow_talent) and ComboPointsDeficit() >= 2 + BuffPresent(shadow_blades_buff) and { target.DebuffRemaining(nightblade_debuff) > 4 + TalentPoints(subterfuge_talent) or SpellCharges(shadow_dance count=0) >= 1.9 and { not HasEquippedItem(denial_of_the_halfgiants) or TimeInCombat() > 10 } } and SubtletyStealthAlsCdPostConditions() or not Talent(dark_shadow_talent) and { ComboPointsDeficit() >= 2 + BuffPresent(shadow_blades_buff) or SpellCharges(shadow_dance count=0) >= 1.9 + TalentPoints(enveloping_shadows_talent) } and SubtletyStealthAlsCdPostConditions() or { ComboPoints() >= 5 + 3 * { BuffPresent(the_first_of_the_dead_buff) and Talent(anticipation_talent) } + { Talent(deeper_stratagem_talent) and not BuffPresent(shadow_blades_buff) and { BuffRemaining(master_assassins_initiative) == 0 or ArmorSetBonus(T20 4) } and { not BuffPresent(the_first_of_the_dead_buff) or dsh_dfa() } } or ComboPoints() >= 4 and ComboPointsDeficit() <= 2 and Enemies() >= 3 and Enemies() <= 4 or target.TimeToDie() <= 1 and ComboPoints() >= 3 } and SubtletyFinishCdPostConditions() or dsh_dfa() and SpellCooldown(symbols_of_death) <= 1 and ComboPoints() >= 2 and HasEquippedItem(the_first_of_the_dead) and Enemies() < 2 and SubtletyFinishCdPostConditions() or not { ComboPoints() == 5 and FIXME_time_to_sht.4 <= 1 and EnergyDeficit() >= 30 } and not { ComboPoints() == 5 and FIXME_time_to_sht.5 <= 1 and EnergyDeficit() >= 30 } and EnergyDeficit() <= stealth_threshold() and SubtletyBuildCdPostConditions()


AddFunction SubtletyBuildMainActions
if Enemies() >= 2 + BuffPresent(the_first_of_the_dead_buff) Spell(shuriken_storm)

AddFunction SubtletyBuildMainPostConditions

AddFunction SubtletyBuildShortCdActions

AddFunction SubtletyBuildShortCdPostConditions
Enemies() >= 2 + BuffPresent(the_first_of_the_dead_buff) and Spell(shuriken_storm) or Spell(gloomblade) or Spell(backstab)

AddFunction SubtletyBuildCdActions

AddFunction SubtletyBuildCdPostConditions
Enemies() >= 2 + BuffPresent(the_first_of_the_dead_buff) and Spell(shuriken_storm) or Spell(gloomblade) or Spell(backstab)


AddFunction SubtletyCdsMainActions

AddFunction SubtletyCdsMainPostConditions

AddFunction SubtletyCdsShortCdActions
if not Talent(death_from_above_talent) and { TimeInCombat() > 10 and EnergyDeficit() >= 40 - Stealthed() * 30 or TimeInCombat() < 10 and target.DebuffPresent(nightblade_debuff) } Spell(symbols_of_death)
if Talent(death_from_above_talent) and SpellCooldown(death_from_above) <= 3 and { target.DebuffRemaining(nightblade_debuff) >= SpellCooldown(death_from_above) + 3 or target.TimeToDie() - target.DebuffRemaining(nightblade_debuff) <= 6 } and { TimeInCombat() >= 3 or ArmorSetBonus(T20 4) or HasEquippedItem(the_first_of_the_dead) } or target.TimeToDie() - target.DebuffRemaining(symbols_of_death_debuff) <= 10 Spell(symbols_of_death)
if target.TimeToDie() < ComboPointsDeficit() Spell(marked_for_death)
if 600 > 40 and not Stealthed() and ComboPointsDeficit() >= MaxComboPoints() Spell(marked_for_death)
if not Stealthed() and SpellCharges(shadow_dance count=0) <= shd_fractional() and { ComboPointsDeficit() >= 4 - { TimeInCombat() < 10 } * 2 and EnergyDeficit() > 50 + TalentPoints(vigor_talent) * 25 - { TimeInCombat() >= 10 } * 15 or ComboPointsDeficit() >= 1 and target.TimeToDie() < 8 } Spell(goremaws_bite)
if Energy() >= 55 - TalentPoints(shadow_focus_talent) * 10 and dsh_dfa() and { not HasEquippedItem(mantle_of_the_master_assassin) or BuffPresent(symbols_of_death_buff) } and SpellCharges(shadow_dance count=0) <= shd_fractional() and not BuffPresent(shadow_dance_buff) and not BuffPresent(stealthed_buff any=1) and BuffRemaining(master_assassins_initiative) == 0 and { target.DebuffRemaining(nightblade_debuff) >= SpellCooldown(death_from_above) + 6 or target.TimeToDie() - target.DebuffRemaining(nightblade_debuff) <= 6 } and SpellCooldown(death_from_above) <= 1 or target.TimeToDie() <= 7 Spell(vanish)
unless { Energy() >= 55 - TalentPoints(shadow_focus_talent) * 10 and dsh_dfa() and { not HasEquippedItem(mantle_of_the_master_assassin) or BuffPresent(symbols_of_death_buff) } and SpellCharges(shadow_dance count=0) <= shd_fractional() and not BuffPresent(shadow_dance_buff) and not BuffPresent(stealthed_buff any=1) and BuffRemaining(master_assassins_initiative) == 0 and { target.DebuffRemaining(nightblade_debuff) >= SpellCooldown(death_from_above) + 6 or target.TimeToDie() - target.DebuffRemaining(nightblade_debuff) <= 6 } and SpellCooldown(death_from_above) <= 1 or target.TimeToDie() <= 7 } and SpellUsable(vanish) and SpellCooldown(vanish) < TimeToEnergyFor(vanish)
if not BuffPresent(shadow_dance_buff) and target.TimeToDie() <= 4 + TalentPoints(subterfuge_talent) Spell(shadow_dance)

AddFunction SubtletyCdsShortCdPostConditions

AddFunction SubtletyCdsCdActions
if { BuffPresent(burst_haste_buff any=1) or target.TimeToDie() <= 60 or BuffPresent(vanish_buff) and { BuffPresent(shadow_blades_buff) or SpellCooldown(shadow_blades) <= 30 } } and CheckBoxOn(opt_use_consumables) and target.Classification(worldboss) Item(prolonged_power_potion usable=1)
if Stealthed() Spell(blood_fury_ap)
if Stealthed() Spell(berserking)
if Stealthed() and EnergyDeficit() > 70 Spell(arcane_torrent_energy)

unless not Talent(death_from_above_talent) and { TimeInCombat() > 10 and EnergyDeficit() >= 40 - Stealthed() * 30 or TimeInCombat() < 10 and target.DebuffPresent(nightblade_debuff) } and Spell(symbols_of_death) or { Talent(death_from_above_talent) and SpellCooldown(death_from_above) <= 3 and { target.DebuffRemaining(nightblade_debuff) >= SpellCooldown(death_from_above) + 3 or target.TimeToDie() - target.DebuffRemaining(nightblade_debuff) <= 6 } and { TimeInCombat() >= 3 or ArmorSetBonus(T20 4) or HasEquippedItem(the_first_of_the_dead) } or target.TimeToDie() - target.DebuffRemaining(symbols_of_death_debuff) <= 10 } and Spell(symbols_of_death)
    if TimeInCombat() > 10 and ComboPointsDeficit() >= 2 + Stealthed() - HasEquippedItem(mantle_of_the_master_assassin) or TimeInCombat() < 10 and { not Talent(marked_for_death_talent) or ComboPointsDeficit() >= 3 or target.DebuffPresent(nightblade_debuff) } Spell(shadow_blades)


AddFunction SubtletyCdsCdPostConditions
not Talent(death_from_above_talent) and { TimeInCombat() > 10 and EnergyDeficit() >= 40 - Stealthed() * 30 or TimeInCombat() < 10 and target.DebuffPresent(nightblade_debuff) } and Spell(symbols_of_death) or { Talent(death_from_above_talent) and SpellCooldown(death_from_above) <= 3 and { target.DebuffRemaining(nightblade_debuff) >= SpellCooldown(death_from_above) + 3 or target.TimeToDie() - target.DebuffRemaining(nightblade_debuff) <= 6 } and { TimeInCombat() >= 3 or ArmorSetBonus(T20 4) or HasEquippedItem(the_first_of_the_dead) } or target.TimeToDie() - target.DebuffRemaining(symbols_of_death_debuff) <= 10 } and Spell(symbols_of_death) or not Stealthed() and SpellCharges(shadow_dance count=0) <= shd_fractional() and { ComboPointsDeficit() >= 4 - { TimeInCombat() < 10 } * 2 and EnergyDeficit() > 50 + TalentPoints(vigor_talent) * 25 - { TimeInCombat() >= 10 } * 15 or ComboPointsDeficit() >= 1 and target.TimeToDie() < 8 } and Spell(goremaws_bite)


AddFunction SubtletyFinishMainActions
if { not Talent(dark_shadow_talent) or not BuffPresent(shadow_dance_buff) } and target.TimeToDie() - target.DebuffRemaining(nightblade_debuff) > 6 and { BuffRemaining(master_assassins_initiative) == 0 or target.DebuffRemaining(nightblade_debuff) <= BuffRemaining(master_assassins_initiative) } and { target.Refreshable(nightblade_debuff) and { not HasArtifactTrait(finality) or DebuffPresent(finality_nightblade_debuff) or dsh_dfa() } or target.DebuffRemaining(nightblade_debuff) < target.TickTime(nightblade_debuff) * 2 } and { Enemies() < 4 and not dsh_dfa() or not BuffPresent(symbols_of_death_buff) } Spell(nightblade)
if { not Talent(death_from_above_talent) or ArmorSetBonus(T19 2) } and { not Talent(dark_shadow_talent) or not BuffPresent(shadow_dance_buff) } and target.TimeToDie() - target.DebuffRemaining(nightblade_debuff) > 12 and BuffRemaining(master_assassins_initiative) == 0 and { target.Refreshable(nightblade_debuff) and { not HasArtifactTrait(finality) or DebuffPresent(finality_nightblade_debuff) or dsh_dfa() } or target.DebuffRemaining(nightblade_debuff) < target.TickTime(nightblade_debuff) * 2 } and { Enemies() < 4 and not dsh_dfa() or not BuffPresent(symbols_of_death_buff) } Spell(nightblade)
if target.DebuffRemaining(nightblade_debuff) < SpellCooldown(symbols_of_death) + 10 and SpellCooldown(symbols_of_death) <= 5 + { ComboPoints() == 6 } and target.TimeToDie() - target.DebuffRemaining(nightblade_debuff) > SpellCooldown(symbols_of_death) + 5 Spell(nightblade)
if not Talent(dark_shadow_talent) or { not BuffPresent(shadow_dance_buff) or Enemies() >= 4 } and { BuffPresent(symbols_of_death_buff) or SpellCooldown(symbols_of_death) >= 10 + ArmorSetBonus(T20 4) * 5 } and BuffRemaining(the_first_of_the_dead_buff) < 1 and { BuffPresent(finality_eviscerate_buff) or Enemies() < 4 } Spell(death_from_above)

AddFunction SubtletyFinishMainPostConditions

AddFunction SubtletyFinishShortCdActions

AddFunction SubtletyFinishShortCdPostConditions
{ not Talent(dark_shadow_talent) or not BuffPresent(shadow_dance_buff) } and target.TimeToDie() - target.DebuffRemaining(nightblade_debuff) > 6 and { BuffRemaining(master_assassins_initiative) == 0 or target.DebuffRemaining(nightblade_debuff) <= BuffRemaining(master_assassins_initiative) } and { target.Refreshable(nightblade_debuff) and { not HasArtifactTrait(finality) or DebuffPresent(finality_nightblade_debuff) or dsh_dfa() } or target.DebuffRemaining(nightblade_debuff) < target.TickTime(nightblade_debuff) * 2 } and { Enemies() < 4 and not dsh_dfa() or not BuffPresent(symbols_of_death_buff) } and Spell(nightblade) or { not Talent(death_from_above_talent) or ArmorSetBonus(T19 2) } and { not Talent(dark_shadow_talent) or not BuffPresent(shadow_dance_buff) } and target.TimeToDie() - target.DebuffRemaining(nightblade_debuff) > 12 and BuffRemaining(master_assassins_initiative) == 0 and { target.Refreshable(nightblade_debuff) and { not HasArtifactTrait(finality) or DebuffPresent(finality_nightblade_debuff) or dsh_dfa() } or target.DebuffRemaining(nightblade_debuff) < target.TickTime(nightblade_debuff) * 2 } and { Enemies() < 4 and not dsh_dfa() or not BuffPresent(symbols_of_death_buff) } and Spell(nightblade) or target.DebuffRemaining(nightblade_debuff) < SpellCooldown(symbols_of_death) + 10 and SpellCooldown(symbols_of_death) <= 5 + { ComboPoints() == 6 } and target.TimeToDie() - target.DebuffRemaining(nightblade_debuff) > SpellCooldown(symbols_of_death) + 5 and Spell(nightblade) or { not Talent(dark_shadow_talent) or { not BuffPresent(shadow_dance_buff) or Enemies() >= 4 } and { BuffPresent(symbols_of_death_buff) or SpellCooldown(symbols_of_death) >= 10 + ArmorSetBonus(T20 4) * 5 } and BuffRemaining(the_first_of_the_dead_buff) < 1 and { BuffPresent(finality_eviscerate_buff) or Enemies() < 4 } } and Spell(death_from_above) or Spell(eviscerate)

AddFunction SubtletyFinishCdActions

AddFunction SubtletyFinishCdPostConditions
{ not Talent(dark_shadow_talent) or not BuffPresent(shadow_dance_buff) } and target.TimeToDie() - target.DebuffRemaining(nightblade_debuff) > 6 and { BuffRemaining(master_assassins_initiative) == 0 or target.DebuffRemaining(nightblade_debuff) <= BuffRemaining(master_assassins_initiative) } and { target.Refreshable(nightblade_debuff) and { not HasArtifactTrait(finality) or DebuffPresent(finality_nightblade_debuff) or dsh_dfa() } or target.DebuffRemaining(nightblade_debuff) < target.TickTime(nightblade_debuff) * 2 } and { Enemies() < 4 and not dsh_dfa() or not BuffPresent(symbols_of_death_buff) } and Spell(nightblade) or { not Talent(death_from_above_talent) or ArmorSetBonus(T19 2) } and { not Talent(dark_shadow_talent) or not BuffPresent(shadow_dance_buff) } and target.TimeToDie() - target.DebuffRemaining(nightblade_debuff) > 12 and BuffRemaining(master_assassins_initiative) == 0 and { target.Refreshable(nightblade_debuff) and { not HasArtifactTrait(finality) or DebuffPresent(finality_nightblade_debuff) or dsh_dfa() } or target.DebuffRemaining(nightblade_debuff) < target.TickTime(nightblade_debuff) * 2 } and { Enemies() < 4 and not dsh_dfa() or not BuffPresent(symbols_of_death_buff) } and Spell(nightblade) or target.DebuffRemaining(nightblade_debuff) < SpellCooldown(symbols_of_death) + 10 and SpellCooldown(symbols_of_death) <= 5 + { ComboPoints() == 6 } and target.TimeToDie() - target.DebuffRemaining(nightblade_debuff) > SpellCooldown(symbols_of_death) + 5 and Spell(nightblade) or { not Talent(dark_shadow_talent) or { not BuffPresent(shadow_dance_buff) or Enemies() >= 4 } and { BuffPresent(symbols_of_death_buff) or SpellCooldown(symbols_of_death) >= 10 + ArmorSetBonus(T20 4) * 5 } and BuffRemaining(the_first_of_the_dead_buff) < 1 and { BuffPresent(finality_eviscerate_buff) or Enemies() < 4 } } and Spell(death_from_above) or Spell(eviscerate)


AddFunction SubtletyPrecombatMainActions

AddFunction SubtletyPrecombatMainPostConditions

AddFunction SubtletyPrecombatShortCdActions
unless Spell(stealth)
if not InCombat() Spell(marked_for_death)

AddFunction SubtletyPrecombatShortCdPostConditions

AddFunction SubtletyPrecombatCdActions
unless Spell(stealth)
if CheckBoxOn(opt_use_consumables) and target.Classification(worldboss) Item(prolonged_power_potion usable=1)

AddFunction SubtletyPrecombatCdPostConditions


AddFunction SubtletyStealthAlsMainActions
if EnergyDeficit() <= stealth_threshold() - 25 * { not { not SpellCooldown(goremaws_bite) > 0 } and not BuffPresent(feeding_frenzy_buff) } and { not HasEquippedItem(shadow_satyrs_walk) or SpellCharges(shadow_dance count=0) >= shd_fractional() or EnergyDeficit() >= 10 } SubtletyStealthCdsMainActions()

unless EnergyDeficit() <= stealth_threshold() - 25 * { not { not SpellCooldown(goremaws_bite) > 0 } and not BuffPresent(feeding_frenzy_buff) } and { not HasEquippedItem(shadow_satyrs_walk) or SpellCharges(shadow_dance count=0) >= shd_fractional() or EnergyDeficit() >= 10 } and SubtletyStealthCdsMainPostConditions()
    if BuffRemaining(master_assassins_initiative) > 2.3 SubtletyStealthCdsMainActions()

    unless BuffRemaining(master_assassins_initiative) > 2.3 and SubtletyStealthCdsMainPostConditions()
        if Enemies() >= 4 SubtletyStealthCdsMainActions()

        unless Enemies() >= 4 and SubtletyStealthCdsMainPostConditions()
            if not SpellCooldown(shadowmeld) > 0 and not { not SpellCooldown(vanish) > 0 } and SpellCharges(shadow_dance) <= 1 SubtletyStealthCdsMainActions()

            unless not SpellCooldown(shadowmeld) > 0 and not { not SpellCooldown(vanish) > 0 } and SpellCharges(shadow_dance) <= 1 and SubtletyStealthCdsMainPostConditions()
                if target.TimeToDie() < 12 * SpellCharges(shadow_dance count=0) * { 1 + HasEquippedItem(shadow_satyrs_walk) * 0.5 } SubtletyStealthCdsMainActions()


AddFunction SubtletyStealthAlsMainPostConditions
EnergyDeficit() <= stealth_threshold() - 25 * { not { not SpellCooldown(goremaws_bite) > 0 } and not BuffPresent(feeding_frenzy_buff) } and { not HasEquippedItem(shadow_satyrs_walk) or SpellCharges(shadow_dance count=0) >= shd_fractional() or EnergyDeficit() >= 10 } and SubtletyStealthCdsMainPostConditions() or BuffRemaining(master_assassins_initiative) > 2.3 and SubtletyStealthCdsMainPostConditions() or Enemies() >= 4 and SubtletyStealthCdsMainPostConditions() or not SpellCooldown(shadowmeld) > 0 and not { not SpellCooldown(vanish) > 0 } and SpellCharges(shadow_dance) <= 1 and SubtletyStealthCdsMainPostConditions() or target.TimeToDie() < 12 * SpellCharges(shadow_dance count=0) * { 1 + HasEquippedItem(shadow_satyrs_walk) * 0.5 } and SubtletyStealthCdsMainPostConditions()

AddFunction SubtletyStealthAlsShortCdActions
if EnergyDeficit() <= stealth_threshold() - 25 * { not { not SpellCooldown(goremaws_bite) > 0 } and not BuffPresent(feeding_frenzy_buff) } and { not HasEquippedItem(shadow_satyrs_walk) or SpellCharges(shadow_dance count=0) >= shd_fractional() or EnergyDeficit() >= 10 } SubtletyStealthCdsShortCdActions()

unless EnergyDeficit() <= stealth_threshold() - 25 * { not { not SpellCooldown(goremaws_bite) > 0 } and not BuffPresent(feeding_frenzy_buff) } and { not HasEquippedItem(shadow_satyrs_walk) or SpellCharges(shadow_dance count=0) >= shd_fractional() or EnergyDeficit() >= 10 } and SubtletyStealthCdsShortCdPostConditions()
    if BuffRemaining(master_assassins_initiative) > 2.3 SubtletyStealthCdsShortCdActions()

    unless BuffRemaining(master_assassins_initiative) > 2.3 and SubtletyStealthCdsShortCdPostConditions()
        if Enemies() >= 4 SubtletyStealthCdsShortCdActions()

        unless Enemies() >= 4 and SubtletyStealthCdsShortCdPostConditions()
            if not SpellCooldown(shadowmeld) > 0 and not { not SpellCooldown(vanish) > 0 } and SpellCharges(shadow_dance) <= 1 SubtletyStealthCdsShortCdActions()

            unless not SpellCooldown(shadowmeld) > 0 and not { not SpellCooldown(vanish) > 0 } and SpellCharges(shadow_dance) <= 1 and SubtletyStealthCdsShortCdPostConditions()
                if target.TimeToDie() < 12 * SpellCharges(shadow_dance count=0) * { 1 + HasEquippedItem(shadow_satyrs_walk) * 0.5 } SubtletyStealthCdsShortCdActions()


AddFunction SubtletyStealthAlsShortCdPostConditions
EnergyDeficit() <= stealth_threshold() - 25 * { not { not SpellCooldown(goremaws_bite) > 0 } and not BuffPresent(feeding_frenzy_buff) } and { not HasEquippedItem(shadow_satyrs_walk) or SpellCharges(shadow_dance count=0) >= shd_fractional() or EnergyDeficit() >= 10 } and SubtletyStealthCdsShortCdPostConditions() or BuffRemaining(master_assassins_initiative) > 2.3 and SubtletyStealthCdsShortCdPostConditions() or Enemies() >= 4 and SubtletyStealthCdsShortCdPostConditions() or not SpellCooldown(shadowmeld) > 0 and not { not SpellCooldown(vanish) > 0 } and SpellCharges(shadow_dance) <= 1 and SubtletyStealthCdsShortCdPostConditions() or target.TimeToDie() < 12 * SpellCharges(shadow_dance count=0) * { 1 + HasEquippedItem(shadow_satyrs_walk) * 0.5 } and SubtletyStealthCdsShortCdPostConditions()

AddFunction SubtletyStealthAlsCdActions
if EnergyDeficit() <= stealth_threshold() - 25 * { not { not SpellCooldown(goremaws_bite) > 0 } and not BuffPresent(feeding_frenzy_buff) } and { not HasEquippedItem(shadow_satyrs_walk) or SpellCharges(shadow_dance count=0) >= shd_fractional() or EnergyDeficit() >= 10 } SubtletyStealthCdsCdActions()

unless EnergyDeficit() <= stealth_threshold() - 25 * { not { not SpellCooldown(goremaws_bite) > 0 } and not BuffPresent(feeding_frenzy_buff) } and { not HasEquippedItem(shadow_satyrs_walk) or SpellCharges(shadow_dance count=0) >= shd_fractional() or EnergyDeficit() >= 10 } and SubtletyStealthCdsCdPostConditions()
    if BuffRemaining(master_assassins_initiative) > 2.3 SubtletyStealthCdsCdActions()

    unless BuffRemaining(master_assassins_initiative) > 2.3 and SubtletyStealthCdsCdPostConditions()
        if Enemies() >= 4 SubtletyStealthCdsCdActions()

        unless Enemies() >= 4 and SubtletyStealthCdsCdPostConditions()
            if not SpellCooldown(shadowmeld) > 0 and not { not SpellCooldown(vanish) > 0 } and SpellCharges(shadow_dance) <= 1 SubtletyStealthCdsCdActions()

            unless not SpellCooldown(shadowmeld) > 0 and not { not SpellCooldown(vanish) > 0 } and SpellCharges(shadow_dance) <= 1 and SubtletyStealthCdsCdPostConditions()
                if target.TimeToDie() < 12 * SpellCharges(shadow_dance count=0) * { 1 + HasEquippedItem(shadow_satyrs_walk) * 0.5 } SubtletyStealthCdsCdActions()


AddFunction SubtletyStealthAlsCdPostConditions
EnergyDeficit() <= stealth_threshold() - 25 * { not { not SpellCooldown(goremaws_bite) > 0 } and not BuffPresent(feeding_frenzy_buff) } and { not HasEquippedItem(shadow_satyrs_walk) or SpellCharges(shadow_dance count=0) >= shd_fractional() or EnergyDeficit() >= 10 } and SubtletyStealthCdsCdPostConditions() or BuffRemaining(master_assassins_initiative) > 2.3 and SubtletyStealthCdsCdPostConditions() or Enemies() >= 4 and SubtletyStealthCdsCdPostConditions() or not SpellCooldown(shadowmeld) > 0 and not { not SpellCooldown(vanish) > 0 } and SpellCharges(shadow_dance) <= 1 and SubtletyStealthCdsCdPostConditions() or target.TimeToDie() < 12 * SpellCharges(shadow_dance count=0) * { 1 + HasEquippedItem(shadow_satyrs_walk) * 0.5 } and SubtletyStealthCdsCdPostConditions()


AddFunction SubtletyStealthCdsMainActions

AddFunction SubtletyStealthCdsMainPostConditions

AddFunction SubtletyStealthCdsShortCdActions
if not dsh_dfa() and BuffRemaining(master_assassins_initiative) == 0 and SpellCharges(shadow_dance count=0) < shd_fractional() + { HasEquippedItem(mantle_of_the_master_assassin) and TimeInCombat() < 30 } * 0.3 and { not HasEquippedItem(mantle_of_the_master_assassin) or BuffPresent(symbols_of_death_buff) } Spell(vanish)
if Charges(shadow_dance count=0) >= shd_fractional() or target.TimeToDie() < SpellCooldown(symbols_of_death) Spell(shadow_dance)
unless True(pool_energy 40) and EnergyDeficit() >= 10 + ssw_refund() and SpellUsable(shadowmeld) and SpellCooldown(shadowmeld) < TimeToEnergy(40)
if not dsh_dfa() and ComboPointsDeficit() >= 2 + TalentPoints(subterfuge_talent) * 2 and { BuffRemaining(symbols_of_death_buff) >= 1.2 + GCDRemaining() or SpellCooldown(symbols_of_death) >= 12 + { Talent(dark_shadow_talent) and ArmorSetBonus(T20 4) } * 3 - { not Talent(dark_shadow_talent) and ArmorSetBonus(T20 4) } * 4 or BuffRemaining(master_assassins_initiative) > 0 } and { Enemies() >= 4 or not BuffPresent(the_first_of_the_dead_buff) } Spell(shadow_dance)

AddFunction SubtletyStealthCdsShortCdPostConditions

AddFunction SubtletyStealthCdsCdActions
if Energy() >= 40 and EnergyDeficit() >= 10 + ssw_refund() Spell(shadowmeld)

AddFunction SubtletyStealthCdsCdPostConditions


AddFunction SubtletyStealthedMainActions
if BuffPresent(stealthed_buff any=1) Spell(shadowstrike)
if ComboPoints() >= 5 + { Talent(deeper_stratagem_talent) and BuffPresent(vanish_buff) } and { Enemies() >= 3 + HasEquippedItem(shadow_satyrs_walk) or BuffRemaining(master_assassins_initiative) <= 1.3 and BuffRemaining(master_assassins_initiative) - GCDRemaining() >= 0.3 } SubtletyFinishMainActions()

unless ComboPoints() >= 5 + { Talent(deeper_stratagem_talent) and BuffPresent(vanish_buff) } and { Enemies() >= 3 + HasEquippedItem(shadow_satyrs_walk) or BuffRemaining(master_assassins_initiative) <= 1.3 and BuffRemaining(master_assassins_initiative) - GCDRemaining() >= 0.3 } and SubtletyFinishMainPostConditions()
    if BuffExpires(shadowmeld_buff) and { ComboPointsDeficit() >= 2 + HasEquippedItem(insignia_of_ravenholdt) and Enemies() >= 3 + HasEquippedItem(shadow_satyrs_walk) or ComboPointsDeficit() >= 1 and BuffStacks(the_dreadlords_deceit_buff) >= 29 } Spell(shuriken_storm)
    if ComboPoints() >= 5 + { Talent(deeper_stratagem_talent) and BuffPresent(vanish_buff) } and ComboPointsDeficit() < 3 + BuffPresent(shadow_blades_buff) - HasEquippedItem(mantle_of_the_master_assassin) SubtletyFinishMainActions()

    unless ComboPoints() >= 5 + { Talent(deeper_stratagem_talent) and BuffPresent(vanish_buff) } and ComboPointsDeficit() < 3 + BuffPresent(shadow_blades_buff) - HasEquippedItem(mantle_of_the_master_assassin) and SubtletyFinishMainPostConditions()


AddFunction SubtletyStealthedMainPostConditions
ComboPoints() >= 5 + { Talent(deeper_stratagem_talent) and BuffPresent(vanish_buff) } and { Enemies() >= 3 + HasEquippedItem(shadow_satyrs_walk) or BuffRemaining(master_assassins_initiative) <= 1.3 and BuffRemaining(master_assassins_initiative) - GCDRemaining() >= 0.3 } and SubtletyFinishMainPostConditions() or ComboPoints() >= 5 + { Talent(deeper_stratagem_talent) and BuffPresent(vanish_buff) } and ComboPointsDeficit() < 3 + BuffPresent(shadow_blades_buff) - HasEquippedItem(mantle_of_the_master_assassin) and SubtletyFinishMainPostConditions()

AddFunction SubtletyStealthedShortCdActions
unless BuffPresent(stealthed_buff any=1) and Spell(shadowstrike)
if ComboPoints() >= 5 + { Talent(deeper_stratagem_talent) and BuffPresent(vanish_buff) } and { Enemies() >= 3 + HasEquippedItem(shadow_satyrs_walk) or BuffRemaining(master_assassins_initiative) <= 1.3 and BuffRemaining(master_assassins_initiative) - GCDRemaining() >= 0.3 } SubtletyFinishShortCdActions()

    unless ComboPoints() >= 5 + { Talent(deeper_stratagem_talent) and BuffPresent(vanish_buff) } and { Enemies() >= 3 + HasEquippedItem(shadow_satyrs_walk) or BuffRemaining(master_assassins_initiative) <= 1.3 and BuffRemaining(master_assassins_initiative) - GCDRemaining() >= 0.3 } and SubtletyFinishShortCdPostConditions() or BuffExpires(shadowmeld_buff) and { ComboPointsDeficit() >= 2 + HasEquippedItem(insignia_of_ravenholdt) and Enemies() >= 3 + HasEquippedItem(shadow_satyrs_walk) or ComboPointsDeficit() >= 1 and BuffStacks(the_dreadlords_deceit_buff) >= 29 } and Spell(shuriken_storm)
        if ComboPoints() >= 5 + { Talent(deeper_stratagem_talent) and BuffPresent(vanish_buff) } and ComboPointsDeficit() < 3 + BuffPresent(shadow_blades_buff) - HasEquippedItem(mantle_of_the_master_assassin) SubtletyFinishShortCdActions()


AddFunction SubtletyStealthedShortCdPostConditions
BuffPresent(stealthed_buff any=1) and Spell(shadowstrike) or ComboPoints() >= 5 + { Talent(deeper_stratagem_talent) and BuffPresent(vanish_buff) } and { Enemies() >= 3 + HasEquippedItem(shadow_satyrs_walk) or BuffRemaining(master_assassins_initiative) <= 1.3 and BuffRemaining(master_assassins_initiative) - GCDRemaining() >= 0.3 } and SubtletyFinishShortCdPostConditions() or BuffExpires(shadowmeld_buff) and { ComboPointsDeficit() >= 2 + HasEquippedItem(insignia_of_ravenholdt) and Enemies() >= 3 + HasEquippedItem(shadow_satyrs_walk) or ComboPointsDeficit() >= 1 and BuffStacks(the_dreadlords_deceit_buff) >= 29 } and Spell(shuriken_storm) or ComboPoints() >= 5 + { Talent(deeper_stratagem_talent) and BuffPresent(vanish_buff) } and ComboPointsDeficit() < 3 + BuffPresent(shadow_blades_buff) - HasEquippedItem(mantle_of_the_master_assassin) and SubtletyFinishShortCdPostConditions() or Spell(shadowstrike)

AddFunction SubtletyStealthedCdActions
unless BuffPresent(stealthed_buff any=1) and Spell(shadowstrike)
if ComboPoints() >= 5 + { Talent(deeper_stratagem_talent) and BuffPresent(vanish_buff) } and { Enemies() >= 3 + HasEquippedItem(shadow_satyrs_walk) or BuffRemaining(master_assassins_initiative) <= 1.3 and BuffRemaining(master_assassins_initiative) - GCDRemaining() >= 0.3 } SubtletyFinishCdActions()

    unless ComboPoints() >= 5 + { Talent(deeper_stratagem_talent) and BuffPresent(vanish_buff) } and { Enemies() >= 3 + HasEquippedItem(shadow_satyrs_walk) or BuffRemaining(master_assassins_initiative) <= 1.3 and BuffRemaining(master_assassins_initiative) - GCDRemaining() >= 0.3 } and SubtletyFinishCdPostConditions() or BuffExpires(shadowmeld_buff) and { ComboPointsDeficit() >= 2 + HasEquippedItem(insignia_of_ravenholdt) and Enemies() >= 3 + HasEquippedItem(shadow_satyrs_walk) or ComboPointsDeficit() >= 1 and BuffStacks(the_dreadlords_deceit_buff) >= 29 } and Spell(shuriken_storm)
        if ComboPoints() >= 5 + { Talent(deeper_stratagem_talent) and BuffPresent(vanish_buff) } and ComboPointsDeficit() < 3 + BuffPresent(shadow_blades_buff) - HasEquippedItem(mantle_of_the_master_assassin) SubtletyFinishCdActions()


AddFunction SubtletyStealthedCdPostConditions
BuffPresent(stealthed_buff any=1) and Spell(shadowstrike) or ComboPoints() >= 5 + { Talent(deeper_stratagem_talent) and BuffPresent(vanish_buff) } and { Enemies() >= 3 + HasEquippedItem(shadow_satyrs_walk) or BuffRemaining(master_assassins_initiative) <= 1.3 and BuffRemaining(master_assassins_initiative) - GCDRemaining() >= 0.3 } and SubtletyFinishCdPostConditions() or BuffExpires(shadowmeld_buff) and { ComboPointsDeficit() >= 2 + HasEquippedItem(insignia_of_ravenholdt) and Enemies() >= 3 + HasEquippedItem(shadow_satyrs_walk) or ComboPointsDeficit() >= 1 and BuffStacks(the_dreadlords_deceit_buff) >= 29 } and Spell(shuriken_storm) or ComboPoints() >= 5 + { Talent(deeper_stratagem_talent) and BuffPresent(vanish_buff) } and ComboPointsDeficit() < 3 + BuffPresent(shadow_blades_buff) - HasEquippedItem(mantle_of_the_master_assassin) and SubtletyFinishCdPostConditions() or Spell(shadowstrike)

Subtlety icons.

AddCheckBox(opt_rogue_subtlety_aoe L(AOE) default specialization=subtlety)

AddIcon checkbox=!opt_rogue_subtlety_aoe enemies=1 help=shortcd specialization=subtlety
if not InCombat() SubtletyPrecombatShortCdActions()
unless not InCombat() and SubtletyPrecombatShortCdPostConditions()

AddIcon checkbox=opt_rogue_subtlety_aoe help=shortcd specialization=subtlety
if not InCombat() SubtletyPrecombatShortCdActions()
unless not InCombat() and SubtletyPrecombatShortCdPostConditions()

AddIcon enemies=1 help=main specialization=subtlety
if not InCombat() SubtletyPrecombatMainActions()
unless not InCombat() and SubtletyPrecombatMainPostConditions()

AddIcon checkbox=opt_rogue_subtlety_aoe help=aoe specialization=subtlety
if not InCombat() SubtletyPrecombatMainActions()
unless not InCombat() and SubtletyPrecombatMainPostConditions()

AddIcon checkbox=!opt_rogue_subtlety_aoe enemies=1 help=cd specialization=subtlety
if not InCombat() SubtletyPrecombatCdActions()
unless not InCombat() and SubtletyPrecombatCdPostConditions()

AddIcon checkbox=opt_rogue_subtlety_aoe help=cd specialization=subtlety
if not InCombat() SubtletyPrecombatCdActions()
unless not InCombat() and SubtletyPrecombatCdPostConditions()

Required symbols





















































comment out any lines with time_to_sht in it. This is not implemented and should be what's causing the issue, at least it was for mine.

Also, you'll need to manually change if BuffPresent(stealthed_buff any=1) Spell(shadowstrike) to ONLY look for stealth/vanish otherwise you just get told to spam shadowstrike in shadow dance.

Btw. What'd you change? Been wanting to tweak the sub script myself for my alt.


hey Shmoo, if you get a chance could you do the deletion of those lines I not sure as to if it the whole thing are just those words. an also the manual change one you talking about. then I could test it out an if it works well in a raid setting I can let ya know.


Also if you could, would you mind sending me your script that u have working for yourself