Ovale Spell Priority

Ovale Spell Priority


Feral Script needs tweaking

Huufa opened this issue ยท 1 comments


Sorry, I am not a pro at sims so I have used Shmoos script. See below....... Comments at bottom.

ShmooDude Feral and Guardian script


Interrupt - Suggests use of interuptting abilities, including stuns/knockbacks on non-boss targets.

Not in Melee Range - Suggests movement abilities if available or a forward arrow if you're out of range.

Multiple-targets rotation - If this is disabled, the AoE icon is removed

Ashamane's Frenzy as main action - Puts the Ashamane's Frenzy suggestion in the main action box.

Requires TimeToDie of 20 seconds or more

If this is off, Ovale will suggest 2 CP Regrowths in the Short CD box.

Shadowmeld as main action - Puts the Shadowmeld suggestion in the main action box.

Requires TimeToDie of 20 seconds or more

Suggested off except on (raid) bosses.

Tiger's Fury multiplier prediction - Applies the Tiger's Fury multiplier if Tiger's Fury is ready.

e.g. If TF is being suggested, any Rip suggestions will assume you use TF first.

Prevent capping BrS charges - Will suggest Brutal Slash if you are about to reach max charges.

Advantage: Helps not waste charges.

Disadvantage: Will probably not have 3 charges when AoE for the encounter shows up.

BrS at X targets - Minimum number of targets to suggest using Brutal Slash.

This will use all available Brutal Slash charges.

Only suggest BrS when TF is up

Good for Mythic+ to get the most out of your Brutal Slash charges

Too much haste makes this sub-optimal

Rip - At how many seconds to overwrite a Rip

Default Pandemic

Rake - At how many seconds to overwrite a Rake

Default 7 or

Pandemic with Ailuro Pouncers Legendary or you are not speced into Bloodtalons

Savage Roar - At how many seconds to overwrite Savage Roar

Default Pandemic


AddCheckBox(opt_melee_range L(not_in_melee_range) specialization=feral)
AddCheckBox(opt_use_consumables "Suggest Prolonged Power Potion" default specialization=feral)
AddCheckBox(opt_interrupt L(interrupt) default specialization=feral)

AddCheckBox(opt_ashamanes_frenzy_main_action "Ashamane's Frenzy as a main action" default specialization=feral)
AddCheckBox(opt_shadowmeld_main_action "Shadowmeld as a main action" specialization=feral)

AddCheckBox(opt_tigers_fury_multiplier_predict "Tiger's Fury multiplier prediction" default specialization=feral)
AddCheckBox(opt_brutal_slash_use_at_three_always "Prevent capping BrS charges" specialization=feral)
AddCheckBox(opt_brutal_slash_use_with_tigers_fury "Only suggest BrS when TF is up" specialization=feral)

AddCheckBox(opt_sync_af_tf "Try to sync Ashamane's with TF" specialization=feral)

AddListItem(opt_10_rake_refresh rake_00_default "Rake: Default (7 w/ BT)" specialization=feral default)
AddListItem(opt_10_rake_refresh rake_01_pandemic "Rake at Pandemic (duration*0.3)" specialization=feral)
AddListItem(opt_10_rake_refresh rake_05 "Rake at 5 seconds" specialization=feral)
AddListItem(opt_10_rake_refresh rake_06 "Rake at 6 seconds" specialization=feral)
AddListItem(opt_10_rake_refresh rake_07 "Rake at 7 seconds" specialization=feral)
AddListItem(opt_10_rake_refresh rake_08 "Rake at 8 seconds" specialization=feral)
AddListItem(opt_10_rake_refresh rake_09 "Rake at 9 seconds" specialization=feral)

AddListItem(opt_11_rip_refresh rip_00_default "Rip: Default (Pandemic)" specialization=feral default)
AddListItem(opt_11_rip_refresh rip_01_pandemic "Rip at Pandemic (duration*0.3)" specialization=feral)
AddListItem(opt_11_rip_refresh rip_07 "Rip at 7 seconds" specialization=feral)
AddListItem(opt_11_rip_refresh rip_08 "Rip at 8 seconds" specialization=feral)
AddListItem(opt_11_rip_refresh rip_09 "Rip at 9 seconds" specialization=feral)
AddListItem(opt_11_rip_refresh rip_10 "Rip at 10 seconds" specialization=feral)
AddListItem(opt_11_rip_refresh rip_11 "Rip at 11 seconds" specialization=feral)

AddListItem(opt_12_savage_roar_refresh savage_roar_00_default "Savage Roar: Default (Pandemic)" specialization=feral default)
AddListItem(opt_12_savage_roar_refresh savage_roar_01_pandemic "Savage Roar Pandemic (duration*0.3)" specialization=feral)
AddListItem(opt_12_savage_roar_refresh savage_roar_12 "Savage Roar at 12 seconds" specialization=feral)
AddListItem(opt_12_savage_roar_refresh savage_roar_13 "Savage Roar at 13 seconds" specialization=feral)
AddListItem(opt_12_savage_roar_refresh savage_roar_14 "Savage Roar at 14 seconds" specialization=feral)
AddListItem(opt_12_savage_roar_refresh savage_roar_15 "Savage Roar at 15 seconds" specialization=feral)
AddListItem(opt_12_savage_roar_refresh savage_roar_16 "Savage Roar at 16 seconds" specialization=feral)

AddListItem(opt_09_desired_targets desired_targets_01 "BrS at 1 target" specialization=feral)
AddListItem(opt_09_desired_targets desired_targets_02 "BrS at 2 targets" specialization=feral)
AddListItem(opt_09_desired_targets desired_targets_03 "BrS at 3 targets" specialization=feral default)
AddListItem(opt_09_desired_targets desired_targets_04 "BrS at 4 targets" specialization=feral)
AddListItem(opt_09_desired_targets desired_targets_05 "BrS at 5 targets" specialization=feral)
AddListItem(opt_09_desired_targets desired_targets_06 "BrS at 6 targets" specialization=feral)
AddListItem(opt_09_desired_targets desired_targets_07 "BrS at 7 targets" specialization=feral)
AddListItem(opt_09_desired_targets desired_targets_08 "BrS at 8 targets" specialization=feral)
AddListItem(opt_09_desired_targets desired_targets_09 "BrS at 9 targets" specialization=feral)


Helper Variables (Functions)


AddFunction rake_refresh
unless List(opt_10_rake_refresh rake_00_default)
if List(opt_10_rake_refresh rake_01_pandemic) target.DebuffDuration(rake_debuff) * 0.3
if List(opt_10_rake_refresh rake_05) 5
if List(opt_10_rake_refresh rake_06) 6
if List(opt_10_rake_refresh rake_07) 7
if List(opt_10_rake_refresh rake_08) 8
if List(opt_10_rake_refresh rake_09) 9
if HasEquippedItem(ailuro_pouncers) or not Talent(bloodtalons_talent) target.DebuffDuration(rake_debuff) * 0.3

AddFunction savage_roar_refresh
unless List(opt_12_savage_roar_refresh savage_roar_00_default)
if List(opt_12_savage_roar_refresh savage_roar_01_pandemic) BaseDuration(savage_roar_buff) * 0.3
if List(opt_12_savage_roar_refresh savage_roar_12) 12
if List(opt_12_savage_roar_refresh savage_roar_13) 13
if List(opt_12_savage_roar_refresh savage_roar_14) 14
if List(opt_12_savage_roar_refresh savage_roar_15) 15
if List(opt_12_savage_roar_refresh savage_roar_16) 16
BaseDuration(savage_roar_buff) * 0.3

AddFunction rip_refresh
unless List(opt_11_rip_refresh rip_00_default)
if List(opt_11_rip_refresh rip_01_pandemic) target.DebuffDuration(rip_debuff) * 0.3
if List(opt_11_rip_refresh rip_07) 7
if List(opt_11_rip_refresh rip_08) 8
if List(opt_11_rip_refresh rip_09) 9
if List(opt_11_rip_refresh rip_10) 10
if List(opt_11_rip_refresh rip_11) 11
target.DebuffDuration(rip_debuff) * 0.3

AddFunction execute_range
if Talent(sabertooth_talent) 100

AddFunction use_thrash
if HasEquippedItem(luffa_wrappings) 1

AddFunction bt_stack
if HasEquippedItem(ailuro_pouncers) 1

AddFunction BrutalSlashDesiredTargets asvalue=1
if List(opt_09_desired_targets desired_targets_02) 2
if List(opt_09_desired_targets desired_targets_03) 3
if List(opt_09_desired_targets desired_targets_04) 4
if List(opt_09_desired_targets desired_targets_05) 5
if List(opt_09_desired_targets desired_targets_06) 6
if List(opt_09_desired_targets desired_targets_07) 7
if List(opt_09_desired_targets desired_targets_08) 8
if List(opt_09_desired_targets desired_targets_09) 9

AddFunction FeralUseItemActions
Item(Trinket0Slot text=13 usable=1)
Item(Trinket1Slot text=14 usable=1)

AddFunction FeralGetInMeleeRange
if CheckBoxOn(opt_melee_range) and target.InRange(shred no)
if target.InRange(wild_charge) Spell(wild_charge)
if target.distance() > 25 Spell(displacer_beast)
if target.distance() > 25 and BuffExpires(displacer_beast_buff) Spell(dash)
Texture(misc_arrowlup help=L(not_in_melee_range))

AddFunction FeralInterruptActions
if CheckBoxOn(opt_interrupt) and not target.IsFriend() and target.IsInterruptible()
if target.InRange(skull_bash) Spell(skull_bash)
if not target.Classification(worldboss)
if target.InRange(mighty_bash) Spell(mighty_bash)
if target.distance() < 20 Spell(typhoon)
if target.InRange(maim) Spell(maim)
if target.distance() < 8 Spell(war_stomp)

#Tiger's Fury multiplier prediction
AddFunction TFMultPred asvalue=1
if CheckBoxOn(opt_tigers_fury_multiplier_predict)
and BuffExpires(tigers_fury_buff)
and SpellCooldown(tigers_fury) <= 0
and ShortCd_TigersFury() 1.15


Main Action List


AddFunction Main_Rake_Prowl
or BuffPresent(shadowmeld_buff)

#AddFunction Main_Dash_CatForm #### Unused



#AddFunction Main_CatForm #### Unused




MODIFICATION: Add target.Classification(worldboss)

REASON: Only use opener on bosses.

AddFunction Main_Opener_Conditions
and TimeInCombat() < 8
and target.Classification(worldboss)

#AddFunction Main_Cooldowns_Conditions #### Unused


AddFunction ShortCd_TigersFury
EnergyDeficit() >= 60


REASON: Suggest TF anytime its ready if TF is already up to maximize buff uptime.

AddFunction ShortCd_TigersFury_Predator
and Talent(predator_talent)
and BuffPresent(tigers_fury_buff)


MODIFICATION: SpellCooldown(tigers_fury) <= 0 and ShortCd_TigersFury()

REASON: Make Berserk show up if Tiger's Fury conditions are met

AddFunction Cd_Berserk
Energy() >= 30
and { SpellCooldown(tigers_fury) > 5
or BuffPresent(tigers_fury_buff) or TFMultPred() > 1 }


MODIFICATION: SpellCooldown(tigers_fury) <= 0 and ShortCd_TigersFury()

REASON: Make Incarnation show up if Tiger's Fury conditions are met

AddFunction Cd_Incarnation
Energy() >= 30
and { SpellCooldown(tigers_fury) > 15
or BuffPresent(tigers_fury_buff) or TFMultPred() > 1 }

AddFunction ShortCd_ElunesGuidance
ComboPoints() == 0
and Energy() >= 50

AddFunction Cd_Potion
{ target.TimeToDie() < 65
or target.TimeToDie() < 180
and { BuffPresent(berserk_cat_buff) or BuffPresent(incarnation_king_of_the_jungle_buff) } }
and CheckBoxOn(opt_use_consumables)
and target.Classification(worldboss)


MODIFICATION: AshamanesFrenzy_Main for CheckBoxOn(opt_ashamanes_frenzy_main_action)

REASON: Allows player to choose via checkbox whether to add Azshamane's Frenzy to the Main Icon

MODIFICATION: target.TimeToDie() > 20

REASON: Does not use Regrowth for Ashamane's Frenzy on targets with less than 20 seconds to live

AddFunction Cooldowns_AshamanesFrenzy
and ComboPoints() <= 2
and { not Talent(bloodtalons_talent) or BuffPresent(bloodtalons_buff) }
and target.TimeToDie() > 20

MODIFICATION: ShortCd_AshamanesFrenzy for CheckBoxOff(opt_ashamanes_frenzy_main_action)

REASON: Allows player to choose via checkbox whether to add Azshamane's Frenzy to the Main Icon

AddFunction ShortCd_AshamanesFrenzy
and ComboPoints() <= 2
and { not Talent(bloodtalons_talent) or BuffPresent(bloodtalons_buff) }


MODIFICATION: Cooldowns_Shadowmeld for CheckBoxOn(opt_shadowmeld_main_action)

REASON: Allows player to choose via checkbox whether to add Shadowmeld to the Main Icon

MODIFICATION: target.TimeToDie() > BaseDuration(rake_debuff) + 5

REASON: Does not use Shadowmeld on targets with less than BaseDuration(rake_debuff) + 5 seconds to live

MODIFICATION: target.InRange(rake)

REASON: Cannot move after Shadowmeld so add range check before suggesting

AddFunction Cooldowns_Shadowmeld
and ComboPoints() < 5
and Energy() >= PowerCost(rake)
and target.DebuffPersistentMultiplier(rake_debuff) < 2.1
and { BuffPresent(tigers_fury_buff) or TFMultPred() > 1 }
and { not Talent(bloodtalons_talent) or BuffPresent(bloodtalons_buff) }
and { not Talent(incarnation_talent) or SpellCooldown(incarnation_king_of_the_jungle) > 18 }
and BuffExpires(incarnation_king_of_the_jungle_buff)
and target.TimeToDie() > BaseDuration(rake_debuff) + 5
and target.InRange(rake)

MODIFICATION: Cd_Shadowmeld for CheckBoxOff(opt_shadowmeld_main_action)

REASON: Allows player to choose via checkbox whether to add Shadowmeld to the Main Icon

AddFunction Cd_Shadowmeld
and ComboPoints() < 5
and Energy() >= PowerCost(rake)
and target.DebuffPersistentMultiplier(rake_debuff) < 2.1
and { BuffPresent(tigers_fury_buff) or TFMultPred() > 1 }
and { not Talent(bloodtalons_talent) or BuffPresent(bloodtalons_buff) }
and { not Talent(incarnation_talent) or SpellCooldown(incarnation_king_of_the_jungle) > 18 }
and BuffExpires(incarnation_king_of_the_jungle_buff)
and target.TimeToDie() > BaseDuration(rake_debuff) + 5
and target.InRange(rake)

#AddFunction Cooldowns_Trinket #### Unused


AddFunction Main_Regrowth_Expires_or_5CP
and BuffPresent(predatory_swiftness_buff)
and BuffStacks(bloodtalons_buff) < bt_stack()
and { BuffRemaining(predatory_swiftness_buff) < 1.5
or ComboPoints() == 5
and { BuffExpires(incarnation_king_of_the_jungle_buff)
or target.DebuffRemaining(rip_debuff) < 8
or target.DebuffRemaining(rake_debuff) < 5 } }

AddFunction Main_FerociousBite_3SecondRefresh
and target.DebuffRemaining(rip_debuff) < 3
and target.TimeToDie() > 10
and target.HealthPercent() < execute_range()

AddFunction Main_Finishers_Conditions
ComboPoints() > 4

AddFunction Finishers_SavageRoarExpires


MODIFICATION: TFMultPred when CheckBoxOn(opt_tigers_fury_multiplier_predict)

REASON: When Tiger's Fury is suggested, treat Rip as if it is already up even if it hasn't been cast yet.

AddFunction Finishers_Rip
{ target.DebuffExpires(rip_debuff)
or target.DebuffRemaining(rip_debuff) <= rip_refresh()
and target.HealthPercent() > execute_range()
or target.DebuffRemaining(rip_debuff) <= BaseDuration(rip_debuff) * 0.8
and TFMultPred() * PersistentMultiplier(rip_debuff) > target.DebuffPersistentMultiplier(rip_debuff) }
and target.TimeToDie() > 6 + 2 * Enemies() + target.DebuffRemaining(rip_debuff)

AddFunction Finishers_SavageRoarRefresh
BuffRemaining(savage_roar_buff) < savage_roar_refresh()

AddFunction Finishers_Maimers


MODIFICATION: CheckBoxOn(opt_ashamanes_frenzy_main_action) in Main_Regrowth_AshamanesFrenzy

REASON: Allows player to choose via checkbox whether to add Ashamane's Frenzy to the Main Icon

MODIFICATION: target.TimeToDie() > 21

REASON: Does not use Regrowth for Ashamane's Frenzy on targets with less than 21 seconds to live

AddFunction Main_Regrowth_AshamanesFrenzy
and Talent(bloodtalons_talent)
and BuffPresent(predatory_swiftness_buff)
and BuffExpires(bloodtalons_buff)
and ComboPoints() == 2
and SpellCooldown(ashamanes_frenzy) < 0.75
and target.TimeToDie() > 21

MODIFICATION: ShortCd_Regrowth_AshamanesFrenzy for CheckBoxOff(opt_ashamanes_frenzy_main_action)

REASON: Allows player to choose via checkbox whether to add Ashamane's Frenzy to the Main Icon

AddFunction ShortCd_Regrowth_AshamanesFrenzy
and Talent(bloodtalons_talent)
and BuffPresent(predatory_swiftness_buff)
and BuffExpires(bloodtalons_buff)
and ComboPoints() == 2
and SpellCooldown(ashamanes_frenzy) < 0.75

AddFunction Main_Regrowth_Pouncers
and Talent(bloodtalons_talent)
and BuffExpires(bloodtalons_buff)
and { BuffStacks(predatory_swiftness_buff) > 2
or BuffStacks(predatory_swiftness_buff) > 1 and target.DebuffRemaining(rake_debuff) < 3 }

#AddFunction Main_Generators_Conditions


AddFunction Generators_BrutalSlash_DesiredTargets
Enemies() >= BrutalSlashDesiredTargets()
and { BuffPresent(tigers_fury_buff) or TFMultPred() > 1 or CheckBoxOff(opt_brutal_slash_use_with_tigers_fury) }

AddFunction Generators_ThrashCat_3Targets
and Enemies() > 2

AddFunction Generators_Rake
{ not target.DebuffPresent(rake_debuff)
or { not Talent(bloodtalons_talent) or BuffPresent(bloodtalons_buff) }
and target.DebuffRemaining(rake_debuff) <= rake_refresh()
and PersistentMultiplier(rake_debuff) > target.DebuffPersistentMultiplier(rake_debuff) * 0.85 }
and target.TimeToDie() > 6 + target.DebuffRemaining(rake_debuff)

AddFunction Generators_BrutalSlash_3Charges
and Charges(brutal_slash count=0) > 2.66

AddFunction Generators_MoonfireCat
and target.TimeToDie() > 4 + target.DebuffRemaining(moonfire_cat_debuff)

AddFunction Generators_ThrashCat_Luffa_or_2Targets
and { use_thrash() == 1 or Enemies() > 1 }

AddFunction Generators_SwipeCat
Enemies() > 1

AddFunction Generators_Shred
target.DebuffRemaining(rake_debuff) > { PowerCost(shred) + PowerCost(rake) - Energy() } / EnergyRegenRate()
or BuffPresent(clearcasting_buff)
or target.TimeToDie() <= 6 + target.DebuffRemaining(rake_debuff)


AddFunction FeralDefaultMainActions
if Main_Rake_Prowl() Spell(rake)

if BuffExpires(cat_form_buff) Spell(dash)

if BuffExpires(cat_form_buff) Spell(cat_form)

if Main_Opener_Conditions() FeralOpenerMainActions()


if Main_Regrowth_Expires_or_5CP() Spell(regrowth)

if Main_FerociousBite_3SecondRefresh() Spell(ferocious_bite text=Refresh)

if Main_Finishers_Conditions() FeralFinishersMainActions()
unless Main_Finishers_Conditions()
    # MODIFICATION: CheckBoxOn(opt_ashamanes_frenzy_main_action) in Main_Regrowth_AshamanesFrenzy
    # REASON: Allows player to choose via checkbox whether to add Ashamane's Frenzy to the Main Icon
    if Main_Regrowth_AshamanesFrenzy() Spell(regrowth text=AF)

    if Main_Regrowth_Pouncers() Spell(regrowth text=Pouncers)


AddFunction FeralDefaultShortCdActions
unless Main_Rake_Prowl() and Spell(rake) or BuffExpires(cat_form_buff) and Spell(cat_form)

    #if Main_Opener_Conditions() FeralOpenerShortCdActions()
    unless Main_Opener_Conditions() and FeralOpenerShortCdPostConditions()
        unless Main_Finishers_Conditions()
            # MODIFICATION: ShortCd_Regrowth_AshamanesFrenzy for CheckBoxOff(opt_ashamanes_frenzy_main_action)
            # REASON: Allows player to choose via checkbox whether to add Ashamane's Frenzy to the Main Icon
            if ShortCd_Regrowth_AshamanesFrenzy() Spell(regrowth text=AF)


AddFunction FeralDefaultCdActions
unless Main_Rake_Prowl() and Spell(rake) or BuffExpires(cat_form_buff) and Spell(cat_form)

    if Main_Opener_Conditions() FeralOpenerCdActions()
    unless Main_Opener_Conditions() and FeralOpenerCdPostConditions()



AddFunction FeralCooldownsMainActions
# MODIFICATION: Cooldowns_AshamanesFrenzy for CheckBoxOn(opt_ashamanes_frenzy_main_action)
# REASON: Allows player to choose via checkbox whether to add Azshamane's Frenzy to the Main Icon
if Cooldowns_AshamanesFrenzy() Spell(ashamanes_frenzy)

# MODIFICATION: Cooldowns_Shadowmeld for CheckBoxOn(opt_shadowmeld_main_action)
# REASON: Allows player to choose via checkbox whether to add Shadowmeld to the Main Icon
if Cooldowns_Shadowmeld() Spell(shadowmeld)


AddFunction FeralCooldownsShortCdActions
if ShortCd_ElunesGuidance() Spell(elunes_guidance)

# MODIFICATION: Show "+TF" text on AF if you should also cast TF
# REASON: Instead of TF blocking AF suggestion.
if ShortCd_AshamanesFrenzy() 
    if SpellCooldown(tigers_fury) <= 0 and ShortCd_TigersFury() Spell(ashamanes_frenzy text="+TF")

# MODIFICATION: Moved both tigers_fury to below ashamanes_frenzy
# REASON: Instead show AF with "+TF" text.
if ShortCd_TigersFury() Spell(tigers_fury)

# MODIFICATION: ShortCd_TigersFury_Predator
# REASON: Spam Tiger's Fury with predator in raid to maximize raid uptime of versatility buff
if ShortCd_TigersFury_Predator() Spell(tigers_fury text=Pred)


AddFunction FeralCooldownsCdActions
# MODIFICATION: Display potion if it is time to use your DPS potion with your cooldowns
# REASON: Potion won't show up till after Berserk is cast normally
if Cd_Berserk()
if Cd_Potion() and Item(prolonged_power_potion usable=1) Spell(berserk_cat text=potion)

# MODIFICATION: Display potion if it is time to use your DPS potion with your cooldowns
# REASON: Potion won't show up till after Incarnation is cast normally
if Cd_Incarnation() 
    if Cd_Potion() and Item(prolonged_power_potion usable=1) Spell(incarnation_king_of_the_jungle text=potion)

unless ShortCd_ElunesGuidance() and Spell(elunes_guidance)
    if Cd_Potion() Item(prolonged_power_potion usable=1)

    unless Cooldowns_AshamanesFrenzy() and Spell(ashamanes_frenzy)
        # MODIFICATION: Cd_Shadowmeld for CheckBoxOff(opt_shadowmeld_main_action)
        # REASON: Allows player to choose via checkbox whether to add Shadowmeld to the Main Icon
        if Cd_Shadowmeld() Spell(shadowmeld)



AddFunction FeralFinishersMainActions
if Finishers_SavageRoarExpires() Spell(savage_roar)
unless Finishers_SavageRoarExpires() and SpellUsable(savage_roar) and SpellCooldown(savage_roar) < TimeToEnergyFor(savage_roar)
if Finishers_Rip() Spell(rip)
unless Finishers_Rip() and SpellUsable(rip) and SpellCooldown(rip) < TimeToEnergyFor(rip)
if Finishers_SavageRoarRefresh() Spell(savage_roar)
unless Finishers_SavageRoarRefresh() and SpellUsable(savage_roar) and SpellCooldown(savage_roar) < TimeToEnergyFor(savage_roar)
if Finishers_Maimers() Spell(maim)

            if Energy() >= EnergyCost(ferocious_bite max=1) Spell(ferocious_bite)



AddFunction FeralGeneratorsMainActions
if Generators_BrutalSlash_DesiredTargets() Spell(brutal_slash)

if Generators_ThrashCat_3Targets() Spell(thrash_cat)
unless Generators_ThrashCat_3Targets() and SpellUsable(thrash_cat) and SpellCooldown(thrash_cat) < TimeToEnergyFor(thrash_cat)
    if Generators_Rake() Spell(rake)
    unless Generators_Rake() and SpellUsable(rake) and SpellCooldown(rake) < TimeToEnergyFor(rake)
        if Generators_BrutalSlash_3Charges() Spell(brutal_slash)
        if Generators_MoonfireCat() Spell(moonfire_cat)
        if Generators_ThrashCat_Luffa_or_2Targets() Spell(thrash_cat)
        unless Generators_ThrashCat_Luffa_or_2Targets() and SpellUsable(thrash_cat) and SpellCooldown(thrash_cat) < TimeToEnergyFor(thrash_cat)
            if Generators_SwipeCat() Spell(swipe_cat)
            unless Generators_SwipeCat() and SpellUsable(swipe_cat) and SpellCooldown(swipe_cat) < TimeToEnergyFor(swipe_cat)
                if Generators_Shred() Spell(shred)



AddFunction FeralOpenerMainActions
if Talent(lunar_inspiration_talent) and not target.DebuffPresent(moonfire_cat_debuff) Spell(moonfire_cat)

if BuffExpires(savage_roar_buff) Spell(savage_roar)

if Talent(sabertooth_talent) and Talent(bloodtalons_talent) and BuffExpires(predatory_swiftness_buff) and BuffExpires(bloodtalons_buff) and ComboPoints() == 5 Spell(regrowth text=hardcast)


AddFunction FeralOpenerShortCdActions
unless Talent(lunar_inspiration_talent) and not target.DebuffPresent(moonfire_cat_debuff) and Spell(moonfire_cat)
or Finishers_SavageRoarExpires() and Spell(savage_roar)
# MODIFICATION: Remove TF display from the opener
# REASON: Shows AF instead.
#if BuffPresent(savage_roar_buff) Spell(tigers_fury)

AddFunction FeralOpenerShortCdPostConditions
Talent(lunar_inspiration_talent) and not target.DebuffPresent(moonfire_cat_debuff) and Spell(moonfire_cat)
or Finishers_SavageRoarExpires() and Spell(savage_roar)
or Talent(sabertooth_talent) and Talent(bloodtalons_talent) and BuffExpires(bloodtalons_buff) and ComboPoints() == 5 and Spell(regrowth)

AddFunction FeralOpenerCdActions
unless Talent(lunar_inspiration_talent) and not target.DebuffPresent(moonfire_cat_debuff) and Spell(moonfire_cat)
or Finishers_SavageRoarExpires() and Spell(savage_roar)
# MODIFICATION: if BuffPresent(savage_roar_buff)
# REASON: Make Berserk/Incarnation show up for the opener
if BuffPresent(savage_roar_buff) Spell(berserk_cat text="+TF")

    if BuffPresent(savage_roar_buff) Spell(incarnation_king_of_the_jungle text="+TF")


AddFunction FeralOpenerCdPostConditions
Talent(lunar_inspiration_talent) and not target.DebuffPresent(moonfire_cat_debuff) and Spell(moonfire_cat)
or Finishers_SavageRoarExpires() and Spell(savage_roar)
or Talent(sabertooth_talent) and Talent(bloodtalons_talent) and BuffExpires(bloodtalons_buff) and ComboPoints() == 5 and Spell(regrowth)


AddFunction FeralPrecombatMainActions

# MODIFICATION: Talent(bloodtalons_talent) to Talent(bloodtalons_talent) and BuffRemaining(bloodtalons_buff) < 15 and BuffExpires(prowl_buff)
# REASON: Only suggest Regrowth out of stealth and if there's <15 seconds remaining
if Talent(bloodtalons_talent) and BuffRemaining(bloodtalons_buff) < 15 and BuffExpires(prowl_buff) Spell(regrowth)


if BuffRefreshable(savage_roar_buff) Spell(savage_roar)


AddFunction FeralPrecombatMainPostConditions

AddFunction FeralPrecombatShortCdActions
# MODIFICATION: Talent(bloodtalons_talent) to Talent(bloodtalons_talent) and BuffRemaining(bloodtalons_buff) < 15 and BuffExpires(prowl_buff)
# REASON: Only suggest Regrowth out of stealth and if there's <15 seconds remaining
# MODIFICATION: Remove or Spell(cat_form)
# REASON: Blocks Prowl from showing up
unless Talent(bloodtalons_talent) and BuffRemaining(bloodtalons_buff) < 15 and BuffExpires(prowl_buff) and Spell(regrowth)

AddFunction FeralPrecombatShortCdPostConditions
# MODIFICATION: Talent(bloodtalons_talent) to Talent(bloodtalons_talent) and BuffRemaining(bloodtalons_buff) < 15 and BuffExpires(prowl_buff)
# REASON: Only suggest Regrowth out of stealth and if there's <15 seconds remaining
# MODIFICATION: Remove or Spell(cat_form)
# REASON: Blocks Prowl from showing up
Talent(bloodtalons_talent) and BuffRemaining(bloodtalons_buff) < 15 and BuffExpires(prowl_buff) and Spell(regrowth)

AddFunction FeralPrecombatCdActions
unless Talent(bloodtalons_talent) and BuffRemaining(bloodtalons_buff) < 15 and BuffExpires(prowl_buff) and Spell(regrowth)
if CheckBoxOn(opt_use_consumables) and target.Classification(worldboss) Item(prolonged_power_potion usable=1)

AddFunction FeralPrecombatCdPostConditions
# MODIFICATION: Talent(bloodtalons_talent) to Talent(bloodtalons_talent) and BuffRemaining(bloodtalons_buff) < 15 and BuffExpires(prowl_buff)
# REASON: Only suggest Regrowth out of stealth and if there's <15 seconds remaining
# MODIFICATION: Remove or Spell(cat_form)
# REASON: Blocks Prowl from showing up
Talent(bloodtalons_talent) and BuffRemaining(bloodtalons_buff) < 15 and BuffExpires(prowl_buff) and Spell(regrowth)

Feral icons.

AddCheckBox(opt_druid_feral_aoe L(AOE) default specialization=feral)

AddIcon checkbox=!opt_druid_feral_aoe enemies=1 help=shortcd specialization=feral
if not InCombat() FeralPrecombatShortCdActions()
unless not InCombat() and FeralPrecombatShortCdPostConditions()

AddIcon checkbox=opt_druid_feral_aoe help=shortcd specialization=feral
if not InCombat() FeralPrecombatShortCdActions()
unless not InCombat() and FeralPrecombatShortCdPostConditions()

AddIcon enemies=1 help=main specialization=feral
if not InCombat() FeralPrecombatMainActions()
unless not InCombat() and FeralPrecombatMainPostConditions()

AddIcon checkbox=opt_druid_feral_aoe help=aoe specialization=feral
if not InCombat() FeralPrecombatMainActions()
unless not InCombat() and FeralPrecombatMainPostConditions()

AddIcon checkbox=!opt_druid_feral_aoe enemies=1 help=cd specialization=feral
if not InCombat() FeralPrecombatCdActions()
unless not InCombat() and FeralPrecombatCdPostConditions()

AddIcon checkbox=opt_druid_feral_aoe help=cd specialization=feral
if not InCombat() FeralPrecombatCdActions()
unless not InCombat() and FeralPrecombatCdPostConditions()

Required symbols















































This was a fix to my issue:
OvaleAST: Syntax error: unexpected token '#' when parsing DECLARATION; declaration keyword expected.
OvaleAST: Next tokens: # wild_charge_cat

So Ovale works but have Prowl stuck in my first icon and I only get Ashamanes Frenzy, Shred and Rake as spell options. I used to get an array of spells.

Thanks for the help


Should be fixed in beta5