Ovale Spell Priority

Ovale Spell Priority


Balance rotation Error

JargerWolf opened this issue ยท 1 comments


Getting the following errors when running Balance Script based off 12/6/2017 simcraft file. It only happens when I change my stance. I removed all instances of Force of Nature from the simcraft script before importing it due to not ever using that talent and im still getting this error.

[07:23 PM] OvaleCompile: Unknown spell with ID force_of_nature_caster used in Spell(force_of_nature_caster).
[07:23 PM] OvaleCompile: Unknown spell with ID force_of_nature_caster used in Spell(force_of_nature_caster).
[07:23 PM] OvaleCompile: Unknown spell with ID force_of_nature_caster used in Spell(force_of_nature_caster).
[07:23 PM] OvaleCompile: Unknown spell with ID force_of_nature_caster used in Spell(force_of_nature_caster).


Fixed with update to beta5 and removal of Force of Nature from Simcraft list before importing