Ovale Spell Priority

Ovale Spell Priority


Fatal error: unknown function TickTimeRemaining

nb41 opened this issue ยท 1 comments


Getting this on load after the latest update, and it results in UH DKs never having their disease-reapplication suggested (I'm sure numerous other DoT classes are having the same problem--or maybe not, if this is unique to the UH DK script).


Figured it out--the UH DK scripts are way out of date, and using 'TickTimeRemaining', which appears to have been removed. Should it be replaced with DebuffRemaining?

...ah, no it looks like TicksRemaining is probably the right one. But, even subbing that in, the script is almost never telling a DK to apply the disease when it's not up, and AFAIK disease uptime should always be 100%.