Ovale Spell Priority

Ovale Spell Priority


Demonology Warlock: Script request

Opened this issue ยท 1 comments


Thanks for updating the script it is working much better, couple of things I found that were still bugged.

Talents: Shadowy Inspiration, Improved Dreadstalkers, Demon Skin, Power Trip, Burning Rush, Grimoire of Synergy, Demonbolt
Script: [7.0] Ovale Demonology Warlock

Issue 1: Doom is not being suggested in the rotation at all.
Issue 2: When your pet dies in combat instead of suggesting to cast your pet again, it keeps suggesting to cast Demonic Empowerment until you cast your pet.
Issue 3: When you cast Summon Doomguard or Summon Infernal the next thing that should be suggested is Demonic Empowerment
Issue 4: Need to add Cast Demonwrath if there are 5+ targets stacked around your demons, or while moving if you are above 60% Mana.

Thank you for your hard work.



The simulationcraft script has been updated, it should be correct now.