Ovale Spell Priority

Ovale Spell Priority


Aritmetic operation errors inside script

Attilio76 opened this issue ยท 0 comments


I found some aritmetic errors operation in the new Ovale version that prevent rotation work properly.

Just an EXAMPLE:
In ovale_warrior.lua we can found
if BuffRemaining(battle_cry_buff) > 6 or SpellCooldown(battle_cry) < 10 or target.TimeToDie() < SpellCooldown(battle_cry) + 10 Spell(avatar)

the operation SpellCooldown(battle_cry) + 10 return always wrong value
if I try display only SpellCooldown(battle_cry) it works properly but not the aritmetical sum.

This error occurs in every aritmetic operation concerning functions that return a value.
This is a PRIORITY BUG that must be solved asap!