Ovale Spell Priority

Ovale Spell Priority


Warrior - Fury rotation bugs

LOTDN opened this issue ยท 0 comments


First, thank you for the incredible amount of work put into maintaining this addon. Much appreciated!

When playing my fury warrior (lvl 110, item level ~850), I notice three bugs:

  1. "Odyn's Fury" attack spell is never suggested, even in ideal conditions per Simulationcraft (enraged with battle cry active). When following the suggested Ovale rotation exactly, and not using Odyn's Fury at all, drops DPS significantly.

  2. Occassionally, Bloodthirt and Rampage are both suggested as the next spell to cast, and icons for the two switch rapidly back and forth. I'm guessing this is either when enrage is not active, or when at 100 rage (since I have Frothing Berserker talent).

  3. Pummel (Interrupt) isnever suggested in short-term ability spot (this definitely used to work in a prior version, not sure which one)

The default script seems correct, and contains both Odyn's Fury and Pummel triggers, so I'm not sure what the issue is. I'm not great at interpretting the scripts, so can't tell if there's a typo or other issue.

All three of the above bugs occur in the most recent Release version, as well as the Alpha from 1/12/18.

Thanks again