Ovale Spell Priority

Ovale Spell Priority


Trouble with Ovale on one toon

vicki2810 opened this issue ยท 0 comments


Working well from the beginning. Starting with the wow patch on Tuesday though, it ceased working on one toon - my boomkin. As I am a real novice with Ovale I have no idea how to troubleshoot it. One of the things i liked about it was that it worked perfectly without any setup. Now though...

I compared the set up to my other toons and the only thing I can see is when I hover over the minimap icon and it says:
Default script (sc_druid_balance_t19)
Custom script
(7.0) Simulationcraft: Druid_Balance_T19

I've tried clicking "disabled" but it doesn't do anything. If answering this question, please give me the Ovale for Dummies version. I know a little html, but I don't really get the scripting thing so please explain like I'm two.

Update Apr 30 - I see this is a problem with all my boomies on all servers.