Ovale Spell Priority

Ovale Spell Priority


Chain lightning not showing keybind

zzzwhiteboyzzz opened this issue · 2 comments


All of my abilities are showing their keybind. The keybind for chain lightning is not showing. I do not have it on my bars twice. It is on the 3 key and nowhere else.


Most likely it is caused by wrong spell id.

As I dont have level 110 Shaman on Live, so please check Chain Lightnig spell id in Ovale Action Bar debug.

Go to Interface > Addons > Ovale > Debug > Action Bar you should see Chain Lightning there
it will look like this Keybind: Spell ID SpellName
so in your case
3: (spell id here) Chain Lightning

After you check that:

  • go to you warcraft folder Interface\AddOns\Ovale\dist\scripts
  • open ovale_shaman_spells.lua and find Define(chain_lightning 421)
  • change 421 to your spell id
  • save and reload interface in game with /reload

you should see keybind after that
