Ovale Spell Priority

Ovale Spell Priority


Ovale in BFA?

cerravox opened this issue ยท 25 comments


Will this addon continue through BFA? Please tell me it will?


I echo this comment. Frankly, the status of Ovale is always my greatest stress when big patches hit.


Yes please keep this going! If not, is there another addon that is similar?


@nattycozy hekili is similar, also based on SimulationCraft data. The implementation is a bit different and the instructions on how to configure it are out of date based on the current 8.x setup mechanism. I prefer Sidoine's implementation because the AoE/Single Target information plus cooldowns is much tighter. But it is an option if you are in a pinch.



i think i fixed it. seems to work fine and show stuff.


I'm updating spell definitions and just finished paladin ret/prot

you can check my repo or download this Ovale.zip


Thanks so much for undertaking this. I can't imagine how huge is it after all of this!!


Thanks for branching and updating. Star'd your branch.


I also want to thank you for your update. I wouldn't play this game without your update. but still have a bug.When you enter the arena, if you do not RELOAD, Ovale will go wrong. ComboPoints and holy_power and others unable to be judged .
I'm using your latest version. I don't know if you have a test in the arena or whether you can fix it.


I still have a problem as Elemental Shaman... Ovale always propose me to cast my Totem Mastery even if he is already present


Azp, they have to rewrite a ton of code because of the pre-patch. It's going to be broken for a while. The good news is that it IS being worked on.


@fwater I will add that to my TODO list
@Azpirinexl that's because I didn't update Shaman spells yet
I've updated Paladin, Monk, DK next will be DH


Thank you for all your hard work everyone who is working on this, it is much appreciated! Will the finished addon be uploaded to Twitch/Curse when finished? @mwojtkowski


Thank you much for keep working, we need Ovale badly before BFA's start :)


@mwojtkowski Where do we submit bugs to you for testing (currently getting some errors on Ret Pally. Granted I may not be "checking out" your code properly as well. I'm just going to your page and "download" what you got.


you get lua errors on paladin ?


I was, yes. But it's also possible the way I'm picking it up is wrong (I'm not sure just downloading from your branch and replacing my existing Ovale folder is the appropriate way but it WAS the way I did it). If you want me to post LUA errors here, I can. I was just thinking it was more appropriate to put them where you work. Just let me know.


I enabled Issue reporting in my repo so if you have problems with my fork please post it there


I will do a fresh pull of your fork and then go test again and let you know. The problem was a "missing" library (I moved the old Ovale into a "backup" folder and took yours as is). Will update in your branch.


@melina3 Using @mwojtkowski work (I remove the entire Ovale folder contents and replace it with his release contents), I spec'd into Frost (and, granted, my DK is only 100). The build I took for Frost was from wowhead's 8.x build out to maximize single DPS (the two tiers that are not specified, I just picked something that seemed to make sense). Swords are runeforged with the top two selections, a different one for the main hand and the other on the offhand - sorry, don't play DK that much so I don't remember these off the top of my head - razorice and fallen crusader, IIRC).

I had a go at the training dummy in Ironforge for a good 5 minutes to get the single and multi-target flow down and I had no LUA errors at all.


i am getting ovalecompile (unknown spell with id xxxx used in spelll xxxx) and i am not sure how to fix it.


@Jevnaker Only a small subset of Ovale "spells" have been updated by @mwojtkowski

If you get lua errors it is probably caused by outdated spell definitions
As for spells I've updated

Death Knight
Demon Hunter
all above have imported simc profiles

See this update here:


Otherwise, you are going to have to (a) import the simc for your class/spec and (b) update it's associated spells.


sadly does not work for my dk.i follow all the steps and download the right files.only spams on say:finding priority.any suggestions pls?


@melina3 What spec?

I just testing unholy (on my lvl 100 DK) and I saw no issues.


@Brdrker frost dk


ok ty will try that i used the addon just fine after getting some files here and there on github and it showed the correct pictures and stuff like that it was just annoying that it kept spamming that message all the time.