Ovale Spell Priority

Ovale Spell Priority


Can't find icon group

Tanneseph opened this issue ยท 6 comments


Just downloaded the alpha today, and I'm having a problem that does crop up for me every once in a while. I've confirmed the addon is enabled in-game, but I can't find the icon group anywhere. This is a fresh install, so I'm not sure what the deal is. In the past, if this somehow happens, I reinstall the addon, so I don't know what to do when it is from scratch, heh.

Related suggestion: Any chance the options menu could include something like "reset group position" or "move to center of screen." Just thinking out loud.


Could you tell me with which specialization/class you get that problem with or is it on all of your toons ?
You can "reset" position by setting Horizontal/Vertical offset to 0 in Icon goup menu option


There was no script enabled by default.... 1) Yeah, I feel kinda dumb. 2) Once enabled, the WW script looks to be solid.

Deeply sorry to have wasted your time. Thank you so much for your work on this.


I'm a monk, and I just confirmed that it's missing with all three specs. I also checked that the offset was 0, and even moved those sliders around in the offchance that I'd see the icon group slide by, ha.

No luck.


It's here for my Arcane Mage alt that I just logged into! So that's some info.


It's incredibly wonky, though. I don't know if Arcane Mage isn't ready yet, or it's the fact that she's level 38, but the group goes blank when I go into combat. I got ready to attack something with four charges good to go, and it didn't recommend Arcane Barrage, either.

"Ovale: [2424] Division by 0 in ( 0 * total_burns() - 0 + GetStateDuration() ) / total_burns()"

Sorry about the multi-post. Let me know if this info isn't useful, just trying to do what little I can.


Unfortunately Mage scripts are not updated so you will have errors/missing icons etc.
But monk should work it was one of the first updated specs.

So from what I understand if you click on minimap icon and select script nothing happens ?
Can you make some simple custom script and see if icon shows up ?

Something like


AddIcon help=main specialization=windwalker

AddIcon help=main specialization=brewmaster

AddIcon help=main specialization=mistweaver