Ovale Spell Priority

Ovale Spell Priority


Range failure indication in Ret Pally

Brdrker opened this issue ยท 3 comments


Once a target is selected (and even in battle), the following actions show a failed range check (if I understand the UI properly which I may not -- the '?' is red):

Wake of Ashes (spellID: 255937)
Inquisition (spellID: 84963)

While Wake of Ashes should definitely do a range check for dmg potential, Inquisition probably does not need it. However, in both cases, even when in immediate melee range, both show the RetPally is not close enough.

This was found in the latest release from Curse: 8.0.6


I noticed this as well for the Fury Warrior Whirlwind when standing in melee range...


Wake of Ashes is declared twice in script and one has wrong spell id, for warrior whirlwind is declared only once with spell id for arms, fury has different spell id for ww


8.0.9 seemed to have fixed the WoA issues... but introduced a predilection of Crusader Strike (id: 55395) when it isn't even on cooldown. It's also not displaying the keybind. I've attempted repeated /reloadui but to no avail.

This may simply be an errant display of CS as the "next" attack (which might explain why it does not display the keybind).