Ovale Spell Priority

Ovale Spell Priority


improved_rake error spam

tehmufifnman opened this issue ยท 3 comments


[19:59] OvaleCompile: Info: improved_rake is not a parameter keyword in 'rake' spell_aura_list

This is being spammed in chat


Fixed in 8.0.11


To be clear, this is still happening with 8.0.10.

Also, there are two variants, one with 'rake' and one with 'rake_debuff'.

It looks like this problem comes from Shmoo's script. I was able to stop the spam by commenting out two lines:

SpellDamageBuff(rake improved_rake=2)
SpellDamageBuff(rake_debuff improved_rake=2)

I'm not up to date with the latest Ovale syntax, so I don't even know what those lines were supposed to do, but I'm guessing that there was an "improved_rake" definition that got ditched recently, which killed these two lines.


Yes I should have mentioned I am also on 8.0.10, sorry about that!