Ovale Spell Priority

Ovale Spell Priority


Monk bugs

mwojtkowski opened this issue ยท 0 comments


Auto generating script problems:

blackout_kick_windwalker has wrong id

Keg Smash has cd declared twice
SpellInfo(keg_smash energy=40 cd=1 cd=8 duration=15 gcd=1)

rushing_jade_wind 116847 (brewmaster) has wrong duration and should cost no chi
rushing_jade_wind_windwalker 261715 is missing

Spinning Crane kick has chi declared twice should be chi=2
SpellInfo(spinning_crane_kick chi=2 chi=3 duration=1.5 channel=1.5 tick=0.5)

storm_earth_and_fire is missing

Tiger Palm energy declared twice should be energy=25 for brewmaster and energy=50 for Windwalker
SpellInfo(tiger_palm energy=50 energy=50 chi=0)

Also when using npm run simc
turns into this
MaxHealth() * 0 + StaggerTick() * 4
and should be
MaxHealth() * 0.1 + StaggerTick() * 4