Ovale Spell Priority

Ovale Spell Priority


DH Havoc - Chaos Strike - problem with auto generated spells

Hemario opened this issue ยท 0 comments


the auto generated spell definition comes with 2 variants of Chaos Strike

Define(chaos_strike 162794)
# Slice your target for 222031s1+199547s1 Chaos damage. Chaos Strike has a 197125h chance to refund 193840s1 Fury.
  SpellInfo(chaos_strike fury=40)

Define(chaos_strike_havoc 197125)
# Slice your target for 222031s1+199547s1 Chaos damage. Chaos Strike has a 197125h chance to refund 193840s1 Fury.
  SpellInfo(chaos_strike_havoc channel=0 gcd=0 offgcd=1)
  SpellAddBuff(chaos_strike_havoc chaos_strike_havoc=1)

Generating the script will thus translate actions=chaos_strike to Spell(chaos_strike_havoc).
However, the spell id of Chaos Strike in the spellbook is 162794 (the first one). Chaos strike with id 197125 is Blizzard's hidden spell in order to handle the proc "Chaos Strike has a 40% chance to refund 20 Fury."

Desired result is to have Spell(chaos_strike) in the generated script.