Ovale Spell Priority

Ovale Spell Priority


DK D&D buff and debuff auto generation

Hemario opened this issue ยท 1 comments


The auto generated spell list generated the following:

Define(death_and_decay 43265)
  SpellInfo(death_and_decay runes=1 runicpower=-10 cd=30 duration=10 tick=1)
  SpellAddBuff(death_and_decay death_and_decay=1)

However, the id of the buff on the player is id 188290
what we should have is:

Define(death_and_decay 43265)
Define(death_and_decay_buff 188290)

SpellInfo(death_and_decay runes=1 runicpower=-10 cd=30 duration=10 tick=1)
SpellAddBuff(dead_and_decay dead_and_decay_buff=1)

it also seems that D&D no longer puts a target debuff (apparently)


related to #538