Ovale Spell Priority

Ovale Spell Priority


Behavior modification feral

tigew opened this issue ยท 4 comments


If talented into Bloody Talons on feral, pre-combat suggests Healing Touch as normal, but if the buff is present and has significant time remaining eg. or is present at all it will not display another spell until you land your first rake or get in combat. This doesn't match behavior that it should was showing previously in draenor were after it would recognize BT then cat ,prowl ,rake would be suggested until BT had around 10 seconds remaining.

Low priority issue but still a QoL change.


There's actually a lot of fixes that need to be done in the translator for Ferals.

  1. Pre-pull healing touch
  • It should have additional conditions added to it as tigew said. It used to be implemented long ago but seems to have been removed for some reason. I used
    if Talent(bloodtalons_talent) and BuffRemaining(bloodtalons_buff) < 20 and BuffExpires(prowl_buff) Spell(healing_touch)
  1. GetInMeleeRange
  • There's several problems with it, but they can all be fixed by simply changing the first group of tests to be
    if CheckBoxOn(opt_melee_range) and { Stance(druid_bear_form) or Stance(druid_cat_form) } and not target.InRange(shred). You don't have to be able to use an ability to make a range check test on it. You just have to know it.
  1. action.<ability>.cost should translate to EnergyCost.
  • Though for it to work for any non-energy users would need to be the default primary resource for the spec. Should be fairly easy, I just took the lazy way in my local version to get it to work.
  1. Brutal Slash
  • spell_targets.brutal_slash>desired_targets currently translates to Enemies() > Enemies(tagged=1). That doesn't really work as it would only show if you're not damaging all the enemies in the fight. As soon as you used Thrash or Brutal Slash on them, it'd evaluate to false. desired_targets in Simulationcraft is defined as the number of main (non-add) enemies. Though it doesn't work unless you actually define it in the script (the GUI won't set it properly). The simple option would be to set it to 1. The more advanced option (which is what I did in my script) is to create a drop down box with various values so it could be set per encounter.
  • There's also a line for Brutal Slash that deals with when adds are coming (or if they're coming). Since Ovale currently translates !raid_event.adds.exists to not False() and simply keeps you from going over 2.66 charges at any time. Really on any fight we're using Brutal Slash on we want 3 charges when the add comes up so we don't want this evaluating to True ever.
  • The other half of the line is raid_event.adds.exists&raid_event.adds.in>(1+max_charges-charges_fractional)*15. This could be useful, but only if Ovale knew when the adds were coming. You could actually pull this information from DBM/BW by accessing their timers though that would probably be something of a long term project as I think it'd take a while to implement and test.
  1. Augmentation
  • It should be treated like Flask and Food (it's the runes that give you +primary stat).
  1. Elune's Guidance buff.
  • Since it's a hidden buff, what I did is changed it to check vs the cooldown. SpellCooldown(elunes_guidance) >= 40 for BuffPresent and < for BuffExpires.
  1. Sabertooth opener.
  • Minor thing but it should probably only be used on bosses as it hard casts healing touch and that's only going to matter on boss fights.

Some of these are easy fixes, others not so much. I haven't really delved into the translator yet so will probably take me a bit to know how to fix all these if someone hasn't gotten to em before me.


Thanks yea I tired hacky approaches to fixing it and ovale said no best of luck to you or whoever picks up these issues.


Is there an update on this? I guess getting all classes working is highest priority at the moment, but I miss this too. Has anyone else noticed at the moment Savage Roar no longer seems to be suggested at 1 combo point? very strange.

