Ovale Spell Priority

Ovale Spell Priority


Outlaw Bugs Still ongoing

inforcer007 opened this issue · 6 comments


Outlaw bugs still have not been fixed, I guess no ovale users play outlaw?

1: Blade flurry bug when it activates all the time is still around for single target. Raid bosses no adds up.

2: Blade flurry bug activates at a really long radius prob 100+ yards on AOE sometimes. nothing nearby.

3: SnD bug where it doesn’t see that it has it up and keep suggesting it all the time.

4: Simc import errors.

5: Ovale Simc Output into custom script


We'll handle the SnD bug in ticket #483 (for which we provided a fix).

I don't understand what you mean by Blade flurry bug. I was checking the script, it should not show in the single target icon ever. I was also not able to reproduce it on a target dummy.

Ovale doesn't have a range check for enemies, this is by design. Blade flurry will thus still be suggested even if the enemies are far away. A checkbox is available to turn on/off the suggestion of blade flurry (middle click once of the icons to see the checkboxes).


Blade flurry has changed since Legion. It is no longer a toggle, but now it's just a buff that will deal 45% of your single target attacks to nearby enemies. It has 2 charges. When you see the icon, it means that you'll want to cast blade flurry.
That being said, nothing has changed regarding the conditions for blade flurry. In Legion we checked for Enemies() >= 2 and in BFA we do the same thing. There is and there never was a range check when calculating how many enemies() we are facing.

The macro you look for:
/run LibStub:GetLibrary("ovale/Frame").OvaleFrameModule.frame:ToggleCheckBox("opt_blade_flurry")
or to enable or disable:

/run LibStub:GetLibrary("ovale/Frame").OvaleFrameModule.frame:SetCheckBox("opt_blade_flurry", true)
/run LibStub:GetLibrary("ovale/Frame").OvaleFrameModule.frame:SetCheckBox("opt_blade_flurry", false)

Ah I see, no problem.

I tested the run command it works perfectly but now I have another issue.

Updated to latest version and now the default script is broken? Keeps showing stealth icon no matter what I do. It’s fine if I revert to previous version though.


Yes indeed, the bug was reported on Discord as well. A fix is ready, but hasn't been deployed yet.
See #579


We'll handle the SnD bug in ticket #483 (for which we provided a fix).

Thank you for the fix.

I don't understand what you mean by Blade flurry bug. I was checking the script, it should not show in the single target icon ever. I was also not able to reproduce it on a target dummy.

It doesn’t happen on dummies since all are neutral, try raid finder or a random heroic.
And no it’s not the single target icon, it just happens on the multi target icon when there are no mobs nearby which is odd, worked in legion perfectly though.

Ovale doesn't have a range check for enemies, this is by design. Blade flurry will thus still be suggested even if the enemies are far away. A checkbox is available to turn on/off the suggestion of blade flurry (middle click once of the icons to see the checkboxes).

It worked in legion perfectly, but if you do not want to fix it then do you have a /script command so I press the blade flurry on or off by making a macro?


First, thanks for trying to make the Outlaw perfect, but something has gone terribly wrong. Since the last update all Ovale want me to do is use stealth. When I stealth, it tells me to ambush. I ambush, it tells me to sinister strike, I do and it tells me to stealth. It happens weather Vanish is up or not. So basically it is useless. It does it on all three scripts so I guess it is a core issue not a script problem.