Ovale Spell Priority

Ovale Spell Priority


Rapture Refreshable

Hemario opened this issue ยท 1 comments


Pandemic of rapture is based on the current amount of combopoints the rogue has at the moment he casts. Currently the combopoints are not taken into account and thus target.Refreshable(rapture_debuff) is calculated on the default duration (0.3 * 4 = 1.2).

SpellInfo(rupture_debuff add_duration_combopoints=4 duration=4 tick=2)

A very dirty fix was implemented in the past but this is no longer functioning.
OvalePapreDoll.current.combopoints is always 0.

We can not reference OvalePower module here, as that would create a circular reference.

GetBaseDuration(auraId: number, spellcast?: SpellCast) {
    spellcast = spellcast || OvalePaperDoll.current;
    let combopoints = spellcast.combopoints || 0;
    let duration = INFINITY
    let si = OvaleData.spellInfo[auraId];
    if (si && si.duration) {
        let [value, ratio] = OvaleData.GetSpellInfoPropertyNumber(auraId, undefined, "duration", undefined, true) || [15, 1];
        if (si.add_duration_combopoints && combopoints) {
            duration = (value + si.add_duration_combopoints * combopoints) * ratio;
        } else {
            duration = value * ratio;
    return duration;

@Sidoine @ultijlam any ideas?