Ovale Spell Priority

Ovale Spell Priority


Ovale hijacked chat

vicki2810 opened this issue · 6 comments


I don't know if this is a bug or something I've triggered. But when I downloaded the most recent version yesterday, my chat has been taken over by Ovale showing every detail in rapid real time, making it not only impossible to see real incoming messages but also a huge, rapidly moving distraction in the corner of my screen. How do I stop it?


I see, these are the debug messages developers use to debug the code, you must have enabled them by mistake.
Look in the Ovale settings -> Debug -> Options and disable all the checkboxes.


See the screenshot:

  1. Click Ovale on the left side menu, click on the + icon to open all the tabs
  2. Click Debug
  3. Click Options (if you need to, it will default to this view)
  4. Disable all the checkboxes

Oh wow...this is really laying it out for me...THANKS! What a relief to have that scrolling text gone. I think the only way I would have enabled that text is that I was randomly doing some /ovale stuff, and at some point I would have used a word that I thought would do one thing, but did a whole other thing. Thanks again. The addon really helped my dps go up by about 20%. Tremendous tool.


What spec are you playing? Can you post a screenshot?
