Ovale Spell Priority

Ovale Spell Priority


Ovale display loses keybind info after controlling a vehicle

gweber68 opened this issue ยท 3 comments


After any action/event that changes your toolbar to a vehicle-style temporary toolbar, once the event is over, Ovale does not return to showing the keybinds for your abilities. The ability icons still show up on the display but the keybinding numbers are missing. You have to /reload ui in order to get them back.

Steps to reproduce:

  1. Make sure an appropriate Ovale script is running for your spec.
  2. Start a quest event that takes over your toolbar temporarily, like being in a vehicle with its own abilities.
  3. Complete the event.
  4. Notice that upon switching back to your normal toolbar, the Ovale icons no longer show keybindings.

Should be fixed by a68c7f3 but not yet published online


Indeed, thanks for the information and I'm sorry for the duplicate bug. My keyword search for existing issues wasn't quite as effective as it should have been.


There was no duplicate yet, I fixed it before when I noticed it myself. Thanks for reporting it anyway and continue to do so!