Ovale Spell Priority

Ovale Spell Priority


Fire mage!

Ronfar opened this issue ยท 4 comments


pyroclasm has the wrong spell id! should be 269651


Also blaster_master_buff is 274598


think i've found 2 more fire mage problems

if { InFlightToTarget(meteor) and 0 <= 0.5 or not Talent(meteor_talent) } and { BuffPresent(rune_of_power_buff) or not Talent(rune_of_power_talent) } Spell(combustion)

that 0 <= 0.5 as long as it in combustion is never suggested with meteor talent (unsure what that suppose to even be doing)


if { Talent(rune_of_power_talent) and SpellCooldown(combustion) <= CastTime(rune_of_power) or SpellCooldown(combustion) == 0 } and not { Talent(firestarter_talent) and target.HealthPercent() >= 90 } or BuffPresent(combustion_buff) FireCombustionphaseMainActions()

unless { { Talent(rune_of_power_talent) and SpellCooldown(combustion) <= CastTime(rune_of_power) or SpellCooldown(combustion) == 0 } and not { Talent(firestarter_talent) and target.HealthPercent() >= 90 } or BuffPresent(combustion_buff) } and FireCombustionphaseMainPostConditions()

i'm pretty sure the AND NOT should just be and, it cause you to end up in FireCombustionphaseMainActions spamming scorch which is very incorrect at 90%+


spellId are still wrong, but i suppose entire script not working could be because spellcooldown is broken


if { InFlightToTarget(meteor) and 0 <= 0.5 or not Talent(meteor_talent) } and { BuffPresent(rune_of_power_buff) or not Talent(rune_of_power_talent) } Spell(combustion)

this is a fun one. basicly this has to do with autogenerating the script from simulationcraft APL.

what it actually does is the following:
if your meteor is inflight and
0 <= 0.5 (this is always true, it's supposed to be InflightToTarget(meteor) <= 0.5 aka, meteor is cast but hasn't landed yet)
OR you dont have the meteor talent, in which case previous checks make no sense.
AND you have the rune of power then
THEN cast combustion

Basicly the probllem here is that InFlightToTarget(meteor) always returns false. This has to do with the fact that meteor is an instant cast. Its assumed it also lands instantly and has no traveltime.

The other issue i've yet to look into.