Wind Walker Monk - Whirling Dragon Punch
tehmufifnman opened this issue ยท 5 comments
It definitely seems like some kind of bug with the SpellInfo definition
SpellInfo(whirling_dragon_punch unusable=1 cd_haste=melee)
SpellRequire(whirling_dragon_punch unusable 0=oncooldown,rising_sun_kick)
SpellRequire(whirling_dragon_punch unusable 0=oncooldown,fists_of_fury)
I added a temporary icon that was nothing more than Spell(whirling_dragon_punch)
and it would suggest the spell whenever EITHER rising_sun_kick or fists_of_fury was on cooldown (the spell requires BOTH to be on cooldown).
In addition, if I surround the spell in an if statement, it NEVER shows - regardless of the cooldown of the aforementioned spells.
if spellcooldown(fists_of_fury) > 0 and spellcooldown(rising_sun_kick) > 0 spell(whirling_dragon_punch)
Definitely seems to be some weird bug in the cooldown module maybe?
This continues to be an issue and is preventing the use of the current Ovale for WW Monks.
No known fix, I reverted to an old version. @Sidoine needs to fix it.