Ovale Spell Priority

Ovale Spell Priority


WW Reverse Harm Issue

Groggrum opened this issue ยท 2 comments


Reverse Harm is frequently popping up as the next suggested spell for WW even though it is still on cooldown/unusable.


I've tried to figure out the logic on fixing this, but I'm completely new to LUA and the way these scripts are build. However, I've managed to create a version of the script that works. Reverse Harm might popup when it's on cooldown for less than a second before it rotates onto the next spell. So at least it's usable.

Essentially what I've done is replaced the statements:

  • if maxchi() - chi() >= 2 spell(reverse_harm)
  • maxchi() - chi() >= 2 and spell(reverse_harm)


  • if { spellcooldown(reverse_harm) == 0 and chi() < 4 and energy() > 90 } spell(reverse_harm)
  • { spellcooldown(reverse_harm) == 0 and chi() < 4 and energy() > 90 }

I've tried different variations of spellcooldown based on what's in the script and what I could find. None with succes. Seems related to another bug reported here with the spellcooldown function perhaps: #669

I've only changed the 8.3 Serenity version as that's what I use. If you use the default I suggest you walk through the document searching for reverse_harm and make the changes I mention above. Copy/paste the below to custom script in Ovale if you wish to use it. Make sure that you add an enter after the last line: # worldvein_resonance_essence_id if there's not one already or else Ovale will give an error.

# Based on SimulationCraft profile "T24_Monk_Windwalker_Serenity".
#    class=monk
#    spec=windwalker
#    talents=2022033


AddFunction coral_double_tod_on_use
 hasequippeditem(ashvanes_razor_coral_item) and { hasequippeditem(cyclotronic_blast_item) or hasequippeditem(lustrous_golden_plumage_item) or hasequippeditem(gladiators_badge) or hasequippeditem(gladiators_medallion_item) }

AddCheckBox(opt_interrupt l(interrupt) default specialization=windwalker)
AddCheckBox(opt_melee_range l(not_in_melee_range) specialization=windwalker)
AddCheckBox(opt_use_consumables l(opt_use_consumables) default specialization=windwalker)
AddCheckBox(opt_touch_of_death_on_elite_only l(touch_of_death_on_elite_only) default specialization=windwalker)
AddCheckBox(opt_flying_serpent_kick spellname(flying_serpent_kick) default specialization=windwalker)
AddCheckBox(opt_touch_of_karma spellname(touch_of_karma) specialization=windwalker)
AddCheckBox(opt_chi_burst spellname(chi_burst) default specialization=windwalker)
AddCheckBox(opt_storm_earth_and_fire spellname(storm_earth_and_fire) default specialization=windwalker)

AddFunction windwalkerinterruptactions
 if checkboxon(opt_interrupt) and not target.isfriend() and target.casting()
  if target.inrange(spear_hand_strike) and target.isinterruptible() spell(spear_hand_strike)
  if target.distance(less 5) and not target.classification(worldboss) spell(leg_sweep)
  if target.inrange(quaking_palm) and not target.classification(worldboss) spell(quaking_palm)
  if target.distance(less 5) and not target.classification(worldboss) spell(war_stomp)
  if target.inrange(paralysis) and not target.classification(worldboss) spell(paralysis)

AddFunction windwalkeruseitemactions
 item(trinket0slot text=13 usable=1)
 item(trinket1slot text=14 usable=1)

AddFunction windwalkergetinmeleerange
 if checkboxon(opt_melee_range) and not target.inrange(tiger_palm) texture(misc_arrowlup help=l(not_in_melee_range))

### actions.tod

AddFunction windwalkertodmainactions

AddFunction windwalkertodmainpostconditions

AddFunction windwalkertodshortcdactions

AddFunction windwalkertodshortcdpostconditions

AddFunction windwalkertodcdactions
 if hasequippeditem(cyclotronic_blast_item) and target.timetodie() > 9 and spellcooldown(cyclotronic_blast) <= 1 and { not checkboxon(opt_touch_of_death_on_elite_only) or not unitinraid() and target.classification(elite) or target.classification(worldboss) or not buffexpires(hidden_masters_forbidden_touch_buff) } spell(touch_of_death)
 if not hasequippeditem(cyclotronic_blast_item) and hasequippeditem(dribbling_inkpod_item) and target.timetodie() > 9 and { target.timetohealthpercent(30) >= 130 or target.timetohealthpercent(30) < 8 } and { not checkboxon(opt_touch_of_death_on_elite_only) or not unitinraid() and target.classification(elite) or target.classification(worldboss) or not buffexpires(hidden_masters_forbidden_touch_buff) } spell(touch_of_death)
 if not hasequippeditem(cyclotronic_blast_item) and not hasequippeditem(dribbling_inkpod_item) and target.timetodie() > 9 and { not checkboxon(opt_touch_of_death_on_elite_only) or not unitinraid() and target.classification(elite) or target.classification(worldboss) or not buffexpires(hidden_masters_forbidden_touch_buff) } spell(touch_of_death)

AddFunction windwalkertodcdpostconditions

### actions.st

AddFunction windwalkerstmainactions
 if spellcooldown(fists_of_fury) > 0 and spellcooldown(rising_sun_kick) > 0 spell(whirling_dragon_punch)
 if timetomaxenergy() > 3 spell(fists_of_fury)
 if chi() >= 5 spell(rising_sun_kick)
 if buffexpires(rushing_jade_wind_windwalker_buff) and enemies() > 1 spell(rushing_jade_wind)
 if { spellcooldown(reverse_harm) == 0 and chi() < 4 and energy() > 90 } spell(reverse_harm)
 if chi() <= 2 spell(fist_of_the_white_tiger)
 if chi() <= 3 and energy() < 50 spell(energizing_elixir)
 if not previousspell(spinning_crane_kick) and buffpresent(dance_of_chiji_buff) spell(spinning_crane_kick)
 if not previousspell(blackout_kick_windwalker) and { spellcooldown(rising_sun_kick) > 3 or chi() >= 3 } and { spellcooldown(fists_of_fury) > 4 or chi() >= 4 or chi() == 2 and previousgcdspell(tiger_palm) } spell(blackout_kick_windwalker)
 if { maxchi() - chi() >= 1 and enemies() == 1 or maxchi() - chi() >= 2 } and checkboxon(opt_chi_burst) spell(chi_burst)
 if not previousspell(tiger_palm) and maxchi() - chi() >= 2 spell(tiger_palm)
 if previousgcdspell(blackout_kick_windwalker) and chi() > 3 and checkboxon(opt_flying_serpent_kick) spell(flying_serpent_kick)

AddFunction windwalkerstmainpostconditions

AddFunction windwalkerstshortcdactions

AddFunction windwalkerstshortcdpostconditions
 spellcooldown(fists_of_fury) > 0 and spellcooldown(rising_sun_kick) > 0 and spell(whirling_dragon_punch) or timetomaxenergy() > 3 and spell(fists_of_fury) or chi() >= 5 and spell(rising_sun_kick) or spell(rising_sun_kick) or buffexpires(rushing_jade_wind_windwalker_buff) and enemies() > 1 and spell(rushing_jade_wind) or { spellcooldown(reverse_harm) == 0 and chi() < 4 and energy() > 90 } or chi() <= 2 and spell(fist_of_the_white_tiger) or chi() <= 3 and energy() < 50 and spell(energizing_elixir) or not previousspell(spinning_crane_kick) and buffpresent(dance_of_chiji_buff) and spell(spinning_crane_kick) or not previousspell(blackout_kick_windwalker) and { spellcooldown(rising_sun_kick) > 3 or chi() >= 3 } and { spellcooldown(fists_of_fury) > 4 or chi() >= 4 or chi() == 2 and previousgcdspell(tiger_palm) } and spell(blackout_kick_windwalker) or spell(chi_wave) or { maxchi() - chi() >= 1 and enemies() == 1 or maxchi() - chi() >= 2 } and checkboxon(opt_chi_burst) and spell(chi_burst) or not previousspell(tiger_palm) and maxchi() - chi() >= 2 and spell(tiger_palm) or previousgcdspell(blackout_kick_windwalker) and chi() > 3 and checkboxon(opt_flying_serpent_kick) and spell(flying_serpent_kick)

AddFunction windwalkerstcdactions

AddFunction windwalkerstcdpostconditions
 spellcooldown(fists_of_fury) > 0 and spellcooldown(rising_sun_kick) > 0 and spell(whirling_dragon_punch) or timetomaxenergy() > 3 and spell(fists_of_fury) or chi() >= 5 and spell(rising_sun_kick) or spell(rising_sun_kick) or buffexpires(rushing_jade_wind_windwalker_buff) and enemies() > 1 and spell(rushing_jade_wind) or { spellcooldown(reverse_harm) == 0 and chi() < 4 and energy() > 90 } or chi() <= 2 and spell(fist_of_the_white_tiger) or chi() <= 3 and energy() < 50 and spell(energizing_elixir) or not previousspell(spinning_crane_kick) and buffpresent(dance_of_chiji_buff) and spell(spinning_crane_kick) or not previousspell(blackout_kick_windwalker) and { spellcooldown(rising_sun_kick) > 3 or chi() >= 3 } and { spellcooldown(fists_of_fury) > 4 or chi() >= 4 or chi() == 2 and previousgcdspell(tiger_palm) } and spell(blackout_kick_windwalker) or spell(chi_wave) or { maxchi() - chi() >= 1 and enemies() == 1 or maxchi() - chi() >= 2 } and checkboxon(opt_chi_burst) and spell(chi_burst) or not previousspell(tiger_palm) and maxchi() - chi() >= 2 and spell(tiger_palm) or previousgcdspell(blackout_kick_windwalker) and chi() > 3 and checkboxon(opt_flying_serpent_kick) and spell(flying_serpent_kick)

### actions.serenity

AddFunction windwalkerserenitymainactions
 if enemies() < 3 or previousgcdspell(spinning_crane_kick) spell(rising_sun_kick)
 if buffpresent(bloodlust) and previousgcdspell(rising_sun_kick) or buffremaining(serenity) < 1 or enemies() > 1 and enemies() < 5 spell(fists_of_fury)
 if hastalent(hit_combo_talent) and timetomaxenergy() < 2 and previousgcdspell(blackout_kick_windwalker) and chi() <= 2 spell(fist_of_the_white_tiger)
 if hastalent(hit_combo_talent) and timetomaxenergy() < 1 and previousgcdspell(blackout_kick_windwalker) and maxchi() - chi() >= 2 spell(tiger_palm)
 if not previousspell(spinning_crane_kick) and { enemies() >= 3 or hastalent(hit_combo_talent) and previousgcdspell(blackout_kick_windwalker) or enemies() == 2 and previousgcdspell(blackout_kick_windwalker) } spell(spinning_crane_kick)

AddFunction windwalkerserenitymainpostconditions

AddFunction windwalkerserenityshortcdactions

AddFunction windwalkerserenityshortcdpostconditions
 { enemies() < 3 or previousgcdspell(spinning_crane_kick) } and spell(rising_sun_kick) or { buffpresent(bloodlust) and previousgcdspell(rising_sun_kick) or buffremaining(serenity) < 1 or enemies() > 1 and enemies() < 5 } and spell(fists_of_fury) or hastalent(hit_combo_talent) and timetomaxenergy() < 2 and previousgcdspell(blackout_kick_windwalker) and chi() <= 2 and spell(fist_of_the_white_tiger) or hastalent(hit_combo_talent) and timetomaxenergy() < 1 and previousgcdspell(blackout_kick_windwalker) and maxchi() - chi() >= 2 and spell(tiger_palm) or not previousspell(spinning_crane_kick) and { enemies() >= 3 or hastalent(hit_combo_talent) and previousgcdspell(blackout_kick_windwalker) or enemies() == 2 and previousgcdspell(blackout_kick_windwalker) } and spell(spinning_crane_kick) or spell(blackout_kick_windwalker)

AddFunction windwalkerserenitycdactions

AddFunction windwalkerserenitycdpostconditions
 { enemies() < 3 or previousgcdspell(spinning_crane_kick) } and spell(rising_sun_kick) or { buffpresent(bloodlust) and previousgcdspell(rising_sun_kick) or buffremaining(serenity) < 1 or enemies() > 1 and enemies() < 5 } and spell(fists_of_fury) or hastalent(hit_combo_talent) and timetomaxenergy() < 2 and previousgcdspell(blackout_kick_windwalker) and chi() <= 2 and spell(fist_of_the_white_tiger) or hastalent(hit_combo_talent) and timetomaxenergy() < 1 and previousgcdspell(blackout_kick_windwalker) and maxchi() - chi() >= 2 and spell(tiger_palm) or not previousspell(spinning_crane_kick) and { enemies() >= 3 or hastalent(hit_combo_talent) and previousgcdspell(blackout_kick_windwalker) or enemies() == 2 and previousgcdspell(blackout_kick_windwalker) } and spell(spinning_crane_kick) or spell(blackout_kick_windwalker)

### actions.precombat

AddFunction windwalkerprecombatmainactions
 if { not hastalent(serenity_talent) or not hastalent(fist_of_the_white_tiger_talent) } and checkboxon(opt_chi_burst) spell(chi_burst)
 if hastalent(fist_of_the_white_tiger_talent) spell(chi_wave)

AddFunction windwalkerprecombatmainpostconditions

AddFunction windwalkerprecombatshortcdactions

AddFunction windwalkerprecombatshortcdpostconditions
 { not hastalent(serenity_talent) or not hastalent(fist_of_the_white_tiger_talent) } and checkboxon(opt_chi_burst) and spell(chi_burst) or hastalent(fist_of_the_white_tiger_talent) and spell(chi_wave)

AddFunction windwalkerprecombatcdactions
 if checkboxon(opt_use_consumables) and target.classification(worldboss) item(unbridled_fury_item usable=1)

 unless { not hastalent(serenity_talent) or not hastalent(fist_of_the_white_tiger_talent) } and checkboxon(opt_chi_burst) and spell(chi_burst) or hastalent(fist_of_the_white_tiger_talent) and spell(chi_wave)

AddFunction windwalkerprecombatcdpostconditions
 { not hastalent(serenity_talent) or not hastalent(fist_of_the_white_tiger_talent) } and checkboxon(opt_chi_burst) and spell(chi_burst) or hastalent(fist_of_the_white_tiger_talent) and spell(chi_wave)

### actions.cd

AddFunction windwalkercdmainactions

 unless windwalkertodmainpostconditions()
  if not target.debuffremaining(concentrated_flame_burn_debuff) and { spellcooldown(concentrated_flame_essence) <= spellcooldown(touch_of_death) and hastalent(whirling_dragon_punch_talent) and spellcooldown(whirling_dragon_punch) > 0 and spellcooldown(rising_sun_kick) > 0 and spellcooldown(fists_of_fury) > 0 and buffexpires(storm_earth_and_fire) or target.debuffremaining(touch_of_death) } or target.timetodie() < 8 spell(concentrated_flame_essence)
  if spellcooldown(rising_sun_kick) <= 2 or target.timetodie() <= 12 spell(serenity)

AddFunction windwalkercdmainpostconditions

AddFunction windwalkercdshortcdactions
 if spellcooldown(touch_of_death) > 58 or spellcooldown(touch_of_death) < 2 or target.timetodie() < 20 spell(worldvein_resonance_essence)

 unless windwalkertodshortcdpostconditions() or { not target.debuffremaining(concentrated_flame_burn_debuff) and { spellcooldown(concentrated_flame_essence) <= spellcooldown(touch_of_death) and hastalent(whirling_dragon_punch_talent) and spellcooldown(whirling_dragon_punch) > 0 and spellcooldown(rising_sun_kick) > 0 and spellcooldown(fists_of_fury) > 0 and buffexpires(storm_earth_and_fire) or target.debuffremaining(touch_of_death) } or target.timetodie() < 8 } and spell(concentrated_flame_essence)

  unless { spellcooldown(rising_sun_kick) <= 2 or target.timetodie() <= 12 } and spell(serenity)

AddFunction windwalkercdshortcdpostconditions
 windwalkertodshortcdpostconditions() or { not target.debuffremaining(concentrated_flame_burn_debuff) and { spellcooldown(concentrated_flame_essence) <= spellcooldown(touch_of_death) and hastalent(whirling_dragon_punch_talent) and spellcooldown(whirling_dragon_punch) > 0 and spellcooldown(rising_sun_kick) > 0 and spellcooldown(fists_of_fury) > 0 and buffexpires(storm_earth_and_fire) or target.debuffremaining(touch_of_death) } or target.timetodie() < 8 } and spell(concentrated_flame_essence) or { spellcooldown(rising_sun_kick) <= 2 or target.timetodie() <= 12 } and spell(serenity)

AddFunction windwalkercdcdactions
 if target.timetodie() > 185 or { not hasequippeditem(dribbling_inkpod_item) or hasequippeditem(cyclotronic_blast_item) or target.healthpercent() < 30 } and spellcooldown(touch_of_death) <= 14 or hasequippeditem(dribbling_inkpod_item) and target.timetohealthpercent(30) < 20 or target.timetodie() < 35 spell(guardian_of_azeroth)

 unless { spellcooldown(touch_of_death) > 58 or spellcooldown(touch_of_death) < 2 or target.timetodie() < 20 } and spell(worldvein_resonance_essence)
  if maxchi() - chi() >= 1 and timetomaxenergy() >= 0.5 spell(arcane_torrent_chi)

  unless spell(bag_of_tricks)

   unless windwalkertodcdpostconditions()
    if { spellcharges(storm_earth_and_fire) == 2 or { not azeriteessenceismajor(worldvein_resonance_essence_id) or buffpresent(worldvein_resonance_essence) or spellcooldown(worldvein_resonance_essence) > spellcooldown(storm_earth_and_fire) } and { spellcooldown(touch_of_death) > spellcooldown(storm_earth_and_fire) or spellcooldown(touch_of_death) > target.timetodie() } and spellcooldown(fists_of_fury) <= 9 and chi() >= 3 and spellcooldown(whirling_dragon_punch) <= 13 or target.debuffremaining(touch_of_death) or target.timetodie() < 20 } and checkboxon(opt_storm_earth_and_fire) and not buffpresent(storm_earth_and_fire_buff) spell(storm_earth_and_fire)
    if target.debuffremaining(touch_of_death) or target.timetodie() < 12 spell(blood_of_the_enemy)
    if hasequippeditem(cyclotronic_blast_item) and spellcooldown(cyclotronic_blast) <= 20 or not hasequippeditem(cyclotronic_blast_item) windwalkeruseitemactions()
    if target.debuffremaining(touch_of_death) or target.timetodie() < 16 spell(ancestral_call)
    if target.debuffremaining(touch_of_death) or target.timetodie() < 9 spell(fireblood)

    unless { not target.debuffremaining(concentrated_flame_burn_debuff) and { spellcooldown(concentrated_flame_essence) <= spellcooldown(touch_of_death) and hastalent(whirling_dragon_punch_talent) and spellcooldown(whirling_dragon_punch) > 0 and spellcooldown(rising_sun_kick) > 0 and spellcooldown(fists_of_fury) > 0 and buffexpires(storm_earth_and_fire) or target.debuffremaining(touch_of_death) } or target.timetodie() < 8 } and spell(concentrated_flame_essence)
     if target.timetodie() > 183 or target.debuffremaining(touch_of_death) or target.timetodie() < 13 spell(berserking)
     if target.debuffremaining(touch_of_death) windwalkeruseitemactions()
     if coral_double_tod_on_use() and spellcooldown(touch_of_death) >= 23 and { target.debuffexpires(razor_coral) or buffremaining(storm_earth_and_fire) > 13 or target.timetodie() - spellcooldown(touch_of_death) < 40 and spellcooldown(touch_of_death) < 23 or target.timetodie() < 25 } windwalkeruseitemactions()
     if not coral_double_tod_on_use() and { target.debuffexpires(razor_coral) or { not hasequippeditem(dribbling_inkpod_item) or target.timetohealthpercent(30) < 8 } and { target.debuffremaining(touch_of_death) or spellcooldown(touch_of_death) + 9 > target.timetodie() and buffpresent(storm_earth_and_fire) or target.timetodie() < 25 } } windwalkeruseitemactions()

     unless spell(the_unbound_force) or spell(purifying_blast) or spell(reaping_flames)

      unless { spellcooldown(rising_sun_kick) <= 2 or target.timetodie() <= 12 } and spell(serenity)
       if energy() < 40 and buffpresent(storm_earth_and_fire) spell(memory_of_lucid_dreams_essence)

AddFunction windwalkercdcdpostconditions
 { spellcooldown(touch_of_death) > 58 or spellcooldown(touch_of_death) < 2 or target.timetodie() < 20 } and spell(worldvein_resonance_essence) or spell(bag_of_tricks) or windwalkertodcdpostconditions() or { not target.debuffremaining(concentrated_flame_burn_debuff) and { spellcooldown(concentrated_flame_essence) <= spellcooldown(touch_of_death) and hastalent(whirling_dragon_punch_talent) and spellcooldown(whirling_dragon_punch) > 0 and spellcooldown(rising_sun_kick) > 0 and spellcooldown(fists_of_fury) > 0 and buffexpires(storm_earth_and_fire) or target.debuffremaining(touch_of_death) } or target.timetodie() < 8 } and spell(concentrated_flame_essence) or spell(the_unbound_force) or spell(purifying_blast) or spell(reaping_flames) or { spellcooldown(rising_sun_kick) <= 2 or target.timetodie() <= 12 } and spell(serenity) or spell(ripple_in_space_essence)

### actions.aoe

AddFunction windwalkeraoemainactions
 if hastalent(whirling_dragon_punch_talent) and spellcooldown(whirling_dragon_punch) < 5 and spellcooldown(fists_of_fury) > 3 spell(rising_sun_kick)
 if spellcooldown(fists_of_fury) > 0 and spellcooldown(rising_sun_kick) > 0 spell(whirling_dragon_punch)
 if not previousgcdspell(tiger_palm) and chi() <= 1 and energy() < 50 spell(energizing_elixir)
 if timetomaxenergy() > 3 spell(fists_of_fury)
 if buffexpires(rushing_jade_wind_windwalker_buff) spell(rushing_jade_wind)
 if not previousspell(spinning_crane_kick) and { { chi() > 3 or spellcooldown(fists_of_fury) > 6 } and { chi() >= 5 or spellcooldown(fists_of_fury) > 2 } or timetomaxenergy() <= 3 } spell(spinning_crane_kick)
 if { spellcooldown(reverse_harm) == 0 and chi() < 4 and energy() > 90 } spell(reverse_harm)
 if chi() <= 3 and checkboxon(opt_chi_burst) spell(chi_burst)
 if maxchi() - chi() >= 3 spell(fist_of_the_white_tiger)
 if maxchi() - chi() >= 2 and { not hastalent(hit_combo_talent) or not previousspell(tiger_palm) } spell(tiger_palm)
 if not previousspell(chi_wave) spell(chi_wave)
 if buffexpires(blackout_kick_buff) and checkboxon(opt_flying_serpent_kick) spell(flying_serpent_kick)
 if not previousspell(blackout_kick_windwalker) and { buffpresent(blackout_kick_buff) or hastalent(hit_combo_talent) and previousgcdspell(tiger_palm) and chi() < 4 } spell(blackout_kick_windwalker)

AddFunction windwalkeraoemainpostconditions

AddFunction windwalkeraoeshortcdactions

AddFunction windwalkeraoeshortcdpostconditions
 hastalent(whirling_dragon_punch_talent) and spellcooldown(whirling_dragon_punch) < 5 and spellcooldown(fists_of_fury) > 3 and spell(rising_sun_kick) or spellcooldown(fists_of_fury) > 0 and spellcooldown(rising_sun_kick) > 0 and spell(whirling_dragon_punch) or not previousgcdspell(tiger_palm) and chi() <= 1 and energy() < 50 and spell(energizing_elixir) or timetomaxenergy() > 3 and spell(fists_of_fury) or buffexpires(rushing_jade_wind_windwalker_buff) and spell(rushing_jade_wind) or not previousspell(spinning_crane_kick) and { { chi() > 3 or spellcooldown(fists_of_fury) > 6 } and { chi() >= 5 or spellcooldown(fists_of_fury) > 2 } or timetomaxenergy() <= 3 } and spell(spinning_crane_kick) or { spellcooldown(reverse_harm) == 0 and chi() < 4 and energy() > 90 } or chi() <= 3 and checkboxon(opt_chi_burst) and spell(chi_burst) or maxchi() - chi() >= 3 and spell(fist_of_the_white_tiger) or maxchi() - chi() >= 2 and { not hastalent(hit_combo_talent) or not previousspell(tiger_palm) } and spell(tiger_palm) or not previousspell(chi_wave) and spell(chi_wave) or buffexpires(blackout_kick_buff) and checkboxon(opt_flying_serpent_kick) and spell(flying_serpent_kick) or not previousspell(blackout_kick_windwalker) and { buffpresent(blackout_kick_buff) or hastalent(hit_combo_talent) and previousgcdspell(tiger_palm) and chi() < 4 } and spell(blackout_kick_windwalker)

AddFunction windwalkeraoecdactions

AddFunction windwalkeraoecdpostconditions
 hastalent(whirling_dragon_punch_talent) and spellcooldown(whirling_dragon_punch) < 5 and spellcooldown(fists_of_fury) > 3 and spell(rising_sun_kick) or spellcooldown(fists_of_fury) > 0 and spellcooldown(rising_sun_kick) > 0 and spell(whirling_dragon_punch) or not previousgcdspell(tiger_palm) and chi() <= 1 and energy() < 50 and spell(energizing_elixir) or timetomaxenergy() > 3 and spell(fists_of_fury) or buffexpires(rushing_jade_wind_windwalker_buff) and spell(rushing_jade_wind) or not previousspell(spinning_crane_kick) and { { chi() > 3 or spellcooldown(fists_of_fury) > 6 } and { chi() >= 5 or spellcooldown(fists_of_fury) > 2 } or timetomaxenergy() <= 3 } and spell(spinning_crane_kick) or { spellcooldown(reverse_harm) == 0 and chi() < 4 and energy() > 90 } or chi() <= 3 and checkboxon(opt_chi_burst) and spell(chi_burst) or maxchi() - chi() >= 3 and spell(fist_of_the_white_tiger) or maxchi() - chi() >= 2 and { not hastalent(hit_combo_talent) or not previousspell(tiger_palm) } and spell(tiger_palm) or not previousspell(chi_wave) and spell(chi_wave) or buffexpires(blackout_kick_buff) and checkboxon(opt_flying_serpent_kick) and spell(flying_serpent_kick) or not previousspell(blackout_kick_windwalker) and { buffpresent(blackout_kick_buff) or hastalent(hit_combo_talent) and previousgcdspell(tiger_palm) and chi() < 4 } and spell(blackout_kick_windwalker)

### actions.default

AddFunction windwalker_defaultmainactions
 if buffpresent(serenity) windwalkerserenitymainactions()

 unless buffpresent(serenity) and windwalkerserenitymainpostconditions()
  if { timetomaxenergy() < 1 or hastalent(serenity_talent) and spellcooldown(serenity) < 2 } and { spellcooldown(reverse_harm) == 0 and chi() < 4 and energy() > 90 }
  if { timetomaxenergy() < 1 or hastalent(serenity_talent) and spellcooldown(serenity) < 2 or timetomaxenergy() < 4 and spellcooldown(fists_of_fury) < 1.5 } and maxchi() - chi() >= 3 spell(fist_of_the_white_tiger)
  if not previousspell(tiger_palm) and { timetomaxenergy() < 1 or hastalent(serenity_talent) and spellcooldown(serenity) < 2 or timetomaxenergy() < 4 and spellcooldown(fists_of_fury) < 1.5 } and maxchi() - chi() >= 2 and not target.debuffremaining(touch_of_death) spell(tiger_palm)
  if not hastalent(fist_of_the_white_tiger_talent) and timeincombat() <= 3 spell(chi_wave)

  unless windwalkercdmainpostconditions()
   if enemies() < 3 windwalkerstmainactions()

   unless enemies() < 3 and windwalkerstmainpostconditions()
    if enemies() >= 3 windwalkeraoemainactions()

AddFunction windwalker_defaultmainpostconditions
 buffpresent(serenity) and windwalkerserenitymainpostconditions() or windwalkercdmainpostconditions() or enemies() < 3 and windwalkerstmainpostconditions() or enemies() >= 3 and windwalkeraoemainpostconditions()

AddFunction windwalker_defaultshortcdactions
 if checkboxon(opt_touch_of_karma) spell(touch_of_karma)
 if buffpresent(serenity) windwalkerserenityshortcdactions()

 unless buffpresent(serenity) and windwalkerserenityshortcdpostconditions() or { timetomaxenergy() < 1 or hastalent(serenity_talent) and spellcooldown(serenity) < 2 } and { spellcooldown(reverse_harm) == 0 and chi() < 4 and energy() > 90 } or { timetomaxenergy() < 1 or hastalent(serenity_talent) and spellcooldown(serenity) < 2 or timetomaxenergy() < 4 and spellcooldown(fists_of_fury) < 1.5 } and maxchi() - chi() >= 3 and spell(fist_of_the_white_tiger) or not previousspell(tiger_palm) and { timetomaxenergy() < 1 or hastalent(serenity_talent) and spellcooldown(serenity) < 2 or timetomaxenergy() < 4 and spellcooldown(fists_of_fury) < 1.5 } and maxchi() - chi() >= 2 and not target.debuffremaining(touch_of_death) and spell(tiger_palm) or not hastalent(fist_of_the_white_tiger_talent) and timeincombat() <= 3 and spell(chi_wave)

  unless windwalkercdshortcdpostconditions()
   if enemies() < 3 windwalkerstshortcdactions()

   unless enemies() < 3 and windwalkerstshortcdpostconditions()
    if enemies() >= 3 windwalkeraoeshortcdactions()

AddFunction windwalker_defaultshortcdpostconditions
 buffpresent(serenity) and windwalkerserenityshortcdpostconditions() or { timetomaxenergy() < 1 or hastalent(serenity_talent) and spellcooldown(serenity) < 2 } and { spellcooldown(reverse_harm) == 0 and chi() < 4 and energy() > 90 } or { timetomaxenergy() < 1 or hastalent(serenity_talent) and spellcooldown(serenity) < 2 or timetomaxenergy() < 4 and spellcooldown(fists_of_fury) < 1.5 } and maxchi() - chi() >= 3 and spell(fist_of_the_white_tiger) or not previousspell(tiger_palm) and { timetomaxenergy() < 1 or hastalent(serenity_talent) and spellcooldown(serenity) < 2 or timetomaxenergy() < 4 and spellcooldown(fists_of_fury) < 1.5 } and maxchi() - chi() >= 2 and not target.debuffremaining(touch_of_death) and spell(tiger_palm) or not hastalent(fist_of_the_white_tiger_talent) and timeincombat() <= 3 and spell(chi_wave) or windwalkercdshortcdpostconditions() or enemies() < 3 and windwalkerstshortcdpostconditions() or enemies() >= 3 and windwalkeraoeshortcdpostconditions()

AddFunction windwalker_defaultcdactions
 if target.casting(harmful) windwalkerinterruptactions()

 unless checkboxon(opt_touch_of_karma) and spell(touch_of_karma)
  if { buffpresent(serenity) or target.debuffremaining(touch_of_death) or not hastalent(serenity_talent) and buffpresent(trinket_proc_agility_buff) or buffpresent(bloodlust) or target.timetodie() <= 60 } and checkboxon(opt_use_consumables) and target.classification(worldboss) item(unbridled_fury_item usable=1)
  if buffpresent(serenity) windwalkerserenitycdactions()

  unless buffpresent(serenity) and windwalkerserenitycdpostconditions() or { timetomaxenergy() < 1 or hastalent(serenity_talent) and spellcooldown(serenity) < 2 } and { spellcooldown(reverse_harm) == 0 and chi() < 4 and energy() > 90 } or { timetomaxenergy() < 1 or hastalent(serenity_talent) and spellcooldown(serenity) < 2 or timetomaxenergy() < 4 and spellcooldown(fists_of_fury) < 1.5 } and maxchi() - chi() >= 3 and spell(fist_of_the_white_tiger) or not previousspell(tiger_palm) and { timetomaxenergy() < 1 or hastalent(serenity_talent) and spellcooldown(serenity) < 2 or timetomaxenergy() < 4 and spellcooldown(fists_of_fury) < 1.5 } and maxchi() - chi() >= 2 and not target.debuffremaining(touch_of_death) and spell(tiger_palm) or not hastalent(fist_of_the_white_tiger_talent) and timeincombat() <= 3 and spell(chi_wave)

   unless windwalkercdcdpostconditions()
    if enemies() < 3 windwalkerstcdactions()

    unless enemies() < 3 and windwalkerstcdpostconditions()
     if enemies() >= 3 windwalkeraoecdactions()

AddFunction windwalker_defaultcdpostconditions
 checkboxon(opt_touch_of_karma) and spell(touch_of_karma) or buffpresent(serenity) and windwalkerserenitycdpostconditions() or { timetomaxenergy() < 1 or hastalent(serenity_talent) and spellcooldown(serenity) < 2 } and { spellcooldown(reverse_harm) == 0 and chi() < 4 and energy() > 90 } or { timetomaxenergy() < 1 or hastalent(serenity_talent) and spellcooldown(serenity) < 2 or timetomaxenergy() < 4 and spellcooldown(fists_of_fury) < 1.5 } and maxchi() - chi() >= 3 and spell(fist_of_the_white_tiger) or not previousspell(tiger_palm) and { timetomaxenergy() < 1 or hastalent(serenity_talent) and spellcooldown(serenity) < 2 or timetomaxenergy() < 4 and spellcooldown(fists_of_fury) < 1.5 } and maxchi() - chi() >= 2 and not target.debuffremaining(touch_of_death) and spell(tiger_palm) or not hastalent(fist_of_the_white_tiger_talent) and timeincombat() <= 3 and spell(chi_wave) or windwalkercdcdpostconditions() or enemies() < 3 and windwalkerstcdpostconditions() or enemies() >= 3 and windwalkeraoecdpostconditions()

### Windwalker icons.

AddCheckBox(opt_monk_windwalker_aoe l(aoe) default specialization=windwalker)

AddIcon checkbox=!opt_monk_windwalker_aoe enemies=1 help=shortcd specialization=windwalker
 if not incombat() windwalkerprecombatshortcdactions()

AddIcon checkbox=opt_monk_windwalker_aoe help=shortcd specialization=windwalker
 if not incombat() windwalkerprecombatshortcdactions()

AddIcon enemies=1 help=main specialization=windwalker
 if not incombat() windwalkerprecombatmainactions()

AddIcon checkbox=opt_monk_windwalker_aoe help=aoe specialization=windwalker
 if not incombat() windwalkerprecombatmainactions()

AddIcon checkbox=!opt_monk_windwalker_aoe enemies=1 help=cd specialization=windwalker
 if not incombat() windwalkerprecombatcdactions()

AddIcon checkbox=opt_monk_windwalker_aoe help=cd specialization=windwalker
 if not incombat() windwalkerprecombatcdactions()

### Required symbols
# ancestral_call
# arcane_torrent_chi
# ashvanes_razor_coral_item
# bag_of_tricks
# berserking
# blackout_kick_buff
# blackout_kick_windwalker
# blood_fury_apsp
# blood_of_the_enemy
# bloodlust
# chi_burst
# chi_wave
# concentrated_flame_burn_debuff
# concentrated_flame_essence
# cyclotronic_blast
# cyclotronic_blast_item
# dance_of_chiji_buff
# dribbling_inkpod_item
# energizing_elixir
# fireblood
# fist_of_the_white_tiger
# fist_of_the_white_tiger_talent
# fists_of_fury
# flying_serpent_kick
# focused_azerite_beam
# gladiators_badge
# gladiators_medallion_item
# guardian_of_azeroth
# hidden_masters_forbidden_touch_buff
# hit_combo_talent
# invoke_xuen_the_white_tiger
# leg_sweep
# lights_judgment
# lustrous_golden_plumage_item
# memory_of_lucid_dreams_essence
# paralysis
# purifying_blast
# quaking_palm
# razor_coral
# reaping_flames
# reverse_harm
# ripple_in_space_essence
# rising_sun_kick
# rushing_jade_wind
# rushing_jade_wind_windwalker_buff
# serenity
# serenity_talent
# spear_hand_strike
# spinning_crane_kick
# storm_earth_and_fire
# the_unbound_force
# tiger_palm
# touch_of_death
# touch_of_karma
# unbridled_fury_item
# war_stomp
# whirling_dragon_punch
# whirling_dragon_punch_talent
# worldvein_resonance_essence
# worldvein_resonance_essence_id


reverse_harm is not suggested anymore