Ovale Spell Priority

Ovale Spell Priority


9.0.13 - Abilities with modifiable power requirements no longer working correctly

Ophidon opened this issue ยท 2 comments


Since the changes made between 9.0.11 and 9.0.13, SpellRequire has changed and can no longer parse lines such as:

SpellRequire(death_coil runicpower 0=buff,sudden_doom_buff specialization=unholy)

What this means is any ability for any spec (death coil mentioned above is just an example) that has non-constant power requirements no longer scripts correctly.


The syntax for this line has changed to
SpellRequire(death_coil runicpower set=0 enabled=(buffpresent(sudden_doom_buff) and specialization(unholy)))

as quoted from @Sidoine: The syntax is "name of the spell" "property name" set/add/percent=value enabled=(condition)


Yes, I need to update the documentation