Unable to download update through CurseForge
RWexelblat opened this issue · 20 comments
When I click update it seems to start downloading but terminates with the message "An error has occurred. Please check your connection and try again."
I have about a dozen addons, many of which have had recent updates but this is the only one that gives me this message. (I can download manually from the ovale website.)
Do somebody else have this problem?
I don't use the Curseforge client anymore but I don't see why it shouldn't work for this Addon.
i have the same problem since 9.0.20 and the same results i am on macOS Big Sur version 11.0.1
That's strange. I'll install the Curseforge client to test this. I use WoWUp if you want to test another client.
Same here - unable to update or download it from Curseforge. All other addons updating fine.
i suppose you have reason i put big sur (macOS version 11.0.1) at the same time you realize 9.0.21 but all other add-on accept to be updated, and i have 80 add-ons , only ovale don't accept very curious
i just try with wowup now, and it is good ovale accept to be updated with your latest version you realize 4 hours ago version 9.0.26
sorry for my bad english
and for RWexelblat before open wowup click on alt and then you will be able to open wowup by clicking open in the menu
i am oblige at every update to do it manualy from curse forge, its the same with wowup sorry for sidoine but perhaps Big Sur (mac os) is very hard for security
I'm still running Catalina and this is the only addon that Curseforge has issues with updating.
Do you still have the bug? It should be solved (I didn't properly updated the publisher last time).