Ovale Spell Priority

Ovale Spell Priority


Error occurs when casting mount

bandophahita opened this issue ยท 3 comments


A lua error happens when mounting up in latest version

Steps to reproduce.

  • be paladin (haven't tried other classes yet)
  • Cast mount or even Devine Steed
  • Witness Lua Error occur (see below)
Message: Interface\AddOns\Ovale\Power.lua:368: attempt to perform arithmetic on local 'powerRate' (a nil value)
Time: 09/01/16 16:58:52
Count: 523
Stack: Interface\AddOns\Ovale\Power.lua:368: in function `GetPower'
Interface\AddOns\Ovale\Power.lua:716: in function `TimeToPower'
Interface\AddOns\Ovale\SpellBook.lua:514: in function `GetTimeToSpell'
Interface\AddOns\Ovale\BestAction.lua:269: in function <Interface\AddOns\Ovale\BestAction.lua:209>
(tail call): ?
Interface\AddOns\Ovale\BestAction.lua:520: in function `?'
Interface\AddOns\Ovale\BestAction.lua:480: in function `RecursiveCompute'
Interface\AddOns\Ovale\BestAction.lua:459: in function `PostOrderCompute'
Interface\AddOns\Ovale\BestAction.lua:420: in function `Compute'
Interface\AddOns\Ovale\BestAction.lua:812: in function `?'
Interface\AddOns\Ovale\BestAction.lua:480: in function `RecursiveCompute'
Interface\AddOns\Ovale\BestAction.lua:459: in function `PostOrderCompute'
Interface\AddOns\Ovale\BestAction.lua:420: in function `Compute'
Interface\AddOns\Ovale\BestAction.lua:396: in function `GetAction'
Interface\AddOns\Ovale\Frame.lua:212: in function `OnUpdate'
Interface\AddOns\Ovale\Frame.lua:89: in function <Interface\AddOns\Ovale\Frame.lua:88>

Locals: self = <table> {
 currentSpellId = 189999
 IsStance = <function> defined @Interface\AddOns\Ovale\Stance.lua:182
 DebugUnitAuras = <function> defined @Interface\AddOns\Ovale\Aura.lua:1242
 class = "PALADIN"
 isInitialized = true
 ApplySpellAuras = <function> defined @Interface\AddOns\Ovale\Aura.lua:1297
 GetTimeToSpell = <function> defined @Interface\AddOns\Ovale\SpellBook.lua:497
 UpdateCounters = <function> defined @Interface\AddOns\Ovale\Future.lua:949
 specialization = 2
 hasteRating = 2155
 level = 102
 endCast = 1294213.245
 counter = <table> {
 spellHaste = 17.591835021973
 GetAuraByGUID = <function> defined @Interface\AddOns\Ovale\Aura.lua:1465
 GetStateDuration = <function> defined @Interface\AddOns\Ovale\State.lua:179
 channel = false
 startCast = 1294211.745
 lastSpellId = 190784
 combopoints = 0
 GetSpellCharges = <function> defined @Interface\AddOns\Ovale\Cooldown.lua:517
 taggedEnemies = 0
 offHandWeaponDamage = 0
 soulshards = 0
 RequireCooldownHandler = <function> defined @Interface\AddOns\Ovale\Cooldown.lua:249
 multistrike = 0
 DebugPower = <function> defined @Interface\AddOns\Ovale\Power.lua:742
 serial = 80743
 lastCast = <table> {
 activeEnemies = 0
 powerRate = <table> {
 GetCD = <function> defined @Interface\AddOns\Ovale\Cooldown.lua:419
 meleeCrit = 17.458181381226
 energy = 0
 IsActiveAura = <function> defined @Interface\AddOns\Ovale\Aura.lua:1273
 multistrikeRating = 0
 Log = <function> defined @Interface\AddOns\Ovale\State.lua:205
 IsUsableSpell = <function> defined @Interface\AddOns\Ovale\SpellBook.lua:453
 agility = 1422
 meleeHaste = 17.591835021973
 lastEnable = <table> {
 PutState = <function> defined @Interface\AddOns\Ovale\State.lua:185
 alternate = 0
 spellBonusDamage = 9834
 RequireHealthPercentHandler = <function> defined @Interface\AddOns\Ovale\Health.lua:264
 rangedCrit = 17.458181381226
 futureLastEnable = <table> {
 GetGCD = <function> defined @Interface\AddOns\Ovale\Cooldown.lua:366
 GetSpellHasteMultiplier = <function> defined @Interface\AddOns\Ovale\PaperDoll.lua:479
 GetMeleeHasteMultiplier = <function> defined @Interface\AddOns\Ovale\PaperDoll.lua:467
 GetSpellCooldown = <function> defined @Interface\AddOns\Ovale\Cooldown.lua:474
 RemoveAuraOnGUID = <function> defined @Interface\AddOns\Ovale\Aura.lua:1536
 chi = 0
 GetPower = <function> defined @Interface\AddOns\Ovale\Power.lua:356
 arcanecharges = 0
 GetMasteryMultiplier = <function> defined @Interface\AddOns\Ovale\PaperDoll.lua:461
 focus = 0
 GetSpellCooldownDuration = <function> defined @Interface\AddOns\Ovale\Cooldown.lua:481
 CheckSpellInfo = <function> defined @Interface\AddOns\Ovale\Data.lua:458
 spellCrit = 17.458181381226
 pain = 0
 mainHandWeaponDamage = 0
 nextCast = 1294250.925
 combatStartTime = 

This looks like the same type of error as issue #76 .


I'm going in vacation for some days, I made a quick and dirty fix without being able to reproduce the bug. I hope it works (somewhat), otherwise I will try to find some time to produce a better fix.


That appears to have fixed it. I'll report if I see any residual issues.