Ovale Spell Priority

Ovale Spell Priority


Possibility for HealthPercent() to return a boolean instead of a rate function

Hemario opened this issue ยท 0 comments


Chatlog from Discord:

[7:49 PM] Hemario: Jilong currently whenever we do player.HealthPercent() < 30 (for example) it can happen that we see it in Ovale with a duration of 90 seconds or more. Ovale calculates the time based on the fight length and the current time. This kind of annoys me. Do you have any suggestions?
[7:52 PM] Hemario: I was thinking of player.HealthPercent(strict=1) < 30 for instance, where if strict were 1 we would just return a boolean instead of a rate function
[7:51 AM] Jilong: All of the Health*() conditions run through the states/Health.ts module, where it tries to compute a time-to-die as a rate for the health of the target. It's probably not useful for the player's health though because it's not expected that a player's health is monotically decreasing.
[7:53 AM] Jilong: I think probably easiest to just have the Health*() conditions default to rate == 0 if the target is the player, but we can also make an explicit parameter.
[12:01 PM] Hemario: Should be an easy thing to do, I'll get on it over the next couple of days