Ovale Spell Priority

Ovale Spell Priority


UnitInParty return true even when soloing

Hemario opened this issue ยท 3 comments


When soloing group content (Torghast, dungeons, ...) UnitInParty() returns true even though we are in fact alone in that group.
Perhaps a new condition UnitIsSolo() is in order where we check whether or not we are actually solo.

Ovale_TankScripts uses this condition to check if we can dump resources into damage instead of mitigation.


The implementation of UnitInParty() looks like it just forwards the call directly to the Wow API function of the same name and returns the result. What does UnitInParty("player") return in-game while solo?


Indeed @ultijlam it does return true in game while solo but in instanced content. It is a direct call to the WoW API.

That's why a UnitIsSolo() would probably make more sense. I'm considering just implementing that function in Ovale TankScripts because it's not really used anywhere in Ovale.


I think UnitInGroup() would be good to replace all incarnations of UnitIsSolo(), UnitInParty(), and UnitInRaid().

  • Is player solo? not player.UnitInGroup()
  • Is player in a group? player.UnitInGroup()
  • Is player in a party? player.UnitInGroup("party")
  • Is player in a raid? player.UnitInGroup("raid")