Ovale Spell Priority

Ovale Spell Priority


Guardian druid errors

Hemario opened this issue ยท 5 comments


Describe the bug
Default Ovale Guardian Druid (not TankScripts) constantly throwing errors.

1083x Ovale\ui/Frame.lua:82: attempt to index local 'action' (a nil value)
[string "@Ovale\ui/Frame.lua"]:82: in function `goNextIcon'
[string "@Ovale\ui/Frame.lua"]:164: in function <Ovale\ui/Frame.lua:130>
[string "=(tail call)"]: ?

self = <table> {
 actionBar = <table> {
 handleCheckBoxValueChanged = <function> defined @Ovale\ui/Frame.lua:447
 ovaleSpellFlash = <table> {
 baseState = <table> {
 ovaleFuture = <table> {
 iconsFrame = <unnamed> {
 handleDropDownValueChanged = <function> defined @Ovale\ui/Frame.lua:452
 dragHandleTexture = <unnamed> {
 updateIntervalFrame = OvaleUpdateFrame {
 height = 55.800003
 localstatus = <table> {
 content = <unnamed> {
 ovaleCompile = <table> {
 visible = true
 ovaleEnemies = <table> {
 ovaleOptions = <table> {
 OnWidthSet = <function> defined @Ovale\ui/Frame.lua:431
 tracer = <table> {
 ovaleState = <table> {
 traceLog = <table> {
 LayoutFunc = <function> defined @TomTom\libs\AceGUI-3.0\AceGUI-3.0.lua:625
 ovaleDebug = <table> {
 handleContentResize = <function> defined @Ovale\ui/acegui-helpers.lua:45
 userdata = <table> {
 scripts = <table> {
 handleFrameResize = <function> defined @Ovale\ui/acegui-helpers.lua:35
 width = 128.400070
 children = <table> {
 combat = <table> {
 OnHeightSet = <function> defined @Ovale\ui/Frame.lua:439
 type = "Frame"
 checkBoxWidget = <table> {
 petFrame = <unnamed> {
 ovale = <table> {
 base = <table> {
 events = <table> {
 listWidget = <table> {
 runner = <table> {
 ovaleSpellBook = <table> {
 ovaleFrameModule = <table> {
 actions = <table> {
 ovaleBestAction = <table> {
 frame = OvaleIcons {
 controls = <table> {
 timeSinceLastUpdate = 0.244000
action = nil
left = 128.400000
top = 0
maxWidth = 128.400000
maxHeight = 42.800000
profile = <table> {
 apparence = <table> {
 standaloneOptions = false
 source = <table> {
 code = "# Based on SimulationCraft profile "T26_Demon_Hunter_Havoc".
#    class=demonhunter
#    spec=havoc
#    talents=3310221


AddFunction waiting_for_momentum
 hastalent(momentum_talent) and not buffpresent(momentum_buff)

AddFunction waiting_for_essence_break
 hastalent(essence_break_talent) and not pooling_for_blade_dance() and not pooling_for_meta() and not spellcooldown(essence_break) > 0

AddFunction pooling_for_eye_beam
 hastalent(demonic_talent) and not hastalent(blind_fury_talent) and spellcooldown(eye_beam) < gcd() * 2 and furydeficit() > 20

AddFunction pooling_for_blade_dance
 blade_dance() and fury() < 75 - talentpoints(first_blood_talent) * 20

AddFunction pooling_for_meta
 not hastalent(demonic_talent) and spellcooldown(metamorphosis) < 6 and furydeficit() > 30

AddFunction blade_dance
 hastalent(first_blood_talent) or enemies(tagged=1) >= 3 - { talentpoints(trail_of_ruin_talent) + buffpresent(metamorphosis_buf check = <table> {
 overrideCode = ""
 showHiddenScripts = true
 list = <table> {
margin = 5
(*temporary) = nil
(*temporary) = nil
(*temporary) = nil
(*temporary) = nil
(*temporary) = nil
(*temporary) = nil
(*temporary) = "attempt to index local 'action' (a nil value)"


Why is the demon hunter script being used for guardian druid?


Hmmm, maybe that is not accurate. I'll need to check on what values are supposed to be in the profile table.


Aren't all the profiles loaded in memory anyway? The tracelog just shows a dump of all the data (and truncates it). I doubt that is relevant to the issue.


No, that environment dump in from the WoW Lua Errors is the current custom script, so it's not relevant here.


no error any more since Ovale 9.0.45