Ovale Spell Priority

Ovale Spell Priority


Rogue & druid finishers incorrectly state `max_combopoints=4`

johnnylam88 opened this issue ยท 0 comments


Rogue & druid finishers incorrectly state max_combopoints=4 when it
should be max_combopoints=5, although rogue finishers can also use up
to 6 combopoints if Deeper Strategem is talented.

There are two issues:

  1. The script that imports the spell database may need to be adjusted
    to output the correct value for max_combopoints.
  2. This may alternatively be addressed by #835
    by removing all of the max_combopoints properties and instead just
    adding set_combopoints=0. Using this style will avoid needing to
    know what exactly is the maximum number of combopoints that can be